Instead of a prison term to begin, accompanied his friend Dr. Falke Eisenstein to the ball of Prince Orlofsky. Here he meets not only an interesting young artist, in which he will soon be chambermaid Adele recognizes the warden in incognito a Chevalier Chagrin, but also an unknown masked beauty: Eisenstein's wife Rosalinde, which is the fidelity of her husband pretty leery. It is deceived and lied, dawns the bitter reality until the next morning after your heart's content - and yet eventually everything turns out just as a staged by Dr. Falke game, to take revenge for a past embarrassment.
"Culmination of classical operetta," "very Viennese, but also something seductive ..." - the otherwise sober factual operetta leader overturns almost, when it comes to describe the qualities of Strauss' Fledermaus. Become legendary are the characters of Eisenstein, Rosalinde, the Dr. Falke and the Prince Orlofsky and not least the drunken frog cells closer in the final act, which calls for the comic talent of an actor ..
Kunst gegen Bares
Schnürschuh Theater (2/20 - 4/17) | ||
Dr. Leon Windscheid | Logen-Seat in der Ticketmaster Suite
Barclays Arena (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
Zarah 47 - Das totale Lied
bremer kriminal theater (2/27 - 3/2) | ||
I am what I am (WA)
Theater Regensburg (11/30 - 5/1)
| ||
bremer kriminal theater (2/20 - 2/20) | ||
Adams Äpfel - Eine Komödie über Gutmenschen und Unverbesserliche
Schnürschuh Theater (1/24 - 4/27) | ||
Freud – Jenseits des Glaubens - Kinogutschein
Alter Gasometer (2/11 - 2/11) | ||
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