Student Blog: Finding the Stage, Not Just the Page by Student Blogger: Michael Lakind - March 4, 2025 Hello y’all! For the next couple of months, I’m shining a light on one of the coolest parts of UC San Diego’s theatre department. Every spring quarter features a culmination of artistry that brings grads and undergrads together from all theatrical disciplines: the Wagner New Play Festival. The engine that revs the festival to life is the cohort of MFA playwrights. Each of them spends fall and winter quarters working on a piece ahead of its world premiere production in the spring. We have five playwrights this year, so this article is the start of a five-part series where I’ll be sitting down for a conversation with each of them. I hope reading these will be half as much fun as I had putting this together. Student Blog: Finding Your Voice… And Your Rehearsal Space by Student Blogger: Jake Esparza - March 3, 2025 Most universities across the country have between one and two on-campus theatres - sometimes even more. But when those spaces aren’t available, where can one hone their craft? Student Blog: Putting it Together: Tips for Building an Audition Book by Student Blogger: Makena Magalong - March 3, 2025 If you’re anything like me, audition season is both the most exhilarating and most stressful time of the year. Juggling in-person and virtual auditions, and trying to stay on top of the most recent casting call is overwhelming to say the least, but by preparing an audition book that you’re comfortable and confident in, the stress of material prep can be alleviated. Armed with my own book and a pack of sticky tabs, I’ve compiled some tips to help you build your book! Student Blog: Writing What I Know by Student Blogger: Makena Magalong - March 3, 2025 Hi, I'm Makena, a current college freshman pursuing a BFA in Acting for the Stage & Screen. I love theatre in all forms and can't wait to share all I'm learning from my theatre program and experiences. Student Blog: Meet Jake Esparza by Student Blogger: Jake Esparza - March 3, 2025 Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome to my first article with BroadwayWorld! I am beyond excited to take you into my life and my love for theatre! Over the next four months (and beyond, who knows!), I will be sharing everything from my daily routine as a full-time college student, to my theatre background, to my budgeting methods to support live theatre in my area, and more! Student Blog: Five Audition Tips to Make Your Life Easier by Student Blogger:Elizabeth Lienhardt - March 3, 2025 This time of year marks the peak of audition season, a time of high stress, early morning casting calls, and many “nos.” If you’re looking to find new ways to approach auditions, here are some of my tried-and-true tips! Student Blog: Rolling a Performance Check: My experience with DnD and other TTRPGs by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - February 28, 2025 As silly as it sounds, these games help fill my cup. When I have had a long week or an especially stressful week, getting to go play these games with some of my favorite people is so much fun. Student Blog: Reframing Success: What Truly Defines You by Student Blogger: Eva Viciana - March 4, 2025 As the spring semester kicks off, the flurry of auditions, applications, and new opportunities begins to unfold. For many performing arts students, it’s easy to fall into the trap of viewing this season as a race to compile a list of accomplishments that will catch the attention of professors, casting directors, and future employers. Reframing Success: What Truly Defines You as an Artist by Student Blogger: Eva Viciana - February 28, 2025 As the spring semester kicks off, so does the whirlwind of auditions, applications, and fresh opportunities. For many performing arts students, it's tempting to fall into the trap of treating this season like a race where the goal is to stack accomplishments that will impress professors, casting directors, and future employers. Student Blog: The Age of Romanticism by Student Blogger: Joli Flynn - February 28, 2025 In class, we dove into the age of romanticism and how that movement influenced theatre at its time. How does that relate to today? What do we see now that we didn't before? Or what's something they did right we should remember? Student Blog: Fighting Insecurities as a Creative by Student Blogger: Piper Greisl - February 28, 2025 I’ve always considered myself a creative person. I’ve been creating things for as long as I can remember whether it’s stories, dances, or songs. But with all this creativity, I’ve always had insecurities about my abilities and work. There seems to be a persistent doubt whenever I create, and while this seems to be a common issue that creatives deal with, it troubles me. Student Blog: Staying Sane in the Busiest Time of Year! by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - February 28, 2025 Early spring hits each year and I am always faced with an overwhelming number of tasks. I am so thankful to feel overwhelmed because I know what a privilege it is. Yet, that does not stop life from feeling like a lot sometimes! Student Blog: