News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: Advice to My Younger Self
by Student Blogger: Maria Pauer - August 24, 2020

I am going to get straight to the point, theatre is not easy.

BWW Blog: Making Theatre Accessible
by Student Blogger: Torie Brown - August 21, 2020

For as long as I can remember, bootlegs have been a serious and somewhat controversial debate in the theatre community.

BWW Blog: blueprint - CCM Alums Creating New Work
by Student Blogger: Cassie Maurer - August 21, 2020

Matt Copley, who graduated from the BFA Musical Theatre program at CCM this spring, conceptualized and wrote an original musical during his senior year.

BWW Blog: Goodbye (...For Now)
by Student Blogger: Michael Bailey - August 21, 2020

I would love to write more, but as I begin my senior year of college with a dark cloud of stress about my future, I find myself unable to write from the heart anymore.

BWW Blog: Crisis Management 101 - Pandemics, Performances, and Prosperity
by Student Blogger: Maggie Cummins - August 19, 2020

You would never expect Covid-19 and working in the theatre to have something in common, but as it turns out, they do: both require creative solutions in times of crisis.

BWW Blog: How Students are Keeping the Arts Alive During the Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Maura Consedine - August 19, 2020

September is approaching, which also means that the start of the Fall semester is upon us.I spoke with a few of my friends who are studying theatre or simply love Broadway, and was curious to see how they have stayed connected to their passions during an impossible situation. 

BWW Blog: Decisions, Decisions, and Nothing But Decisions!
by Student Blogger: Josie Reynolds - August 19, 2020

Wait...what was that? You wanted me to make ANOTHER decision about the upcoming school year? I really hope that is not what you said... 

BWW Blog: A Voice Heard Around The World - An Interview with Jeremy Powell
by Student Blogger: Bella Bosco - August 18, 2020

I am very excited about todaya??s post because it's about one of the most important kinds of relationships any student in musical theatre can have--their voice teacher. I'm so proud to introduce BroadwayWorld readers to my remarkable voice teacher, Jeremy Powell.

BWW Blog: It's Okay to Cry When You Get to College (And Listen to Broadway While Doing It!)
by Student Blogger: Sammi Tapper - August 18, 2020

It is way past time we normalize crying- especially during times when we are expected to be happy.

BWW Blog: How Far I'll Go
by Student Blogger: Molly Tucker - August 17, 2020

Something that personally worried me was losing touch with my friends and family back home by being so far from them. My best piece of advice for this is to prioritize finding a weekly time to get in touch and talk.

BWW Blog: What I'd Do for Theatre
by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - August 17, 2020

Like many of you reading this, the theatre is home, my happy place and without it, ita??s like therea??s this weird melancholic void in the world.

BWW Blog: Welcome Back! (Pandemic Edition)
by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - August 17, 2020

Ita??s August which means thousands of students across the country are preparing to return to college for another semester.

BWW Blog: Who Inspires You?
by Student Blogger: Christina Samanie - August 17, 2020

Here to chat with you about something thata??s always been on my mind, but Ia??ve often struggled to put it into words because of how passionately I feel about this. 

BWW Blog: Working as a Professional Stage Manager at 20
by Student Blogger: Holly Stefanik - August 17, 2020

Someone was looking for a stage manager for a production in New York with La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club and asked if I was interested.

BWW Blog: A Beginner's Guide to Resumes - The Dos and Don'ts
by Student Blogger: Matthew Green - August 17, 2020

In the world of the performing arts, your resume is your calling card.

BWW Blog: A Letter to the Cat in the Hat
by Student Blogger: Brigid Pfeifer - August 17, 2020

Dear Cat in the Hat, Ita??s hard to believe ita??s been a little over seven years since our paths crossed in Seussical the Musical.

BWW Blog: 5 Questions for a Senior Returning to Campus This Fall
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Schmidek - August 17, 2020

Many students going back to school this semester are feeling all types of different emotions.

BWW Blog: Hello! My Name is Elder Price
by Student Blogger: Aeris Day - August 17, 2020

Everyone has likely heard about the musical The Book of Mormon at least once in their life.

BWW Blog: Lessons from Ru
by Student Blogger: Noah Skurtu - August 17, 2020

Like most people right now, Ia??ve got a lot of free time on my hands. Without any summer theatre or internships, my days have been filled with eating, writing, sleeping, singing, and watching a whole lot of RuPaula??s Drag Race.

BWW Blog: Falling in Love with an Artform That's as Unique as You
by Student Blogger: Olive Elzinga - August 17, 2020

I started doing drag when I was eighteen, but didna??t start performing until I was nineteen and in my second year of theatre school.

BWW Blog: Creating Theater That Fully Embraces the Virtual Format
by Student Blogger: Kate Semmens - August 17, 2020

When this pandemic started, my initial reaction to virtual theater was fairly skeptical.

BWW Blog: A Reflection on My Freshman Year of College
by Student Blogger: Laura Johnson - August 14, 2020

The idea of starting my freshman year of college was very daunting.

BWW Blog: The Inheritance, Hillary, and Me
by Student Blogger: Annie Coulson - August 14, 2020

In the middle of the group of men in suits, stood my role model, the woman I owe my everything to, the woman who changed my life. Standing a mere 8 feet away from me, was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

BWW Blog: Make Theatre Accessible - A Pandemic Lesson
by Student Blogger: Isabella Schiavon - August 14, 2020

Something good does come from bad, and that is what the pandemic is teaching us and the industry

BWW Blog: I Don't Dance - My Plans for Fall 2020
by Student Blogger: Holden Childress - August 14, 2020

The start of a new school year is officially upon us, bringing to an end this weird, long and drawn out period of online schooling.

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