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Mozartstr. 9
Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg 68161


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Past Shows

Dido and Aeneas
4/1 - 4/12/2023

Henry Purcell was revered as “Orpheus britannicus” during his lifetime and was a sought-after composer of music for the theatre. With Nahum Tate, who also ...

King Kong

Auf einer unerforschten Insel findet ein Dokumentarfilmer den urzeitlichen Riesengorilla King Kong und bringt ihn nach New York, um ihn dort als »achtes Weltwunder« der ...

Frauen im patriarchalen Niemandsland: Emily, nicht zufällig Namensvetterin der berühmten englischen Schriftstellerin Emily Brontë, ist Krankenschwester, Dichterin und Vampirin. Sie verliebt sich in die treusorgende ...

Eine fantastisch erzählte Geschichte reißt uns mit: Man möchte immer weiter zuhören, doch dann überwältigt einen der Schlaf und man muss bis zum nächsten Abend ...

Stellen wir uns vor, das Wirtschaftswunder hätte in der Türkei und nicht in Deutschland stattgefunden. Statt der türkischen Gastarbeiter, die nach Deutschland kamen, wären Mannheimerinnen ...

2/8 - 3/29/2020

Hazal will endlich volljährig werden. Ihr Leben besteht aus Zeitabsitzen in der »berufsvorbereitenden Bildungsmaßnahme«, erfolglos Bewerbungen schreiben, Streit in der Familie und Kiffen mit ihren ...

Die Möwe
2/20 - 3/22/2020

Sein erstes Theaterstück will der junge Schriftsteller Konstantin zur Uraufführung bringen – mit der von ihm geliebten Nina in der Hauptrolle, dem Landsitz seiner Familie ...

2/8 - 3/15/2020

Der Moskauer Professor Preobrashenski ist auf Verjüngung spezialisiert. Indem er einem Straßenköter Hirn und Hoden eines Kleinkriminellen einsetzt, will er seine Forschung vorantreiben und den ...

Ansichten eines Clowns
2/14 - 3/11/2020

Ein gescheiterter Rebell ist er, dieser Hans Schnier, der sich als tourender Clown selbst ins Abseits verfrachtet. Halb überzeugt, halb trotzig fristet er sein Nomadendasein ...

Der Steppenwolf
2/27 - 3/7/2020

Mit 47 Jahren plant Harry Haller, sich an seinem 50. Geburtstag das Leben zu nehmen. Er sehnt sich nach einem bürgerlichen Leben, das er gleichzeitig ...

Der Fluch der Tantaliden
2/23 - 3/6/2020

Ein Ausflug in die griechische Antike, einmal anders erzählt: Der größenwahnsinnige König Tantalos macht Eintopf aus seinem eigenen Sohn. Zur Strafe werden seine Nachkommen von ...

Agamemnon, König von Argos, hat seine Tochter Iphigenie für das Kriegsglück geopfert. Aus Troja zurückgekehrt, wird er aus Rache von seiner Frau Klytaimnestra erschlagen. Diese ...

2/9 - 2/22/2020

Ein Hochhaus steht verloren im Niemandsland, Flechten wuchern an den Betonkanten des Gebäudes, in dessen Innerem eine ganze Welt zusammenkommt: Im Keller sitzen Weberinnen und ...

Werther ist in Lotte verliebt. Aber Lotte ist mit Albert zusammen. Werther wurde vorgewarnt, es sei hoffnungslos, Lotte außer seiner Reichweite. Aber er erkennt in ...

Blanche DuBois hat alles verloren, was man nur verlieren kann: Das Elternhaus, den Job und ihren guten Ruf. Geblieben sind ihr nur die Fassade des ...

1781 schreibt der junge Schiller ein vor Dramatik, Gefühlen und Freiheitsdrang berstendes Stück über den Konflikt zweier ungleicher Brüder. Franz und Karl Moor wollen sich ...

Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

"Show us the way to the next whiskey bar" is one of the more unusual aria texts of opera history. Because of Weill and Brecht ...

How to become rich and happy?

A thin booklet flutters when unemployed Kibis in the attic: How to become rich and happy? With only three statements she turns to be a ...

