The dwarf Alberich steals the Rheingold the Rhine daughters and can it forge a camouflage helmet and a ring is, which gives him immense power. The Giants Fafner and Fasolt have Valhalla built the castle the gods and this acted out the goddess Freia as a reward. Godsire Wotan but denied the release of Freia's given eternal youth to the gods. Instead, lodge, the crafty Smiths, offers the Giants silly ego gold. Wotan and Loge to the gold and the ring come with fraud. Alberich but attaches a curse on the ring which is designed to destroy anyone who is his power. And indeed: Fafner kills his brother Fasolt in contention for the gold. Wotan is prophesied by the goddess Erda the end of the gods. He and the gods over a rainbow bridge to the Castle Act worried about the prophecy.
With an e flat major is increasing over 136 bars chord begins an almost 16 hours continuous event that stretches over four evenings: der Ring des Nibelungen. About a quarter of a century, from 1848 to 1874, Richard Wagner has worked on this work of art. The unit that keeps the movement with his dramatic, epic and symphonic moments despite the breaks and cracks, is amazing. In the ring, law, power, politics, and love the entire spectrum of social engagement of modernity in our field of vision moves between the Poland of the conflict.
The film project to the new ring of Mannheimer is supported by our main sponsor of Bilfinger Berger SE
Kunst gegen Bares
Schnürschuh Theater (2/20 - 4/17) | ||
Dr. Leon Windscheid | Logen-Seat in der Ticketmaster Suite
Barclays Arena (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
Zarah 47 - Das totale Lied
bremer kriminal theater (2/27 - 3/2) | ||
I am what I am (WA)
Theater Regensburg (11/30 - 5/1)
| ||
bremer kriminal theater (2/20 - 2/20) | ||
Adams Äpfel - Eine Komödie über Gutmenschen und Unverbesserliche
Schnürschuh Theater (1/24 - 4/27) | ||
Freud – Jenseits des Glaubens - Kinogutschein
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