News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: How To Prepare For College Design and Technology Interviews
by Student Blogger: Paige Rosko - September 11, 2020

When I was a freshman applying to colleges, I attended multiple theater design and technology interviews, or portfolio reviews.

BWW Blog: Live Your Life - A Tribute to Nick Cordero
by Student Blogger: Torie Brown - September 11, 2020

Ita??s been slightly over two months since the theatre industry lost one of the greats, Nick Cordero after his long battle with COVID-19.

BWW Blog: An Interview with CHICAGO's Mary Claire King
by Student Blogger: Brittany Davis - September 11, 2020

Next (and likely last) in my series of interviews with professional performers from my hometown of Columbus, Indiana is my interview with Mary Claire King. Mary Claire is currently the understudy for Velma in Chicago on Broadway!

BWW Blog: We Are Only Human
by Student Blogger: Janelle Murray - September 11, 2020

Ia??m not perfect. I never will be. I definitely want to be, but I need to stop trying to be. I share this because I just got out of my acting class and Ia??m laying on my bed reflecting on my day. As someone with social anxiety this is a pretty normal thing.

BWW Blog: The Value of Theatre
by Student Blogger: Laura Johnson - September 11, 2020

If youa??re anything like me, Ia??m sure that you have heard at least one person question the value of the arts or a career in the arts.  Lately, many arts workers have made social media posts about the a?oeBe An Arts Heroa?? initiative.

BWW Blog: At Samford, Theatre is Thriving
by Student Blogger: Audrey Myers - September 11, 2020

Samford University has been in school approximately three weeks, and the theatre department is already in full swing with a variety of socially distanced, live-theatre events.

BWW Blog: Zooming Back to NYU Tisch - Year 2
by Student Blogger: Annie Coulson - September 11, 2020

Coming back to college is a weird thing, even if we werena??t in a pandemic. There is the a?oeah wea??re back!a?? moments of adrenaline but then you quickly fall into the pace and feel like you never left.

BWW Blog: A Word from the Sort-Of Wise
by Student Blogger: Aeris Day - September 11, 2020

The first month of school is over! Thata??s certainly something to celebrate regardless of what level of education youa??re in right now. Ita??s the little victories, isna??t it?

BWW Blog: How to Survive Audition and Club Application Season
by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - September 11, 2020

Ita??s that time of year again. Upperclassmen are gearing up to audition for productions or new groups, apply for clubs, and decide who should join their groups.

BWW Blog: Lights, Camera, Teenage Anxiety! - Stephen Chbosky's DEAR EVAN HANSEN Film Rounds Out Principal Cast
by Student Blogger: Holden Childress - September 11, 2020

For quite some time now, there has been talk of a big screen adaptation of Dear Evan Hansen, and in the last several weeks many details have come out about the film and who we can expect to see bring the nervous teenager and his friends from the stage to the screen.

BWW Blog: Returning to a Hauntingly Different Campus
by Student Blogger: Katy Dara - September 11, 2020

As the calendar turns from August to September, with the hazy summer days transitioning to crisp fall mornings, another semester begins. Except, such is the case for everyone right now, life at the university I have returned to looks incredibly different.

BWW Blog: What College Students Want to See More and Less of In Theatre
by Student Blogger: Caroline Conard - September 11, 2020

I asked two simple, yet broad questions to a handful of different Xavier University Theatre majors. The questions are as follows: What is something you want to see more of in theatre? What is something you want to see less of in theatre?

BWW Blog: Mellow Music
by Student Blogger: Emma Rose Dorsch - September 11, 2020

Like many fellow theatre people, and just, well,a?? people, I have anxiety. Certain situations, or even nothing at all, can cause me to have panic attacks and suddenly assume the worst. When I get like this, one of the few things that can mellow me out is music.

BWW Blog: Prepping for An Online Audition
by Student Blogger: Olive Elzinga - September 10, 2020

When I got my first zoom audition notification the first thing I did was cry, and jump around, and then cry some more. Truly I was overwhelmed that I was allowed to use my skills in any capacity for other people instead of my bathroom mirror. But then the question came, what do I do now? 

BWW Blog: College Theatre Amidst the Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Maria Pauer - September 10, 2020

I have been at SUNY New Paltz for about two weeks now. I am currently staying on campus, and I will admit I am nervous about everything. How can you not be? COVID-19 is still a huge problem, and people are still not taking it seriously.

BWW Blog: Managing Virtual Theater School
by Student Blogger: Matthew Green - September 10, 2020

Going to school for theater can be a big adjustment from a typical high school education.  Add in the fact that people are now taking theater classes virtually, it can be a lot to handle.

BWW Blog: The New Mulan Made Me Cry... And Not in a Good Way
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Silver - September 10, 2020

When I first saw the trailer for the new Mulan movie, I cried, because her story was so important to me as a child, and even now. When I watched the new movie, I did cry. I cried a lot. But they werena??t happy tears. They were tears of disappointment and anger. 

BWW Blog: A New Way of Watching
by Student Blogger: Allison Kephart - September 10, 2020

During these trying times of COVID-19, many people, including myself, have found comfort and solace in television.

BWW Blog: Being Back on Campus
by Student Blogger: Emily Naud - September 10, 2020

What can I say, this year has been one crazy ride, but Ia??m happy to say Ia??m back on campus!

BWW Blog: The Importance of a Self-Check In
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Schmidek - September 10, 2020

Whether it is your first day of freshman year or your first day of senior year, college is going to look different this semester.

BWW Blog: Self Tapes Are the New Auditions!
by Student Blogger: Benjamin Simonetty - September 10, 2020

The new age of auditions is self tapes which can be a very positive change to the auditioning experience. This allows you to really fine tune and perfect the material you're working with in an audition space.

BWW Blog: The Zoom Where It Happened
by Student Blogger: Holly Stefanik - September 10, 2020

I have already experienced the zoom audition, callbacks and casting process first hand. Ia??m going to share my experience, the different processes I faced and share some helpful tips so that you can nail your zoom audition! 

BWW Blog: Learning How to Juggle
by Student Blogger: Mary Felix - September 10, 2020

Freshman year of college is challenging for multiple reasons, but I believe it truly comes down to finding your own groove, your own schedule, and your own self.

BWW Blog: Broadway in Brazil
by Student Blogger: Isabella Schiavon - September 10, 2020

Have you ever thought about the fact that there are musicals being produced in Brazil? Both Broadway adaptations and original work? Thanks to these shows, many are being exposed to the art form we love so much, myself included! 

BWW Blog: Can You Write a Play in a Day?
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - September 10, 2020

Ten hours. Three teams. One line and one prop. All-Day Theatre Fest tested my  creative will-power, my imagination, and in the age of COVID-19, my laptopa??s battery life.

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