4/29 - 6/30/2017

Pfalzgraf Siegfried goes to war against the enemies of his faith. With the words "You're a German woman, so do not complain," he leaves his ...

Infinite Now / Now infinite
Infinite Now / Now infinite
5/26 - 6/18/2017

The war is an unstoppable, destructive rush that no image can represent a word, not a sound. With his successful acting front director Luk Perceval ...

La Reine / The Queen
La Reine / The Queen
2/12 - 6/10/2017

No opera, not a recital, not a spectacle. And yet thrilling musical theater. - An unusual creation brings under the title La Reine / The ...

10/29 - 4/30/2017

Giuseppe Verdi can even compose a last breath of life a duet that keeps his audience through generations in breathing. The story of the beautiful ...

The Return of Ulysses to Ithaca / Die Heimkehr des Odysseus

As the innovator of music, the inventor of the "excited style", the conductor of the St. Mark's Basilica - as Claudio Monteverdi to decided to ...

12/9 - 3/15/2017

Many years traveled Hercules the unruly seas and conquered the most terrible creatures of Greek myths world; he was revered as a hero of humanity ...

Superflumina (UA)
Superflumina (UA)
7/5 - 11/6/2016

"The loneliness is nothing but the surface of the exit-being. This creates deeper wounds, invisible, traces of which have lost. This cry can awaken such ...

6/18 - 7/28/2016

The Norns tell of Wotan's destruction of the world and ash from the destruction of his spear and the contracts by Siegfried. Valhalla awaits Götterdämmerung. ...

7/16 - 7/27/2016

In dire distress of the Cretan King Idomeneo sets a cruel vow: He promises, the sea god to sacrifice the first person who met him ...

Lucio Silla
Lucio Silla
7/19 - 7/23/2016

Dramma per musica in three Akten.Dichtung of Giovanni De Gamerra. The Roman dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla is the model for the title character of Mozart's ...

The idiot
The idiot
3/11 - 6/30/2016

The young Prince Myshkin returns to a long-term hospitalization in Switzerland penniless to St. Petersburg back and take the train to the rich Rogozhin, which ...

6/5 - 6/26/2016

Siegmund and Sieglinde's son Siegfried is raised by Alberich's brother Mime. He tells Siegfried that his mother had died when he was born. Mime hopes ...

Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo
3/13 - 6/25/2016

Act 1 Carlos Chávez Sinfonía de Antígona, Symphony no. 1 Chavela Vargas La Llorona (the band) Ludwig Nussbichler Eclipse - Traumbildfragmente II Edgar Varèse Ionisation ...

The Valkyrie
The Valkyrie
5/26 - 6/24/2016

Wotan fathered with a woman people the twins Siegmund and Sieglinde. For a free hero to do what he must not as a guardian of ...

The Rheingold
The Rheingold
5/21 - 6/21/2016

The dwarf Alberich steals the Rhine maidens the Rheingold and can forge a tarnhelm and a ring that gives him immense power therefrom. The giants ...

Il barbiere di Siviglia
Il barbiere di Siviglia
4/23 - 6/15/2016

Count Almaviva is in love with Rosina. With all sorts of tricks he tried to enter the house of her uncle Bartolo, Rosina keeps locked ...

The Golem
The Golem
4/4 - 6/10/2016

One Jewish legend, a rabbi in the 17th century created an artificial man made of clay. The Golem, initially intended as a servant suddenly got ...

2/6 - 5/12/2016

What stopped you a 14-year period of creativity? How to mirror a more than 40 pieces of comprehensive work in one evening? What shows you ...

3/25 - 5/5/2016

The Grail King Amfortas suffering from an incurable wound, he incurred when he succumbed to the seduction of the beautiful Kundry in the castle of ...

The bat
The bat
10/31 - 5/3/2016

Instead of a prison term to begin, accompanied his friend Dr. Falke Eisenstein to the ball of Prince Orlofsky. Here he meets not only an ...

La Juive
La Juive
1/10 - 5/2/2016

Cardinal Brogny and the Jew Eléazar have a common history: Brogny condemned the sons of Jews to death at the stake, Eléazar Rescued undetected Brognys ...

Carmina Burana

Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, "Songs from Benediktbeuern" pull until today the listener in its spell. "Everything written so far and what you did not print, ...