Audition Tips & Tricks by Student Blogger: Maxwell DeVivo - February 28, 2025 Auditions stressing you out? Having a hard time feeling comfortable and audition ready? Here's how to master your audition with tips and tricks from an acting major to make your life a bit easier! Student Blog: Is It Intermission Yet? by Student Blogger: Annabelle Dilts - March 3, 2025 Advice for the college kid struggling through midterm season-- how to cope, recover, and thrive! Student Blog: Transfer Troubles and Advice by Student Blogger: brooke reynolds - February 27, 2025 Transferring schools can be a difficult adjustment. I started my freshman year of college at Florida Gulf Coast University as a Marketing major, but after spending Summer and Fall semester there, I realized it really wasn’t the place for me. Student Blog: Finding and Promoting Local Theatre by Student Blogger: Piper Greisl - February 27, 2025 I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, which believe it or not, has an impressive arts community. I've always been incredibly grateful for this because, without the opportunities I grew up with in my community, I wouldn’t be where I am today - studying at a university with great Fine Arts programs and lots of experience already under my belt. Student Blog: Prioritizing Passion With A Growing Career, College, and More by Student Blogger: Shelby Lewis - February 26, 2025 Ella Sigurdsson is a costume designer, makeup artist, and theater artist; along with being a full-time student in the department of theatre arts at Western Connecticut State University (WCSU). I recently had the opportunity to speak to Ella about how she handles her life as a costume designer, pursuing a career, being a full time student, and her social media presence; all while keeping her passion for design. Student Blog: Life is a Cabaret: Putting on a Show by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - February 26, 2025 I love getting to do things like this. I love organizing things, I love putting together cabarets and shows, I love it a lot. I like getting to see folks come out of their shell and get to perform. Student Blog: Tackling Auditions Like a Pro by Student Blogger: Charlotte Tolva - February 26, 2025 There are no words to describe the adrenaline rush of being in an audition room or seeing your name on a cast list. The biggest things to remember are to be prepared, be confident, and have fun. Theatre is supposed to be a fun and creative experience and the pressure of an audition shouldn’t dampen it. Student Blog: Diaries of an Ambitious Student - An Introduction to Me! by Student Blogger: Brianna Arce - February 26, 2025 Four jobs, multiple other on and off campus roles, a 4.0, and a grant to work on a dream project at my college. As I approach the halfway point of my 2nd semester of college, self-discipline and self care has been more important for me than ever. Hi, I’m Bri - a new Broadway World Student Blogger. Let me provide you with some background information about me: Student Blog: The Ups And Downs Of Auditioning by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - February 25, 2025 At my university, one of the performing arts clubs, Dramatic PAWS, is producing Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic. For those unaware, the play tells the story of Hogwarts during Harry Potter's years from the perspective of the Hufflepuffs. I’m an avid Harry Potter fan, so naturally, I felt compelled to audition. Here’s a breakdown of how it went. Student Blog: One Month Abroad: My Favorite Moments So Far! by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - February 25, 2025 Studying abroad has been like one giant whirlwind so far. I have had the privilege of having so many new experiences and incredible moments, so I thought I would share a few of my most cherished! Student Blog: The Sophomore Slump by Student Blogger: Joli Flynn - February 25, 2025 The first time I did a show for more than one night, our director told us not to fall victim to the 'Sophomore Slump'. Now as an actual college sophomore in her second semester, the warning still rings true, Student Blog: Saying Yes to the Dress by Student Blogger: Michael Lakind - February 25, 2025 Hello y’all! For the next couple of months, I’m shining a light on one of the coolest parts of UC San Diego’s theatre department. Every spring quarter features a culmination of artistry that brings grads and undergrads together from all theatrical disciplines: the Wagner New Play Festival. The engine that revs the festival to life is the cohort of MFA playwrights. Each of them spends fall and winter quarters working on a piece ahead of its world premiere production in the spring. We have five playwrights this year, so this article is the start of a five-part series where I’ll be sitting down for a conversation with each of them. I hope reading these will be half as much fun as I had putting this together. Student Blog: Meet Brooke Reynolds by Student Blogger: brooke reynolds - February 24, 2025 So far, I am loving UCF. Although the transfer process was very stressful, finding a school that caters to exactly what I want to do is so amazing. |