Student Blog: Goodbye to Burnout by Student Blogger: Grace Johnson - May 6, 2024 So to you, Burnout, thank you for showing me that I needed a rest, and hopefully I don’t see you again any time soon! Student Blog: Reflecting on Junior High Theatre Education by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - May 6, 2024 I am eternally grateful for my experience in junior high theatre, and appreciate the foundation that it laid for my future pursuits of academic theatre. The value of theatre education from an early age cannot be overstated, and I encourage any tween who is considering giving drama a try to go for it: you never know what you may find. Student Blog: INTO THE WOODS Changed My Life by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - May 1, 2024 We all have that one show that has been ever present in our lives, whether we recognized it or not. Looking back and seeing all of the touch points has, just maybe, been my favorite part. If the title didn’t give it away (I, sincerely, hope that no one is shocked by this), it's ‘Into the Woods’. Student Blog: Audition Season by Student Blogger: Olivia Mathis - April 30, 2024 Consistently look through casting breakdown sites, learn new songs that suit you, and figure out what materials you’ll need for auditions coming up soon. Be proud of the work that you put in because even if you get cut or don’t get the role, that work doesn’t go unnoticed. Student Blog: Battling Imposter Syndrome by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - April 29, 2024 So yes, I still fall victim to feeling like an imposter, but once I get out of my head, I feel so much joy and love for the career that I am in and for the show that I’m in. Student Blog: The Dreaded Timeline by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - April 29, 2024 Are you experiencing performer burnout, or are you overwhelmed by expectations? As performers, we’re haunted by the dreaded timeline. Who created it? Why do we all believe it? What even is this timeline? Student Blog: Total Eclipse of the Sun by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - April 29, 2024 It was probably one of the coolest, most surreal things I’ve ever seen in my life. I didn’t fully understand why people from all over the world came to my tiny lil town to see the eclipse, but after watching it I get it now. Student Blog: My Experience With Fighting Burnout by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - April 28, 2024 Between all the constant assignments and exams, it’s incredibly easy to feel a phenomenon known as burnout. Burnout is very common in college, especially towards the end of the semester. I have lots of personal experiences with burnout, both in high school and college. I feel varying degrees of unmotivation at times, although there are some days that are way worse than others. The worst of it typically occurs towards the end of the semester, a time when I’m mentally exhausted. Burnout can be hard to navigate when all you feel like doing is laying down and doing nothing, but there are some workarounds. Student Blog: The Value of Theatre Education in Our Schools by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - April 28, 2024 Having personally experienced the effects of creating theatre on a human’s development, I cannot help but smile at the thought of getting to be apart of that process in any capacity. I find the deepest fulfillment not in my own art, but getting to see the process of others creating theirs. Student Blog: On The Verge of a Showcase by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - April 28, 2024 When I came to the UK to pursue my degree in musical theatre, I never thought I would land myself in so many other things outside of performing on stage. In a whirlwind of events, alongside my assessments, I have landed myself a part in our third year’s final showcase. Student Blog: The Balance of School, Work and Theatre by Student Blogger: Lex Allard - April 28, 2024 Another thing that takes away the stress of the week, if I’m being totally honest, is my rehearsals. Sure, they may be a part of my stress-filled week, but acting is such a great way to get emotions out and I tend to bottle all of my emotions up, so channeling those emotions into my passion is just so great. Plus when I go to rehearsals I get to see my cast mates, and every single one of them brings me so much joy, so I instantly relax the second I’m with them. We all have so much fun during our rehearsals, which makes it really easy to de-stress after a long week. Student Blog: A Brief Guide to College Auditions by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - April 28, 2024 The college application process is overwhelming for any student applying, but even more overwhelming for those pursuing a musical theater or theater degree. I have come up with my top tips for students interested in auditioning for college theater programs as someone who recently finished up the audition process! Student Blog: A Tour Through