News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: JMU Studio Theatre; Student Lead, Produced, and Directed Theatre
by Student Blogger: Megan Frigerio - August 26, 2024

The JMU Studio Theatre has been making student produced, directed, and written work for a while now. Two students who are very closely involved with the theatre are Jamie and Stella. I decided to interview them on what the Studio Theatre is and how it supports students in the JMU School of Theatre and Dance.

Student Blog: New Knowledge About New England and Theatre
by Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth - August 17, 2024

I learned so much in the 10 weeks I spent in New Hampshire doing summer stock–from the ubiquitous Dunkin's to how to use certain power tools. Here's some of the highlights!

Student Blog: Toasting Burnout with Megan
by Student Blogger: Megan Frigerio - August 20, 2024

Burnout is never great but developing coping skills early on in a safe educational setting can help you as you advance in your theatrical career. I know it has for me!

Student Blog: Beating Burnout
by Student Blogger: Cat Boynton - August 13, 2024

It was the end of my sophomore year in college, what we not-so-jokingly called “Sophomore Slaughter,” when I experienced burnout for the first time. I thought anxiety was bad, but this? Oh, this was a whole new level. Read my blog to learn about my experience with burnout and some tips & tricks to help beat it!

Student Blog: My Time as a Summer Camp Counselor
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - August 5, 2024

I could yap and yap and yap about this camp for days. I know it sounds cliche and silly, but I truly am the most real version of myself when I am there. Walking through the doors always feels like I’m coming home.

Student Blog: Trying Not to Burn Out
by Student Blogger: Destiny Walsh - August 18, 2024

Burning out? Feeling engulfed in work? Don't stress, student blogger Destiny has some ways to help.

Student Blog: Welcome to Senior Year!
by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - August 5, 2024

Senior year has already been one like no other, and I look forward to continuing to update my blog with all the exciting events that take place over the course of the remaining 164 days until graduation!

Student Blog: The First 'No'
by Student Blogger: Jordan Mincy - August 5, 2024

I think it is easy to look at rejections and jump to conclusions about your worth or talent. I try to avoid these thoughts and, instead, process the ways I can improve my performance for the next audition. I now understand that being considered as the perfect fit for a role is subjective.

Student Blog: When 525,600 Minutes Turn Into 0
by Student Blogger: Jordan Mincy - August 5, 2024

As many college students do, I arrived on campus and was shocked by the amount of time I had. There were 2-3 lectures a day and I often had good breaks between them. I thought I was living the life! However, as we inched further into the semester and rehearsals started to amp up for the production of Rent I joined, I quickly found myself lost.

Student Blog: What I Couldn't Perform Without
by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - August 5, 2024

One of my favorite things to watch on YouTube and TikTok is rehearsal bag packing; it is, truly, something I will never scroll away from. So, I have compiled a list of my own rehearsal bag necessities and how I pack for tech week!

Student Blog: Balancing Act: Tools to Manage Course Load, Theatre, and Work Responsibilities!
by Student Blogger: Veronica Flynn - August 5, 2024

Navigating a busy schedule can be challenging, but with the right tools, you can turn chaos into order. Discover how digital calendars, task management apps, and communication tools can help you effectively balance coursework, theatre commitments, and work responsibilities. Dive into practical tips and strategies to stay organized and productive in all areas of your life.

Student Blog: The Do's And Don'ts Of Dorm Supplies
by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - August 5, 2024

When you’re an incoming college freshman, it can be very overwhelming. One of the most concerning aspects for these students is their dorm rooms. More specifically, what to bring to their dorm rooms. I was also struggling with this last year, as the thought of packing left me feeling very stressed.

Student Blog: Writers Block
by Student Blogger: Olivia Mathis - August 4, 2024

I imagine that I will magically wake up one day and suddenly something will change. I think that if I could just have more time and ideal conditions, I would get more done. But this is rarely the case. The truth is, there will never be a perfect time to write.

Student Blog: Getting out of Your Comfort Zone
by Student Blogger: Olivia Mathis - August 4, 2024

Fear of perception will shut you down as an actor, but the opinions others hold about you are completely outside of your control. What you can control is your pride in your work. A great way to get out of your comfort zone is to make big, confident choices as an actor that you’re proud of, despite how you think it will come across to others.

Student Blog: It's What You Make of It
by Student Blogger: Madie Winningham - August 5, 2024

Like any job, it truly is what you make of it, but working in a theatrical environment while in school is a great way to gain experience, earn money, and learn while you work

Student Blog: Cancel All Your Parties and Come See PARADE!
by Student Blogger: Ariana Glaser - August 4, 2024

Ariana Glaser, Mary Phagan, details her summer spent performing in Cultural Arts Playhouse's Production of Parade.

Student Blog: Merrily Rolling Along
by Student Blogger: Ariana Glaser - August 4, 2024

Rising freshman at the University of Miami's Frost School of Music shares how she balances her studies and her passions.

Student Blog: Tips and Tricks in the Audition Room
by Student Blogger: Destiny Walsh - August 4, 2024

What are they looking for? How should I play it? These questions and more can be answered, along with other various tips and tricks on how to dazzle in the audition room.

Student Blog: Tips for Managing Workload as a Theater Student
by Student Blogger: Samantha Tempkin - August 4, 2024

College theater can be a lot to manage and it’s ok if you do not feel you have a complete grasp on what you are doing - I’m a senior and I don’t think I do either. However, here are a few things I’ve picked up from my college experience that are sometimes easier said than done, but may be good to keep in mind for the upcoming school year. 

Student Blog: How Do College Students Balance Such a Busy Life?
by Student Blogger: Natalie Alden - August 5, 2024

Welcome back to my blog! I am so excited to be back writing more about theatre, college life, and internships! In this post, I am going to be covering how to manage your course load along with clubs and other activities.

Student Blog: Show Week as a Marketing Intern
by Student Blogger: Natalie Alden - July 31, 2024

Have you ever wondered what show week looks like for a regional Broadway organization? I have gone through this experience not once, but twice this summer as a Social Media & Marketing Intern at Broadway Grand Rapids (BGR), located in Grand Rapids, Michigan!

Student Blog: Building Your Support System
by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - July 30, 2024

As I was thinking about this upcoming year, I began to wonder what is one piece of advise I would give to every college student? I landed on the importance of building your support system. College is no easy endeavor. You are naviagting so many new experiences while constantly having to prove yourself.

Student Blog: The Ultimate Summer Stock Experience
by Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth - July 30, 2024

One of the best parts about working in summer stock is the amount of shows that happen in a summer. At my internship, we produce five shows in 10 weeks. However, this schedule is demanding. The hardest part of each show cycle (and my favorite part) is the 72 hours from closing one show to opening the next. Here's what my schedule looks like!

Student Blog: So You Didn't Get Cast... Now What?
by Student Blogger: Sophia Rekart - July 29, 2024

So now, you auditioned for a show and did not make it in. I think it is important to remember that this is not the 'end all be all.' That doesn't mean that it isn't disappointing. A couple of things to consider is to look at this “rejection” objectively. I have made a checklist to aid in this process. 

Student Blog: Finding Play Inspiration on Fire Island
by Student Blogger: Katie Goz - July 29, 2024

At the beach you can find any type of character you want: Locals, people from out of town, teenagers on summer break, the workers at the deli, etc. The best thing you can do when developing a new character for a story is to analyze the behavior of real people.

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