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Student Blog: Hack that Callback (Tips from a High School Senior)
by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - June 18, 2024

Today, I share my insider tips on acing callbacks based on years of experience in theatre, film, and modeling. From mastering material to choosing the right attire and staying mentally sharp, I've got you covered. Let's turn those nerve-wracking moments into opportunities to shine!

Student Blog: What is it Like to Do an Internship at Your Own College? NYTW Adelphi Residency!
by Student Blogger: Katie Goz - June 26, 2024

Adelphi University welcomed New York Theatre Workshop back to campus...It is quite weird however to be doing an internship during the summer months, in the same building I typically spend 30-40 hours a week in during a semester. But that’s the beauty of it all, really.

Student Blog: Meet Katie Goz!
by Student Blogger: Katie Goz - June 18, 2024

I am using this time off to continue my writing. As a new playwright, I am overwhelmed by the amount of ideas I have, as there are so many worlds I want to explore. When I often have a random thought, I usually write it down in my notes app on my phone. And when it comes to sitting down at my computer to write, I have multiple jumping off points!

Student Blog: GCU's Theatre Program
by Student Blogger: Destiny Walsh - June 30, 2024

What is a theatre program like in the middle of Arizona? Let me set the stage...

Student Blog: Introduction and Summer as a Theatre Kid!
by Student Blogger: Jeffrey Rowe - June 26, 2024

My name is Jeffrey and I am a brand new student blogger at Broadway World. I am a self proclaimed writer. English is my favorite subject and I enjoy having fun while writing. Additionally, I have loved everything Broadway from a young age. The first show I ever saw on Broadway was Beetlejuice. While watching shows is a huge part of my life, performing is an even bigger part.

Student Blog: A Weekend in NYC
by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - June 16, 2024

Each year, my three best friends, our moms, and I find some excuse to get to NYC for a short weekend.  This year, Lauren graduated from college so obviously that means a trip to the most amazing city.  Here are some highlights and recommendations from this past trip!

Student Blog: Working Part-Time - A Personal Reflection
by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - June 11, 2024

It’s finally summer break! The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and the vibes are immaculate. Most people see this as a time to relax and get a break from school (which is the case for me as well). However, summer vacation also brings other responsibilities. I still make time to have fun, but most of my days are spent working at my part-time job. I work at a retail store, and while it can get exhausting at times, I enjoy it overall. It’s taught me a lot about the professional world, and most importantly, about myself.

Student Blog: Sun to Snow, Being an Out-Of-State Theatre Major
by Student Blogger: Megan Frigerio - June 18, 2024

As I mentioned in my introduction post, I am not a native to the Harrisonburg area. My hometown is Miami, Florida which is the complete opposite in every imaginable way. Here are a few of the challenges I’ve come across in my two years as a person who studies in Virginia full-time but lives in Florida. 

Student Blog: Get to Know Me, Student Blogger Destiny Walsh
by Student Blogger: Destiny Walsh - June 11, 2024

While I prepare for my senior year I am excited to be sharing more with you all and continuing to learn as you all learn more about me and some of the wonderful topics I'll be writing on.

Student Blog: Get To Know Me! Summer Student Blogger Megan Frigerio
by Student Blogger: Megan Frigerio - June 10, 2024

Hi there BroadwayWorld! My name is Megan Frigerio. I’m a junior theater major with a concentration in performance and a music minor at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I’m so excited to share bits of my life and college theatre experience with you guys over the next few months. Get to learn a bit about me in this first post!

Student Blog: Meet Kylien Clark!
by Student Blogger: Kylien Clark - June 15, 2024

Hi! My name is Kylien Clark; I’m a second-year student majoring in Architecture & minor in Theatre/Set Design at the University of Miami.

Student Blog: Summer of 2024
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - June 10, 2024

I love summer. I love summer time and laying by the pool and getting to hang out with my hometown friends. I miss my college pals very dearly, but it is always nice to be home for a short while.

Student Blog: Academic Integrity
by Student Blogger: Grace Johnson - June 10, 2024

As a humble theatre student with no legal knowledge whatsoever, who am I to say anything about this topic. 

Student Blog: Do It, Pursue Your Passions!
by Student Blogger: Emma Watts - June 10, 2024

Hello BroadwayWorld! My name is Emma Watts, kick back, grab a glass of throat coat and join me as a I kick off my summer as a student blogger! Learn what I'm up to, how I've got here, and where I plan to go in the future.

Student Blog: How to Have a Tony Awards Watch Party
by Student Blogger: Alex Leigh - June 4, 2024

Every year theatre lovers of all ages and walks of life patiently await the Tony Awards. If other events and awards can have fun watch parties, why not theatre? I have come up with various ways to ensure you and your friends can have an “award-winning” party.

Student Blog: Finals Week 2024
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - June 4, 2024

The only thing I could do was take it one day at a time. That’s it. That is all I could do.

Student Blog: The Revelation of Third Year
by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - June 2, 2024

As of last week, after our music literacy assessment on a bright Monday, we have come to the end of second year.

Student Blog: Rejection Hurts
by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - June 1, 2024

Rejection is never easy. You might think that after a while, it will sting less. Wrong. It will always hurt because you will always mourn the possibilities. After a thousand no's, “no” #1001 will still be hard: hard on your heart, your morale, and your passion.

Student Blog: Best Purchases I Made for My MT Major
by Student Blogger: Jules Donohue - June 1, 2024

As I finish out my first year of college as a Theatre Performance/MT major in New York City (omg), I am reflecting back on the best purchases I made for my time in school this year and for future endeavors. If you are going to college for Musical Theatre, Acting, Dance, Vocal Performance, etc. this list could be helpful for you!

Student Blog: Burnout: Top 5 Symptoms
by Student Blogger: Jules Donohue - June 1, 2024

I'm back with another post on BURNOUT. If you're a college student, or any type of student (or a typical functioning adult), you probably know what I'm talking about. Burnout is a feeling that is almost unavoidable and sometimes it sneaks up on you before you even realize it is happening...

Student Blog: Integrity is Everything
by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - June 1, 2024

For theatre majors specifically, integrity is what will set you apart. Of course you need to maintain academic integrity; you can’t go about rewriting Shakespeare. When performing, your own integrity, as an actor, is just as important.

Student Blog: Your Type
by Student Blogger: Olivia Mathis - June 1, 2024

Type can be a tricky topic. While it is important not to put yourself in a box as an actor, it is also smart to understand that sometimes people are going to expect certain things from you based on your appearance, your energy, and how they perceive you.

Student Blog: The Power of Comedy
by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - June 1, 2024

While drama is super important to the theater industry, the value of comedic productions cannot be ignored. Comedy deserves just as much recognition and praise as drama receives. Comedic shows should in no way be considered “cheap” or “less than” just because they are meant to be fun.

Student Blog: Junior Year in Review
by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - June 1, 2024

Junior year of high school is infamous for being the busiest and most intense. In my experience, I had to balance two AP classes, two performing groups, standardized testing, and more. In this blog, I am going to recap all of my theatre-related endeavors month-by-month throughout this school year, all the way from July 2023 to the present.

Student Blog: 8 Musical Theatre Songs That GIVE Spring Vibes
by Student Blogger: Jules Donohue - June 1, 2024

[March 2024]---- Hello again readers! As the semester rolls into the springtime (yay), I'm thinking about all the theatre songs that give STRONG spring vibes in my opinion. My playlists and musical tastes definitely change when the seasons do, so I'm trying to get myself out of the dreary state of winter and into a bright springtime era. Without further ado, let's list them!

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