My Theatre 'Eras' by Student Blogger: Olivia Stevens - April 28, 2024 When I look back, I realize that the stages of my theatre-kid history can be divided into distinct “eras” based on the shows that I most listened to at the time and the other shows that I discovered through them. Today, I’m finally taking a walk down memory lane as I pinpoint each “era” of my life as a theatre kid, and how each one turned me into the theatre fan I am today. Student Blog: My Summer Vision Board by Student Blogger: Olivia Stevens - April 28, 2024 As we approach the final week of classes, I can only focus on one thing: summer. Though it’s still April, I’ve recently gravitated towards things that “feel” like summer. So, to get through this last week of class and the subsequent week of finals, I’ve decided to make a sort of “vision board” full of things that have made me most excited for the season, and things that I anticipate filling my summer with. Student Blog: After “Musical Season” by Student Blogger: Tatiana Atehortua - May 1, 2024 I am constantly trying to discover plays and musicals that are new to me. My feelings on all of them may vary, but they all have a unique place in theatre history. For anyone who enjoys doing the same, I hope your new favorite show is just around the corner! Student Blog: Resources For Music Students by Student Blogger: Tatiana Atehortua - April 24, 2024 If you have any free time before or during the semester, I would recommend browsing through some of these resources. They have been useful for helping me through my classes, but they're also just a lot of fun to play around with. Student Blog: My Essentials for Tackling Finals by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - April 21, 2024 Whatever gets you through finals is totally up to you. It's a weird time of just trying to survive and all of my friends on the semester system can feel it coming. I always love people's thoughts on how they approach this final obstacle, so here are my essentials for getting through finals! Student Blog: The Show Must Go On! by Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth - April 21, 2024 How do a broken pit, unfinished set, and a sick actor result in six incredible performances of Urinetown (the musical!)? Love, determination, and a bit of theatre magic! Student Blog: A Major Crisis by Student Blogger: Kimberly Wilkinson - April 21, 2024 The last blog I wrote about my major, I was pretty confident. I had decided to stop pursuing a major in technical theater, something I found unfulfilling, in favor of multimedia. I felt excited about the new creative opportunities. And yet I still had a lingering feeling of uncertainty. Student Blog: A College-Girl's Guide to Surviving Finals-Month Burnout by Student Blogger: Olivia Stevens - April 17, 2024 As the regular workload lightens, and the finals load begins, I’ve found motivation in some of the most unexpected places. Student Blog: Planning Your Theatrical Summer by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - April 17, 2024 With school out and a newfound amount of free time, summer is the perfect time to participate in new theater activities and expand your horizons. Summer theater opportunities can be found in a variety of locations and formats. Student Blog: Playing Unhappy People: A Reflection on POCATELLO by Student Blogger: MJ Kirsche - April 15, 2024 Pocatello was indefinitely the hardest piece I’ve ever worked on, spending a near four months taking a slow Meisner focused process, dropping myself into the lonely world of a small town in Idaho during the 2010s. Our genius director, Andrew Gallant– founder of Green Shirt Studio in Chicago, spent generous amounts of time working a slow paced, piece-by-piece rehearsal process with our cast that centered around not only evoking the emotional life of the characters, but finding the real feeling of the piece in ourselves, which allowed me to find a truth and honesty to performance I have yet to find prior to this show. Student Blog: Burnout: A Very Real Enemy by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - April 15, 2024 Burnout is a funny thing because it can quickly take something you once had so much love for and change it into a chore. For me, burnout comes from anticipating an outcome, or goal, and forgetting to enjoy the process. Student Blog: Planning Ahead: From Passion to Paycheck by Student Blogger: Ruby Wolter - April 8, 2024 When I graduate from college, move to New York, and start auditioning for jobs, the last thing I want to worry about is finding a day job that is flexible with my audition/rehearsal schedule. This stressed me out for a while, but then I decided to take action and start now. Student Blog: The Essential Tools for the Last Month of School by Student Blogger: Olivia Stevens - April 6, 2024 We’ve officially made it to the point in the school year where “half” can be used to describe both the amount of the semester that has been completed, and the energy we’re putting into our assignments. |