Student Blog: Interview: Jemarcus M. Kilgore by Katie Van Sickle by Student Blogger: Katie Van Sickle - June 22, 2021 For my next blog post, I sat down with local Atlanta-based actor Jemarcus Kilgore to discuss the industry here in Georgia and what his experience has been like throughout the years. Jemarcus M. Kilgore has been a working actor in the industry for a few years now. Student Blog: Paperweight: A Song By Philly-Based Creator Michael Bihovsky by Student Blogger: Marissa Tomeo - June 8, 2021 Michael's latest song, Paperweight, is accompanied by a beautifully cinematic music video and holds advocacy for the chronically ill at its core. I had the privilege to see Paperweight in advance of its premiere and discuss its story, creation, and intention with the creator himself. Student Blog: Six Underrated Musicals You MUST Listen to During Pride Month by Student Blogger: Meredith Muirhead - June 9, 2021 As Pride Month kicks off, we all go to blast the Kinky Boots cast recording on Spotify as we get ready for whatever pride events we'll be attending, wanting to acknowledge a pride month musical. Student Blog: New York City's Audiences Are Coming Back To See Live Shows Again! by Student Blogger: Stefany Flores - June 8, 2021 Beyond comedy shows and late-night shows, Broadway is coming back in full speed starting this fall. If you're vaccinated and want to experience the feeling of viewing a show outside of your home, the city has got you covered! So what are you waiting for? Lights! Camera! Action! Student Blog: Finding a Community Online by StudentBlogger Loriane Donnet-Monay - June 7, 2021 I found out that there existed a whole community online united around Broadway, and, suddenly, I was not alone anymore. It allowed me to discover more shows and artists. I met people from all over the world, learned about other cultures and memorized more timezones than I would care to admit. Above all else, I made new friends. Student Blog: The New Normal: Should it Stay or Should it Go? by Student Blogger: Kelly Schwantes - June 7, 2021 As I sit here breathing the same air as my neighbor, I wonder to myself: what practices learned from COVID-19 should remain, and what should we bid farewell to in the theatre? Student Blog: Summer Fun: Why I Joined The BWW Student Blogging Program by Student Blogger:Sydney Van de Putte - June 7, 2021 How to add some Broadway into your life as we all countdown the days till the reopening Student Blog: The Artist as Affected by Quarantine: An Analysis of Bo Burnham's 'Inside' by Student Blogger: Aingea Venuto - June 14, 2021 Burnham expressed his desire to re-enter standup in January of 2020... When isolation was required in March of 2020, Bo decided to use the guest house of his property to create and record a special, an effort which he believed would take a few months at most. He spent over a year writing, editing, and directing the special. Student Blog: Paperweight: A Song By Philly-Based Creator Michael Bihovsky by Student Blogger: Marissa Tomeo - June 4, 2021 'We are, in the end, merely the weight of paper. Our hearts break; our bodies tear. We can hold onto each other- but only if the other is willing to be held.' Student Blog: I Beg To Differ by Student Blogger: Olivia Noel - June 4, 2021 I do believe there is power in bringing in something that is unique, something that isn’t normally sung. I also think if you do bring in something more traditionally sung and you give it your all and there is a clear personal touch and a connection the song won’t fall under “overused”, it will fall under yours and no one else’s. Student Blog: Advice For You Based On Your Favorite Power Ballad by Student Blogger: Alexandra Lang - June 3, 2021 One of the hallmarks of a true Broadway fan is annoying family members or roommates by singing the same songs in the dead of night from your bedroom. So, here is my advice for you based on the song that keeps waking up your sibling in the next room. Student Blog: Fandom Purity Culture on Broadway and Beyond by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - June 3, 2021 When purity culture devotees suggest that the author must spoon-feed the moral status of every single character to the audience, they undermine both the intelligence of the viewers as well as the skill of the author. Student Blog: My Show Program Collection by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - June 3, 2021 It's a fun little niche. And it's a great way to have an experience with a show, even years or decades after that show is closed. Do any of you collect Playbills? What are your best finds? Or your dream finds? I'd love to hear about them! Student Blog: Broadway Pride Playlist by Student Blogger: Macy Mae Cowart - June 3, 2021 Happy Pride month, BroadwayWorld! I have pulled together my favorite show tunes that celebrate pride. From shows like Rent and Fun Home to songs by Broadway stars like Danny Quadrino and Ben Platt, I got you covered. Go to the Spotify link below and let