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Student Blog: Rehearsal Bag Essentials
by Student Blogger: Erin Maguire - October 30, 2024

When I leave in the morning, I double check that I have everything I need before I leave my apartment. Phone, wallet, keys, notebook, script, binder, highlighters, water bottle, pencils, snacks — it can get overwhelming! Here’s my list of Director Rehearsal Bag Essentials that make my life a little bit easier on the days I am out from 10AM- 10PM.

Student Blog: The Value of a Theatre B.A.
by Student Blogger: Joli Flynn - October 30, 2024

As a double BFA reject (both Acting and Musical Theatre) student who now studies directing in a Theatre Arts B.A. program, I wanted to share the things I enjoy about the B.A. route that I wouldn't be able to get had I been in a BFA program. This is in NO way to throw any shade at BFA programs, but sometimes your journey changes along the way and the things you don't want to happen can turn into great opportunities.

Student Blog: Surviving Freshman Fall in Urbana-Champaign
by Student Blogger: Sophia Woo - November 2, 2024

Although I miss having my own bedroom and bathroom and midterm season never really ends here, I feel like I’m finally in a good rhythm. I can navigate around campus pretty well, I’m managing my courseload, and I’m keeping myself alive, so I think college has been a success so far. 

Student Blog: Midterm Madness: English Major vs Science
by Student Blogger: Emma Scharf - October 29, 2024

Midterms are a struggle for people of all academic pursuits and levels, but nothing compares to staring down one of your worst subjects and realizing both you and your grade might just crack under the pressure. This was the unfortunate scenario I found myself in this midterm season and, surprisingly, it did not go as expected.

Student Blog: There's a Light
by Student Blogger: Michael Lakind - October 29, 2024

My first time being involved with a department-run show at UC San Diego would not come until recently, and so as an underclassman, my quarters were spent focused on pursuing student-led theater. To this day, my favorite rehearsal process and show run I’ve ever had the privilege to be part of was The Rocky Horror Show, directed by Danniel Ureña and Roselle Castro.

Student Blog: One More Triton Autumn
by Student Blogger: Michael Lakind - October 29, 2024

In July I spent a few days in New York City, and one morning, I had the chance to grab breakfast with a director I admire who graduated from UCSD. About midway through our conversation, she asked me a question so stunningly simple that for a few seconds I had no idea how to answer. “What do you want to do this year?”

Student Blog: Swinging into a Show
by Student Blogger: Piper Greisl - October 29, 2024

If you’d told me that I’d learn an entire musical in two days, have one rehearsal, and then perform an entire weekend of shows, I definitely would not have believed you. But in April of this year, that’s exactly what I did. Something I honestly still can’t believe entirely. 

Student Blog: Building Lifelong Relationships in Theatre
by Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth - October 29, 2024

The greatest beauty and biggest heartbreaks of life in theatre are the friends you make along the way. I have incredible friends around the country from various theatre contracts. Something about creating art together forges lifelong friendships unlike anything else. Unfortunately, the nature of theatre also necessitates constant goodbyes.

Student Blog: My Life in MP
by Student Blogger: Nanaka Bessho - October 27, 2024

Curious about what it's like to be part of an English-language theater group in Japan? In this blog, I’ll share my experience with MODEL PRODUCTION (MP), a student-led theater organization founded on the concept of “English through Drama.” MP is unique in Japan, where students communicate entirely in English while producing a full-scale musical. I participated as part of the costume and makeup team, learning how to navigate language barriers and production challenges along the way. I’ll also give you a preview of MP25’s theme, “Just Be You,” set to debut in May. If you're a student in Tokyo with a passion for theater, MP is an incredible community to be part of!

Student Blog: When in NYC
by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - October 25, 2024

Over fall break, I had the opportunity to visit NYC with my parents and twin sister in order to celebrate our birthday coming up on October 30 (and it's Wicked Day!). Here were my favorite moments from the weekend!

Student Blog: Back to School: Easy Semester or Not?
by Student Blogger: Savannah Raeder - October 22, 2024

This semester I am a part-time student as well as working a part-time job. I went into the semester thinking that meant I would not have as busy of a schedule. But taking opportunities has taken my schedule another direction.

Student Blog: My Last Auditions as a BFA Musical Theatre Student
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - October 22, 2024

I really tried to focus on the fact that these were the last ones I was going to do here at this place. I wanted to enjoy it. I wanted to enjoy every opportunity I had and everything I did.

