Two different sons each seeking the favour of their father, the Count von Moor. Karl, the first born, begs for forgiveness for his sins of youth committed during his time as a student in Leipzig. Franz, compared with Karl and from nature feels disadvantaged, withholds from him a confession of remorse and schemes against the older brother. Karl is then banished by his father, and Franz will now be his heir. Karl wished to return to his family and love Amalia. The uncomprimising answer by his father results in another resolution: he organizes a gang of robbers. With him as captain, he wants to fight for the oppressed and against the upper class orders. But when violence and murder gain the upper hand, he falls into doubt and ultimately returns to his homeland. There he comes to finally realize the futility of escaping his mistakes and guilt.
In this piece, which is a drama of the soul, a family tragedy as well as a political melodrama, Schiller asks the question of individual responsibility versus personal freedom.
After Bernarda Albas Haus, Das Leben ein Traum (The Life, A Dream) and Der Sturm (The Tempest), Calixto Bieito will direct Schiller’s drama, premiered first in Mannheim in 1782, for the Nationaltheater for the Opening of the 18th International Schiller Days 2015.
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Tagesticket realtime-festival (30.05.2025)
Tor 40 - Güterbahnhof (5/30 - 5/30) | |
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Max Raabe | Logen-Seat in der Ticketmaster Suite
Barclays Arena (3/14 - 3/14) | |
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Filmriss im Hafenbecken
Hafen RevueTheater (3/7 - 3/8) | |
Hafen RevueTheater (4/20 - 4/20) | |
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Örebro Konserthus (4/2 - 4/3) | |
Slammer Filet - Poetry Slam
Schaulust (1/31 - 3/22) | |
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Aurel Mertz - Nobody
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