1/24 - 4/24/2016

The background: Pelias reigned as the usurper Minier. Jason as a rightful heir demanded of Pelias to return the crown. Pelias agreed under the condition ...

The player
The player
2/27 - 3/13/2016

In Casino Roulettenburg the rolling ball over riches or ruin, about the rise or demise decides. The retired general has fallen in love with Blanche, ...

La damnation de Faust
La damnation de Faust
10/30 - 3/3/2016

He is on the lookout. After himself, about his life. He doubts any sense, is about to poison himself, as the Easter song evokes memories ...

12/18 - 2/19/2016

"Nothing is more beautiful than to go for someone you love, to his death." When the oracle speaks, that the dying king Admete can only ...

Wake up and dream - A Cole Porter Songbook (UA)

"Wake up and dream" - the title of a Cole Porter musicals is also the name of the new scenic "Songbooks" to which Cordula Däuper ...

La Bohème
La Bohème
12/6 - 1/15/2016

Above the rooftops of Paris, the poet Rodolfo, the painter Marcello, the musician Schaunard and the philosopher Colline eke out their existence impoverished artists. Even ...

Blues Brothers - Move the Lord's errand

Jake and Elwood Blues are "on a mission of the Lord." The Catholic orphanage where the brothers grew up, threatened with dissolution if it can ...

12/4 - 12/30/2015

The warring parties of the city of Syracuse join forces to fight together against the approaching Saracen. This covenant shall be sealed by a marriage ...

The whole world is sky blue
The whole world is sky blue
11/15 - 12/27/2015

More than any other musical genre, the operetta loved and despised, it is being rediscovered as a highly modern form of entertainment and condemned as ...

The Magic Flute
The Magic Flute
11/4 - 12/23/2015

Mozart (front) last work is also his most enigmatic maybe. It starts with the run and fainting Tamino, who, when he wakes up again - ...

The Merry Widow
The Merry Widow
10/7 - 12/19/2015

Pontevedro is broke. How good that the Principality can count on the keenness of his diplomats. Baron Mirko Zeta, the Pontevedrian ambassador in Paris, has ...

The Bassariden
The Bassariden
10/23 - 12/10/2015

In the figures of the god Dionysus and the King Pentheus collide two opposing principles: Eros and Ratio. Your showdown ends tragically. Pentheus has taken ...

10/10 - 11/28/2015

Never will the princess Turandot a man belong. Therefore all applicants it is puzzling. Those who do not find the answer, be forfeited to the ...

10/23 - 11/27/2015

pure: English. pure, clear, unadulterated. Together with the dancers of the ensemble explores Dominique Dumais these qualities of dance and thus performs in her piece ...

The distant sound
The distant sound
10/28 - 11/20/2015

The spheres of fine art and the real world collide - and repel each other. The composer Fritz has a siren-like sound in the ear, ...

Alpha - Omega
Alpha - Omega
11/6 - 11/19/2015

What Might Have Been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual Possibility Only in a world of speculation. What Might Have Been and What Has finished ...

Der Ring an einem Abend
Der Ring an einem Abend
11/10 - 11/14/2015

"The perpetrators in powerful drama of the history of music are actually quite nice people" That's right. Wotan - divine Builder of Valhalla and politicians, ...

Der Idiot
Der Idiot

Young prince Myschkin returns destitute to St. Petersburg after a stay of many years in a clinic in Switzerland, and in the train meets wealthy ...

Wake up and dream - Ein Cole-Porter-Songbook (UA)

He appeared to have it all: a society sunny boy, enjoying successes on Broadway as well as in Hollywood, and had an enchanting woman by ...

Der ferne Klang
Der ferne Klang
7/10 - 7/28/2015

The spheres of beautiful art and the real world crash into each another - and repel each other. The composer Fritz has a siren-like sound ...

Die lustige Witwe
Die lustige Witwe
3/22 - 7/25/2015

Pontevedro is bankrupt. Good thing however that the principality can rely on the great astuteness of its diplomats. Baron Mirko von Zeta, the pontevedrian envoy ...

