News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: What My Bachelor of Music Degree Means to Me
by Student Blogger: Brittany Davis - October 8, 2020

I am currently a senior pursuing my BM in Musical Theatre at Anderson University. A lot of people hear that and say a?oeWhat? Your BA?a?? And I have to explain that, no, I am not getting a BFA in Musical Theatre, or even a regular old BA, but a BM. And people then ask: what does that mean?

BWW Blog: Being Present
by Student Blogger: Noah Skurtu - October 8, 2020

The past four years that I have spent at the University of Miami have been wonderful and terrifying and everything in between.  

BWW Blog: Plays/Musicals I Would Love to See Come to Life
by Student Blogger: Brigid Pfeifer - October 6, 2020

Right now, we live in a world where the future of theater seems a bit uncertain. Nevertheless, so many people are coming up with different theater initiatives as well as plays that are possible to be produced during the pandemic.

BWW Blog: I've Graduated! Now What? - Enrique Miguel
by Student Blogger: Isabella Schiavon - October 5, 2020

Welcome to the first chapter of the 'I've Graduated! Now What?' series! As I'm now officially a senior, I'm thinking about my next steps after I leave college. And what better way to learn more than from listening from experience? 

BWW Blog: A Director's Perspective on Making Virtual Theatre
by Student Blogger: Audrey Myers - October 5, 2020

Sometime back in May, I found myself in a time of grieving for the loss of opportunities. With each week that passed, it seemed that the likelihood of things a?oereturning to normala?? for the fall semester was slim.

BWW Blog: 'Yes, and' the Crap Out of Life - An Interview
by Student Blogger: Gillian Lintz - October 5, 2020

I had the opportunity to speak with one of my favorite professors and people, Bridget Haight, about her journey in theatre.

BWW Blog: Spooky Shows to Watch This Halloween
by Student Blogger: Maya Mehrara - October 5, 2020

Ita??s finally spooky season and ita??s time to get out your best costume to get ready for Halloween!

BWW Blog: A Musical for Every Situation
by Student Blogger: Emily Naud - October 5, 2020

Looking for a musical to listen to for any mood? Check out this list!

BWW Blog: The Phantom of the Pandemic
by Student Blogger: EB Fehlner - October 2, 2020

Never in a million years would I have expected my college experience to revolve around a global pandemic. I remember distinctly reading the email in my dorm room that we were being sent home for a few weeks.

BWW Blog: Dear Class of 2025
by Student Blogger: Matthew Green - October 2, 2020

I know these are unprecedented timesa?" and what a cliché opener Ia??m sure youa??ve now  heard hundreds of times. I cana??t pretend that I know what this college audition year will be like. 

BWW Blog: Thank You BroadwayWorld
by Student Blogger: Janelle Murray - October 2, 2020

Well friends, my final BroadwayWorld blog for the summer season has arrived.

BWW Blog: Living with Three Theatre Roommates
by Student Blogger: Mary Felix - October 2, 2020

Yes, let the truth be told, I voluntarily decided to live with three other theatre majors this year.

BWW Blog: Putting on A Show During The Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Maria Pauer - October 2, 2020

This week is our first and only week of rehearsal as I get ready to help put on the production of Waiting for Lefty for my college SUNY New Paltz

BWW Blog: No Time at All
by Student Blogger: Josie Reynolds - October 2, 2020

So it goes! Zoom theatre is officially in session at Niagara University! She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms has been an incredible show to be a part of so far.

BWW Blog: A Virtual Reading of a New Musical
by Student Blogger: Laura Johnson - October 1, 2020

With the announcement that Chico State would be primarily online for the fall semester,  the theatre department decided to do virtual performances streamed online.

BWW Blog: Broadway Smash or Adequate Biopic? - Clint Eastwood's JERSEY BOYS
by Student Blogger: Holden Childress - October 1, 2020

Movie musicals dona??t always translate well from stage to screen, mostly because it is difficult to recreate the magic of a live stage production on camera.

BWW Blog: Broadway for Biden and Beyond
by Student Blogger: Annie Coulson - October 1, 2020

If you know me, you know I’m a politics minor first, musical theatre major second. Growing up in DC allowed me to spread my political wings and attend protests and really develop my views and beliefs as a woman and a Democrat.

BWW Blog: Creating Theatre During a Global Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Cassie Maurer - October 1, 2020

Sammy Schechter, helped by another friend and classmate of mine Jake Waford, began scheming to create something. I surmise that he thought, a?oeHow can we make this possible? How can we do a show this year?a??

BWW Blog: Thoughts from 'A Dancer First'
by Student Blogger: Shaun Collins - October 1, 2020

I wait for the day when people stop asking if someone is an [actor/singer/dancer] first. This question permeates college audition waiting rooms as auditionees eagerly attempt to strike conversation with each other.

BWW Blog: How Adam Kantor Helped Save My Quarantine
by Student Blogger: Sammi Tapper - October 1, 2020

As I read some more about it, I learned there would be a live-aired Passover Seder featuring some of my favorite performers including Ben Platt, Indian Menzel, and Northwestern alum Adam Kantor. 

BWW Blog: What We Did for Love
by Student Blogger: Olive Elzinga - September 30, 2020

The first performance I did was when I was eight in a holiday themed talent show where my friend and I created our own short play about a kid and reindeer who fix Santaa??s sleigh and save Christmas.

BWW Blog: The Best Karaoke Worthy Songs From Musicals
by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - September 30, 2020

No matter what musical of choice is playing, there are always the songs that spark a complete karaoke session whether ita??s by yourself or with friends

BWW Blog: Take Me Back to NYC
by Student Blogger: Maggie Cummins - September 30, 2020

When Billy Joel sang a?oeIa??ve seen the lights go out on Broadwaya?? I dona??t think he meant this.  September 28th, this past Monday, marks the 200th day since the Great White Way went dark. 

BWW Blog: Using Art to Stop the Propaganda - VOTE
by Student Blogger: Allison Kephart - September 30, 2020

This isna??t a new concept, this isna??t an original idea, and, most certainly, this is not an idea that has any movement actually behind it when you  just say a blanket statement online and do nothing about it.  

BWW Blog: The Audition Guide for Dance
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Schmidek - September 30, 2020

Whether your dance audition is online or in person this upcoming year, it is always important to be prepared. Here are some tips and tricks to get you through this stressful but exciting time in your life

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