Student Blog: Viewing The Northern Lights
by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - October 22, 2024

Life is full of crazy adventures, and one random Thursday night proved this to be true. On October 10, we had a beautiful display of the northern lights across America. I was lucky enough to be able to view them right on UConn’s campus, and it was truly a sight to behold. Here’s a recap of my incredible evening viewing the lights.

Student Blog: Back to School: Absorbing As Much As I Can in My Last Year
by Student Blogger: Erin Maguire - October 25, 2024

Being back in school is definitely a change in pace from the stress free summer I spent working retail and binge-watching Dance Moms. Between classes, rehearsals, and work, it’s difficult to take a moment to appreciate the chaos that the responsibility of my schoolwork has given me this semester. Now that I’ve completed my foundational theater courses, my schedule is open to take any elective I want to, and I made sure to truly take advantage of my open schedule. As a senior, I am focused on gaining as much skill and insight as I possibly can from my teachers before I graduate!

Student Blog: Much to Do, Much More to Learn
by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - October 21, 2024

The realization that we have less than a year left of class, about 8 months to be exact, has stirred the panic of adulthood and the events that go beyond university waiting for us after graduation.

Student Blog: Back to School - Taking a Breath Junior Year
by Student Blogger: Emma Scharf - October 20, 2024

Going into this semester, I knew I wanted to slow down and make more room for responsibilities outside of school, so I lightened my load. What happened as a result was, of course, more free time. What I did not expect, however, was discovering how reliant I was on my chaotic schedule and learning how to value my own time.

Student Blog: I Fear Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark
by Student Blogger: Leah Fridman - October 22, 2024

In my experience, crying over Shakespeare does not yield a better understanding of the work itself, but I’m only 19, what do I know…I’ve tried blaming the Shakespeare, I’ve tried blaming myself. Neither option worked! So instead I acknowledged every feeling in my body, validated how it sat it my conscious, and moved towards doing the work.

Student Blog: Arts Advocacy!
by Student Blogger: Ethan Ramos - October 19, 2024

In today's blog, we discuss the importance of the arts in our world today and ways you can advocate for access to the arts to use possibly use the skills you acquire in possible career paths!

Student Blog: Can't Join Them All
by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - October 19, 2024

Club fairs, introductory meetings, social media promotions, all are different methods to try and get your attention. If you are like me, then you want to do it all. You may want to find your people in college or pack your resumé or gain diverse knowledge. Whatever your mindset is, I have found there are three approaches one can take in college.

Student Blog: No Rest For The Wicked
by Student Blogger: Joli Flynn - October 16, 2024

The October chill has entered the air and school has officially begun, there's no turning back! Come along with me as I introduce myself and share what I've been up to this past month and half since school started again...

Student Blog: Taking it Day By Day as a Senior
by Student Blogger: Savannah Raeder - October 15, 2024

Going into senior year, my goal has been to stop thinking ahead. Have I accomplished this? Well, I closed my first show as a senior last Sunday which is absolutely bonkers. I performed in a comedic, period piece called Tom Jones that exhausted me mentally and physically. Despite this, I was extremely fulfilled doing what I love to do. As I have come back to school for my final year, I have been distracting myself with these rehearsals and performances. Now that it’s over, I realize how much I have not processed about starting my final year and how terrified I am to no longer feel that fulfillment. And wow, has that realization been more than overwhelming.

Student Blog: Surviving Senioritis: Finding Balance and Motivation in Your Final Year
by Student Blogger: Ella Song - October 16, 2024

Senioritis is real, and it’s challenging. But I’m starting to realize that it’s also a sign of growth. It’s a reminder that we’re transitioning from one phase of life to the next, and transitions are hard.

Student Blog: Academic Integrity: What is it?
by Student Blogger: Madie Winningham - October 29, 2024

The most impactful moments for me in my classes have been moments of honest work that did not quite go as planned. I learned more by correcting my mistakes than I ever would have if I had just asked a friend for the answer.

Student Blog: Back at it
by Student Blogger: Madie Winningham - October 29, 2024

Now that the school year is officially back to a start, the homework has started to pile up, but the opportunities have just begun!

Student Blog: Something's Gotta Give
by Student Blogger: Leah Fridman - October 29, 2024

It’s when you hit that point that things like theater start becoming a chore, as opposed to an active passionate full hearted choice that you make everyday. You’ll start losing your love for the simpler beautiful things in life because either you don’t have time for them anymore, or you’re too burnt out to see the magic of the world right in front of you. 

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