Cavalleria rusticana / I Pagliacci

A double night of adultery with two bloody ends: Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana narrates the story of the young Sicilian Turiddu. After his return from military ...

5/30 - 7/21/2015

Princess Turandot never wants to belong to a man. All her suitors are therefore given a mystery. Those, who do not find the answer, will ...

Esame di mezzanotte (Arbeitstitel) (UA)

A young man driven by anxiety to insomnia is suffering from a typical case of extreme fear: his final exams will take place tomorrow and ...

2 Gents (UA)
2 Gents (UA)
3/21 - 7/16/2015

Friendship or love, city or country, loyalty or betrayal - Shakespeare’s early comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona is characterized by opposites. Ballet Intendant Kevin ...

Blues Brothers - Unterwegs im Auftrag des Herrn

Jake and Elwood Blues are »on a mission from God«. The catholic foster home where the brothers grew up is threatened with foreclosure if the ...

Die Zauberflöte
Die Zauberflöte
5/24 - 7/5/2015

Mozart’s penultimate work is perhaps also his most puzzling one. Tamino’s escape and unconsciousness open up the first act. When he is awoken with the ...

Le Nozze Di Figaro
Le Nozze Di Figaro
5/17 - 7/3/2015

Figaro, the count’s valet, forges out plans of revenge against his lord. Although count Almaviva gives up on his right to have the first night ...

6/7 - 6/23/2015

»It moans, it sings bemoaning its fate, protesting loud, until its life is ended. That is its swan song!« This is how it is described ...

La damnation de Faust
La damnation de Faust
4/17 - 6/21/2015

He is searching. Looking for himself, looking for his life. He doubts every purpose in life, and is about to poison himself when the easter ...

Romeo und Julia
Romeo und Julia
3/28 - 6/15/2015

Romeo und Julia is Kevin O’Day’s first narrative ballet for his home company at the Nationaltheater Mannheim. In this timeless love story, Mannheim’s ballet director ...

Die Räuber

Two different sons each seeking the favour of their father, the Count von Moor. Karl, the first born, begs for forgiveness for his sins of ...

4/12 - 6/12/2015

The moral fiber of a world, the western one, severely tested by the crudeness of the clash with the inevitable repercussions on the private affairs ...

3/19 - 6/9/2015

»Nothing is more beautiful than to die for someone you love.« As this is spoken by an oracle, that the dying king Admete can only ...


The King of the Grail, Amfortas, suffers from an incurable wound. He was injured when succumbed to the seduction of the beautiful Kundry in the ...

Die Walküre
Die Walküre
4/26 - 5/25/2015

Robert Lepage's landmark production of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen is back for three complete cycles in spring 2013, on the occasion of the 200th ...

Die Fledermaus
Die Fledermaus
4/6 - 5/23/2015

Body & Language (UA)

This cooperation is a reunion: in 2006 at the Nationaltheater, Lukáš Timulak showed an extremely concentrated Mini-Choreography as part of the ballet performance collage Entre ...

Jenseits von fukuyama

In 1992, the American political analyst Francis Fukuyama proclaimed the "End of History"! Apparently that did not happen. But what does the "future" promise to ...

Der Sturm
Der Sturm
4/18 - 4/29/2015

12 years ago Prospero, the legitimate Duke of Milan, was deposed in a coup by his brother Antonio and the King of Naples. He now ...

Farbenblinde Arbeit (UA)
Farbenblinde Arbeit (UA)
3/18 - 4/29/2015

Michelle throws her roommate Sofie out of their shared apartment. Earlier they were best friends and Sophie loved Michelle’s brother Gerald. Now they argue over ...

Betty (DSE)

A beautiful one family house in the suburbs of an American big city. Here lives the young Crystal and the neglected Gary. They have just ...

Pure (Ua)
Pure (Ua)

pure: clean, clear, unalterated. Together with the dancers of the ensemble, Dominique Dumais fathoms these qualities in dance and with it continues the investigations of ...

Emilia Galotti
Emilia Galotti
4/4 - 4/22/2015

The Prince of Guastalla falls in love with Emilia Galotti, the daughter of a colonel and fiancee of the Count Appiani. He tasks his chamberlain ...

