Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, "Songs from Benediktbeuern" pull until today the listener in its spell. "Everything written so far and what you did not print, you can now pulped what I! With Carmina Burana begin my collected works! ", Wrote the proud composer after its premiere in 1937. He had his distinctive" found Orff-style ". The texts, Latin and German Vagantenlieder, he took the Benediktbeurer songs manuscript from the 11th and 12th centuries. There are satirical songs and chants that act of Spring, Love and boisterous, drunken feasts. You are met by an unbridled lust for life. The framework is the voiced call of Fate ("O Fortuna") whose wheel determines the course of human life. In three parts, the work portrays a spring celebration (Primo vere. Uf dem Anger), the praise of eating and drinking (Taberna) and a knightly love feast (Cour d'amour).
Time tender and flirty, sometimes cocky dance, sometimes wild and ecstatic is the music that wrote Orff for soloists, choir and orchestra with two pianos, celesta and extensive percussion.
Kunst gegen Bares
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bremer kriminal theater (2/20 - 2/20) | ||
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