News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: Surviving Zoom School
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - September 30, 2020

For those of us attending school remotely, ita??s a whole new world.

BWW Blog: We Gotta Get An Upgrade
by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - September 30, 2020

The Zoom lag has taken its toll on all of us multiple times this year.

BWW Blog: An Interview with Classmates Katie and Kailee
by Student Blogger: Leah Packer - September 30, 2020

Read on for an interview with Katie and Kailee, two of the smartest and most talented people in my life

BWW Blog: Your Guide to the Ultimate Musical Theatre Girl Power Playlist
by Student Blogger: Maura Consedine - September 29, 2020

Are you a Broadway fan looking for your daily dose of girl power? Do you love empowering and uplifting showtunes that are performed by incredible female characters? If so, you have come to the right place! 

BWW Blog: What Theatre Has Taught Me
by Student Blogger: Holly Stefanik - September 29, 2020

In my twenty years of life, I have experienced countless hobbies and passions, but I can 100% say that theatre is the best thing to ever happen to me.

BWW Blog: Mamma Mia - The Ultimate Movie Musical
by Student Blogger: Maeve Reilly - September 29, 2020

What I wouldna??t give to be in the room where Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus weaved a heart-warming story with 18 classic ABBA songs to create such summer cinematic perfection?

BWW Blog: An Unlikely Inspiration (and Others You Would Expect)
by Student Blogger: Caroline Conard - September 28, 2020

I wasna??t always sure that I wanted to pursue a career in theatre. Ita??s always been a passion of mine, but ita??s a scary industry to go into.

BWW Blog: Keeping Busy
by Student Blogger: Benjamin Simonetty - September 28, 2020

Since I deferred in September I've been trying to find new ways to keep busy and still continue to improve upon my abilities.

BWW Blog: Just Dance
by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - September 25, 2020

The perfect playlist always helps motivation and stress levels.

BWW Blog: Broadway Nights - The Perfect Book for your Quarantine Blues
by Student Blogger: Maria Puig - September 25, 2020

I purchased the audiobook version months ago, but I had never listened to it until quarantine. I finally read the book, and it's one of the best audiobooks I've heard. 

BWW Blog: Schmackary's - The Cookies of Broadway ft. Zachary “Schmackary” Schmahl
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - September 25, 2020

If you're a fan of Broadway, you've probably heard of the famous 'Cookies of Broadway,' created by a bakery known as Schmackary's.

BWW Blog: Top 12 Spooky Szn Musical Numbers
by Student Blogger: Maeve Reilly - September 25, 2020

These are by no means all of the spooky songs out there, but these are the ones that give me those shivers of creepiness (Patrick Page, Ia??m looking at you). a??a??a??a??a??a??a??

BWW Blog: Finding New Passions During the Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Maya Mehrara - September 21, 2020

I truly cana??t remember going a single day of my life without singing. Performing has always just been a part of my life.

BWW Blog: So You Think You Can't Dance?
by Student Blogger: EB Fehlner - September 18, 2020

You cana??t imagine a life without being onstage. Then the rejections start to come in. 

BWW Blog: The Non-Thespians Guide to Dating a 'Theatre Person'
by Student Blogger: Emma Rose Dorsch - September 16, 2020

A new school year has begun, or will soon for many. A new year full of new possibilities, and new relationships.

BWW Blog: (Broadway) Playlist of My Life
by Student Blogger: Izzi Diaz - September 15, 2020

This playlist serves as a sort of soundtrack to their lives, a collection of memories expressed through song. I am obsessed with the idea, as I believe you can tell the most about a person by what kind of music they listen to.

BWW Blog: 6 Ways to Build a Routine That Embraces the Virtual College Experience
by Student Blogger: Kate Semmens - September 14, 2020

College without campus, community and the energy of student life is not easy. But for college students, our lack of normalcy doesna??t mean that our semester cana??t still feel meaningful.

BWW Blog: Persistence and Adaptation
by Student Blogger: Gillian Lintz - September 14, 2020

What does it take to build a show from the ground up? Wea'?myself, my castmates, and our directorsa'?are discovering everyday what it means to bring to fruition a devised piece of theatre.

BWW Blog: A New World
by Student Blogger: Christina Samanie - September 14, 2020

This has been such an unprecedented time; however, I find artists all over are remaining optimistic and taking the best approaches to continue their training. 

BWW Blog: Lessons from Zoom
by Student Blogger: Noah Skurtu - September 14, 2020

The semester is in full swing at the University of Miami, and so are rehearsals in the theatre department. a?" Dona??t worry, ZOOM rehearsals. And even though the term a?oezoom rehearsalsa?? sounds really fun, ita??s not as appealing as it may seem. 

BWW Blog: No One Is Alone
by Student Blogger: Josie Reynolds - September 14, 2020

In this world we live in now, it can feel like we are floating all alone on an island. Personally for me it has felt like I am the only one going through what I am going through. In actuality, the more I have talked to my peers and my friends has made me realize that we are all going through this together. 

BWW Blog: Why Study Theater in Berlin, Germany?
by Student Blogger: Brigid Pfeifer - September 14, 2020

Soon after I first learned about the intensive, I was immediately intrigued. I wasna??t that familiar with the city but the intensive promised to offer a month long experience where we would explore the city of Berlin and the kind of theater it offers.

BWW Blog: A Letter to High School Freshman Year Me
by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - September 14, 2020

I know youa??re just starting a new chapter in your life which is terrifying and unknown, but therea??s been a few things Ia??ve learned in the years since Ia??ve been in your shoes that I think you should hear.

BWW Blog: Tools to Add to the MT Tool Kit
by Student Blogger: Shaun Collins - September 14, 2020

Many musical theatre enthusiasts already own their favorite must haves, whether it be their rep binder, their coveted Laducas, or a go to audition outfit, but beyond those standard items, the musical theatre enthusiast checklist tends to become less obvious.

BWW Blog: Anything Goes
by Student Blogger: Christina Samanie - September 14, 2020

As many of you know with the start of a new school semester comes a new lineup of classes. Anyone out there have one in particular that theya??re already struggling with? For me, ita??s certainly my tap class.

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