Das schwarze Wasser (UA)
Das schwarze Wasser (UA)
3/29 - 4/16/2015

It is a magical night on the "black waters full of stars." For a short moment, a group of youths are able to overcome all ...

Hoffnung auf größeres Wohlbehagen (UA)

The Kurpfalz area of Germany has traditionally always been characterized by migration - for example, Mannheim in the 16th and 17th centuries was a place ...

Der kleine Prinz (UA)
Der kleine Prinz (UA)
4/3 - 4/12/2015

The melancholy fairytale of the Little Prince was published in the middle of the Second World War. It tells of a bizarre journey from star ...

Herrinnen (UA)
Herrinnen (UA)
3/23 - 4/11/2015

After Ich bin wie ihr, ich liebe Äpfel (I am like you, I love apples) Theresia Walser has written a second commission for the Nationaltheater....

Homo faber

»I do not believe in fate or destiny. As a technician I am accustomed to calculating with formulas of probability. How come fate?« (Walter Faber) ...

Santa Monica (UA)

It has taken a while for the doctors to figure out what is wrong with the boy and what the numerous red spots on the ...


Richard Strauss wrote the song "cry for music" relying on Oscar Wilde's drama “Salome” (1891), which does not focus on the biblical myth, but provides ...

In the 14th century Genoa, civil war. The people will overthrow the nobility and selects the Corsairs of Simon Boccanegra for Doge. It hopes to ...

The Turn of the Screw
7/6 - 7/24/2013

A disturbing story about the struggle of the supposedly good against the apparently evil, about the loss of innocence and deadly obsession: a young governess ...

6/20 - 7/21/2013

American for beginners: by the time you are 35, you ought to own a decent apartment in one of the trendy districts of the »Big ...

5/29 - 7/16/2013

Otello, the new Governor of Cyprus, reached the island after victorious battle and violent storm. The Ensign Iago hates the colored Otello, because this Cassio ...

Scenes from Goethe's Faust
5/17 - 7/14/2013

The life of Faust, who after immortality, first strives for earthly knowledge and magic (Faust I), then for the greatest beauty and energy (Faust II), ...

Twilight of the gods
3/22 - 7/7/2013

The Nornen give an account of Wotan's destruction of the world ash tree and of the destruction of his spear and contracts by Siegfried. Walhalla ...

Die Walküre
5/25 - 6/30/2013

Wotan fathered the twins Siegmund and Sieglinde with a human woman. Because a free hero should do what he cannot himself as guardian of the ...

Das Rheingold
4/11 - 6/28/2013

The dwarf Alberich steals the Rheingold the Rhine daughters and can it forge a camouflage helmet and a ring is, which gives him immense power. ...

Social climber Selicour will do anything at all to get himself recommended to his minister Narbonne for the post of ambassador. Rivals such as hard-working ...

The magic flute
2/28 - 6/9/2013

Mozart’s penultimate work is perhaps also his most puzzling one. Tamino’s escape and unconsciousness open up the first act. When he is awoken with the ...

The girl of the Golden West
4/14 - 6/5/2013

California 1849/1850: Red Indians, gold diggers and the sheriff and his men live here in bitter poverty; the only distraction in this hopelessness is from ...

After supernova (wie gold entsteht), Philipp Löhle, the resident author of the past season, is writing another work commissioned by the Nationaltheater Mannheim. As in ...

Avenue Q
3/23 - 5/26/2013

Eugen Onegin
3/24 - 5/20/2013

"Life is not a novel.” Driven by the sobering reality of life, Tschaikovsky, uses a constellation of four young people to create a range of ...

4/20 - 5/19/2013

The King of the Grail, Amfortas, suffers from an incurable wound. He was injured when succumbed to the seduction of the beautiful Kundry in the ...

Il barbiere di Siviglia
3/7 - 5/18/2013

Count Almaviva is in love with Rosina. That is why he tries to enter the house of her uncle Bartolo in a very tricky manner. ...

4/7 - 5/12/2013

“The butcher working in the garment of the amiable" may describe the political situation in Rome in 1800. The ruthless secret police under the direction ...

Vineyard last Opera is based on the homonymous Roman Dostojewskis. Formed between Prince Myschkin, a Russian Don Quixote, the rich and dark Rogoshin, the beautiful ...