the party begin! Student Blog: Inside UC San Diego's Theatre Program by Student Blogger: Mia Van Deloo - June 3, 2021 This past quarter, I was a dramaturg for a Wagner New Play Festival Show. The Wagner New Play Festival is an annual event where each M.F.A. playwright at UC San Diego writes a new work that is produced alongside M.F.A. directors, actors, and designers. Undergraduates are also able to participate in this process as I did. Student Blog: Why I Decided Not to Get My B.F.A. in Musical Theater by Student Blogger: Abigail Connolly - June 3, 2021 I got to see Broadway shows starting when I was only around 4-years-old. I loved the thrill and excitement of seeing an actor live on stage, singing and performing their heart out. I knew from then on that I wanted to be like them, that I wanted to be on Broadway and perform on a great, big stage, like so many of us do. It’s such a light-hearted dream, a dream that’s gotten me through some hardships and kept me inspired. But as the years went by, and it was eventually time to decide where I was going to go to college, my dream wasn’t seeming so light-hearted anymore. Instead, it felt like pressure. Student Blogs to Check Out This Week - Graduating, Summer Stock Tips & More! by BWW News Desk - June 4, 2021 Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more. Gaining a BFA online, a case for the best movie musical, an inspiring story for immigrant artists, and more-- read the latest from our college student bloggers! Student Blog: The Fight to Balance Feeling “Good Enough” Without Falling Behind by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - June 2, 2021 It’s important to remember that you are NOT behind in the imaginary timeline of life and no matter what you are doing, it IS enough despite what social media or others may say. You are on the right track, exactly where you need to be at this moment. I promise. Student Blog: An Interview with Dana Steingold by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - June 2, 2021 For her Broadway debut, Dana originated the role of the Girl Scout and she understudied Lydia. She has also been seen Off-Broadway in Avenue Q and in the first national tour of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Read on for some inspiration, advice, and hope for the future of the theatre industry! Student Blog: Discovering Devised Theatre by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - June 2, 2021 'Devised theatre” and “devising” long felt like buzzwords for something that seemed fun and exciting but that I didn’t quite understand. But when cast in a long-form devised process myself, I’d fall deeply in love with the practice, and which would come to inform my process on a variety of other projects. Student Blog: Pride Month Musicals by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - June 2, 2021 Happy June, and happy pride month! I have made a list of some musicals with queer representation to celebrate! Student Blog: Summertime, When The Livin' Is Easy by Student Blogger: Grace Cutler - June 2, 2021 With the change of the seasons it is time for those Songs of Purple Summer that create a Summer Lovin' mood. What is vacation without a perfect playlist? These are my favorite musicals that remind me of summer; some are obvious and some are only my preference. Regardless, I hope you kick back, relax, and soak in the tunes that signify sunshine! Student Blog: Voices of the Students (Part Two!) by Student Blogger: Leah Packer - June 2, 2021 I reached out to other theatre students from both my department and other colleges and asked them: what's the best piece of theatrical advice you've ever received? Their answers are insightful, funny, and filled with love for their craft. Absorbing them almost felt like hitting the reset button, helping me re-align and focus on what I love and want to accomplish in theatre. Read on for their words of wisdom! Student Blog: As Eliza Says in Hamilton: “Take a Break” by Student Blogger: Jaclyn Hansen - June 2, 2021 It is hard to believe that Summer has already arrived. It feels as if the school year only just started. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun (or also when you are drowning in schoolwork and feeling burned out as a result of the pandemic… but I won’t drone on about that). Unlike most of my peers who are also studying theatre who may be participating in Summer Stock theatre or other various activities within the industry, I have decided to take a break. I am stepping back from the world of “theatre” and giving myself some much-needed time off. Student Blog: The Lost Hobby by Student Blogger: Abigail Dobry - June 2, 2021 As the first warm days of summer start, and I feel the excitement for possible beach days, picnics, and the like, I realize that sometimes the presence of boredom still surrounds me. I have found a lost hobby that has cured my boredom but still allows for relaxing alone time and an escape to another world. That hobby is reading. |