News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: Not a Goodbye, But an 'I'll See You Later'
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - June 2, 2021

As Diana Morales says in A Chorus Line, 'kiss today goodbye and point me towards tomorrow.' While tomorrow seems scary, it's comforting to know that who I am and what I hold close to me will stay with me as I go through life.

Student Blog: Fighting that Summertime Slump
by Student Blogger: Erika Spondike - June 2, 2021

I'm a musical theatre major, I love the grind. Going from 30 hours (yep) of classes a week to having my calendar completely cleared was a big jump. But I can already feel myself itching to write something new on my to-do list. So instead of sitting around and waiting for fall, here are my suggestions to fight off that Summer Slump.

Student Blog: Question-Mark Anxiety
by Student Blogger: Maggie Cummins - June 2, 2021

This is going to be a bit of a departure from my usual satirical articles. It has been approximately four months since I wrote a blog for BWW’s student column. But here’s the cold hard truth: I have had some serious writer’s block this semester. Something stopped clicking, and therefore so did my keyboard.

Student Blog: A Loss of Access
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - June 2, 2021

The 74th Tony Awards are on a tragic path that continues the Great White Way’s tradition of excluding those who are unable to pay high prices for content, failing to catch up with the digital world around them.

Student Blog: Ways to Grow as a Performer This Summer If You're Not in A Show
by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - June 2, 2021

Live theatre is finally coming back. Well, kind of. A lot of theatres, especially community theatres, aren't coming back quite yet or having smaller casts than normal. That means that a lot of people who typically are singing their hearts out on stage aren't able to do so just yet. One of those people is unfortunately me.

Student Blog: 10 Shows I'd Travel in Time to See
by Student Blogger: Maddie Davies - June 2, 2021

A few days ago, one of my friends sent me a TikTok asking what shows I would choose to see if I had 3 comp tickets and a time machine. I liked this concept, but decided to make it a list of 10 instead of 3.

Student Blog: Graduating in a Time of a Pandemic: A Performing Arts Student's Edition
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Boccone - June 2, 2021

As the well known saying goes, “the show must go on”. But now that we’re still living amidst a pandemic, until what extent does that saying hold true?  No one in their wildest dreams would have imagined that we would live in a time such as this. We all thought plagues were a thing of the past like in Shakespeare’s time. But here we are! Living in both fear and hope with a virus that has created such catastrophic effects across the world. One of them would be the suspension of live theater. On the flip side, the lockdown has brought new beginnings and discoveries for the performing arts even to a student like me.

Student Blog: The World Turned Upside Down - A Year of Gaining a BFA in Musical Theatre Online
by Student Blogger: Dylan Kerr - June 2, 2021

As she prepares for a jump, the heel of her LaDuca catches on the edge of her couch and sends her sprawling. Record scratch... You may be wondering how I got here.

Student Blog: Be part of your own process.
by Student Blogger: Claudia Quintero - June 1, 2021

Be part of your own process. Getting there with integrity.

Student Blog: BFA Musical Theatre at Manhattanville
by Student Blogger: Olympia Prodafikas - June 1, 2021

Hi, my name is Olympia Prodafikas and I am a BFA Musical Theatre major at Manhattanville College. In this post, I would like to walk you through the audition process and some information about the school. I auditioned at Manhattanville in February of my senior year in high school.

Student Blog: Being a 'Theatre Person' in the Midst of a Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Melis Tavmergen - June 1, 2021

I was a “theatre person”, which was the only thing I was certain about in life. Of course, this came to an end the last March with the start of quarantine. I still am a theatre person, but suddenly everything around me that felt comfortable was taken away. How could I be a theatre person when there is no theatre?

Student Blog: Katie Van Sickle
by Student Blogger: Katie Van Sickle - June 1, 2021

Theatre has been a big part of my life since the fourth grade, so I'm very excited to have the opportunity to be a student blogger for BroadwayWorld! I hope to share my passion and love for theatre with all those who read my posts.

Student Blog: Pittsburgh Playhouse's Dance Nation: Final Curtain Call
by Student Blogger: Mary Felix - June 1, 2021

All in all, the filming of the Playhouse's performance successfully translated the work of the stage onto the screen. Utilizing only minor adjustments, such as zoom-ins and close-ups, the piece remained a theatrical performance, captured by the work of three different cameras on two separate runs of the show.

Student Blog: Summer Bucket List
by Student Blogger: Danielle Urban - June 1, 2021

This summer I have already come up with some summer 'resolutions' and some summer bucket list items. So, I thought I would share for people who want to make this summer absolutely fantastic.

Student Blog: Dear March 2020 Me...
by Student Blogger: Fallon Garretson - June 1, 2021

This letter to my past self is a testament to how far we have come. We are slowly all getting vaccinated and stepping forward, for the first time in over a year. So, here's to the scary, unknown future.

Student Blog: There's Hope for Aspiring Immigrant Artists
by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - June 1, 2021

I keep asking myself if it’s worth it to sacrifice my time, energy and money to pursue a far fetch dream of working on Broadway. With all the paperwork I have to do, paying so much to move halfway around the world to a future with some much uncertainty. What keeps me motivated is this dream and the passion I hold on to.

Student Blog: One Last Post
by Student Blogger: Holden Childress - June 1, 2021

It’s been a great pleasure getting to write for BroadwayWorld, and I’ll be forever grateful that I was given the opportunity.

Student Blog: A Letter to High School Directors: STOP DOING THIS SHOW!
by Student Blogger: Adam Beam - June 1, 2021

There are countless theatre departments out there, and after the year we've all had, the last thing I would want to do is stop anyone from putting on a show. This article is more or less here to think about when considering what production to bring to the stage next.

Student Blog: Broadway's Return
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - June 1, 2021

As we know, Broadway is returning this fall (FINALLY!). While many shows were forced to shut their doors permanently due to the pandemic, several productions have already set re-opening dates.

Student Blog: Summer Showtunes Playlist
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - June 1, 2021

Summer is HERE! If you’re like me, that means rolling down the windows and cranking up the ‘tunes. By tunes, of course, I mean showtunes.

Student Blog: The Case for Commuting
by Student Blogger: Erika Spondike - June 1, 2021

I have grown so much during this crazy Covid school year, and now I'm all packed up to move into my new apartment for my last year of college. I'm thrilled for another year of driving to cafes, picnics in the park, and having my own kitchen.

Student Blog: Beyond Dance Breaks and Dream Ballets
by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - June 1, 2021

When we think of choreography for the theatre, we imagine big dance breaks in classic musicals –and yet one of my first major choreographic opportunities was an expressionist, non-musical play. The process would introduce me to the variety of ways movement can show up in theatre (and film) beyond my narrow preconception of theatre choreography.

Student Blog: Who Am I, You May Ask?
by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - June 1, 2021

I'm Allie, an almost-nineteen-year-old journalism major looking for a little thing to do during the summer to further my experience in the field. It's not much, but I couldn't be more excited.

Student Blog: Bye Bye UCI
by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - May 28, 2021

These are some of the most formative years where you are learning so much about yourself and who you want to be in this world. You will make plenty of mistakes and take risks that will be the best decisions you could have made. As cliché as it is, take every moment for what it is and don't stress about what hasn't happened yet

Student Blog: Getting My FOMO in Musical Theatre
by Student Blogger: Emily Ownby - June 2, 2021

I only saw the most practiced and polished version of the performance on social media. I didn’t see the three hours’ worth of takes they worked on to get the perfect shot. I didn’t hear the groans over vowel shapes and breath support. I just saw the finished product of others, while I couldn’t escape the mistakes and learning that I was doing.

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