The melancholy fairytale of the Little Prince was published in the middle of the Second World War. It tells of a bizarre journey from star ...

3/20 - 4/13/2013

Overflowing with yearning and heartbreaking melancholy, Massenet’s most romantic tragedy is inspired by a true story of unrequited love. The passionate James Valenti returns to ...


The soldier Woyzeck is in love with Marie and her child. Apart from serving his captain, he earns something extra from the doctor by subjecting ...

3/7 - 3/31/2013

Tartuffe is one of the most well-known and most popular comedies by the great French playwright Molière, and is also ever-popular on German-speaking stages. Tartuffe, ...

3/1 - 3/29/2013

Marina and her husband Oleg live together with their 19-year-old daughter in humble circumstances. Marina works as an estate agent with only moderate success, Oleg ...

3/2 - 3/25/2013

Katie is a teenager in Luton, England. In a rapid monologue, she tells of a seemingly normal afternoon, which becomes an unforgettable adventure, as her ...

Regina and Richard have kindly refused the invitation of their young neighbors. In the past they were always the last to leave the parties. Now ...

THE other place, this is the place on the Juliana Smithon, neurologist and Wissen­schaftlerin, lived for many years with her husband Ian, an oncologist, and ...

This year marks the 10th anniversary season of Ballet Mannheim, under the directorship of Kevin O’Day and his associate Dominique Dumais. In this premiere Mr. ...

Bertolt Brecht's Dreigroschenoper is the world's most popular German play of the twentieth century. After its premiere in Berlin in 1928, the war-tossed population already ...

V. Akademiekonzert
3/4 - 3/5/2013


An and a
3/7 - 2/26/2013

Grete and Jakob are academics in precarious job situations, and in their work deal with love lyrics and the social constructions of desire. They have ...

11/17 - 1/31/2013

Overflowing with yearning and heartbreaking melancholy, Massenet’s most romantic tragedy is inspired by a true story of unrequited love. The passionate James Valenti returns to ...

Die Zauberflöte
11/16 - 1/25/2013

Mozart’s penultimate work is perhaps also his most puzzling one. Tamino’s escape and unconsciousness open up the first act. When he is awoken with the ...

10/13 - 1/18/2013

Princess Turandot never wants to belong to a man. All her suitors are therefore given a mystery. Those, who do not find the answer, will ...

Die Brüder Löwenherz
11/29 - 12/26/2012

In the legendary land of Nangijala, Krümel is finally liberated from his bow-legs and permanent cough, and only his timidness is still stuck in his ...

9/29 - 12/20/2012

Three to One (UA)
10/27 - 12/18/2012

This year marks the 10th anniversary season of Ballet Mannheim, under the directorship of Kevin O’Day and his associate Dominique Dumais. In this premiere Mr. ...

The Outcast (UA)
10/14 - 12/5/2012


I'm with the band (UA)
10/12 - 11/4/2012

When ballet director Kevin O’Day, the New York composer John King and a group of musicians meet to create a new piece, many things are ...

Brecht wrote his » chronicle from the Thirty Years' War « in 1939, and it received its world première in 1941 at the Züricher Schauspielhaus, ...

10/27 - 11/1/2012

The Count of Telramund and his wife Ortrud attempt to interrogate Elsa, sister of the murdered Duke Gottfried. "From a distant land" the unknown knight ...

10/3 - 10/31/2012


Bunny (DSE)
10/13 - 10/29/2012


Tartuffe is one of the most well-known and most popular comedies by the great French playwright Molière, and is also ever-popular on German-speaking stages. Tartuffe, ...

Tiny Kushner (DSE)
10/23 - 10/28/2012

Café Concert
10/13 - 10/27/2012


wohnen. unter glas
10/12 - 10/20/2012

I. Akademiekonzert
10/8 - 10/9/2012



Kehrwieder Theater (10/22 - 10/30)
Murder by Misadventure by Edward Taylor in Germany Murder by Misadventure by Edward Taylor
The English Theatre of Hamburg (9/9 - 11/9)
Münchner Rundfunkorchester – El Niño
Münchner Rundfunkorchester (12/6 - 12/6)

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