Student Blog: Bringing Broadway to the Small Screen: Can Musical Television Work? by Student Blogger: Adam Beam - July 7, 2021 While it seems impossible to bring the theatrics of musical theatre to TV screens on a weekly basis, when you get down to it, television provides an insanely wide array of opportunities. However, just like movie musicals, its history is filled with ups and downs, and even nowadays networks struggle to find that balance. Student Blog: A Place For Us: Celebrating Trans and Non-Binary Artists in Musical Theatre by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - July 7, 2021 This past weekend, I watched A Place For Us: Celebrating Trans and Non-Binary Artists in Musical Theatre. This was a theatrical virtual event that did exactly what it says on the tin. And believe me when I tell you it was an absolute joy from start to finish. Student Blog: Sandbox Student Productions: Bringing Social Justice to the Forefront of Theatre by Student Blogger: Maddie Davies - July 7, 2021 Sandbox is a student run company. We are not officially a Butler club, but we are able to use the blackbox theaters with permission from the department. We are centered around social justice theatre and try to put on a number of readings of scripts each school year, highlighting a different, relevant charity with each reading. Student Blog: Plans Change & Dreams Grow by Student Blogger: Olivia Noel - July 7, 2021 When asked the jarring where do I see myself in 10 years question…I don’t know, my dreams, the people I meet, my passions, they are constantly changing and growing, they grow with me. Student Blog: Half Way Done: Lessons From My First Two Years in a BFA Program by Student Blogger: Maria Puig - July 7, 2021 It’s crazy to think I’m halfway through my BFA program. I’ve had lots of ups and downs and a big unexpected twist with the pandemic. Even though it’s been chaotic, I’ve learned a lot about myself and have grown immensely in my craft. I’ve gained some valuable skills, strengthen others, and learned a crucial lesson. BWW Blog: Musical Theatre Meets Artificial Intelligence in ALAN THE MUSICAL by Student Blogger: Bea Mienik - July 5, 2021 The creation of “Boy Scientist” began when Dr. Danziger crossed paths with one Dr. Christina Tan in their first year of medical school in Australia. Both soon realized they were very interested in the field of Neurology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dr. Tan shared ALAN THE MUSICAL with Dr. Danziger, which she had been working on with Dr Susan Lim. The story follows a young female scientist and her artificially intelligent stuffed toy companion. Student Blog: Be Merry! by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - July 6, 2021 “Why, then the world’s my oyster, which I with sword will open” (Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 2 Scene 2) Student Blog: A 2020 Senior's 2021 Story by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - July 6, 2021 March 17, 2020: my unofficial official last day of senior year. 'What comes next?' The next couple months were filled with Zoom calls, video assignments, and the like, and soon enough, I was done with high school. I didn't get to graduate until late July due to restrictions, after the date being pushed back twice from its original date in late May. Student Blog: Struggling With Routine by Student Blogger: Danielle Urban - July 6, 2021 I am not saying you need to go to the gym and make it your routine, you do whatever you want. However, I am saying that if you want to make something routine, it will not be easy, but it is doable. You just need to stick with it, you need to throw yourself into it and just keep going for it. Student Blog: Mary's Summer Specials by Student Blogger: Mary Felix - July 6, 2021 It’s summer time, which means, hopefully, there’s some extra free time for relaxing. For this blog, I have compiled a list of my latest favorites. Enjoy! Student Blog: Broadway is Back! by Student Blogger: Olympia Prodafikas - July 6, 2021 A few months ago we received the best piece of news possible. Broadway was coming back in full swing! I am sure that we all already bought tickets to our favorite shows and can't wait to get back to that theatre and hear the swell of the orchestra as they start to play. However, what does this mean for our careers? Student Blog: Please Pardon My Lack of Musical Theatre Knowledge! by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - July 6, 2021 I once watched Waitress 2007 original film and paused on the moments when the musical number fits the plot, to listen to the original broadway cast recording, imagining how the musical numbers are being performed. When you live more than 9,000 miles away from Broadway, we can only imagine how the musical looks like. Student Blog: 5 Movies for Your Summer Movie Nights by Student Blogger: Silvana Flores - July 8, 2021 In summer, I enjoy everything I watch more because as students school's out and we have at least one month without worrying about a thing, so if I watch a really great movie probably later I'll be painting something or discovering new artists because of the soundtrack or reading the novel that inspired what I saw. Student Blog: I Guess I Should Watch High School Musical The Musical The Series by Student Blogger: Emily Ownby - July 6, 2021 I am the target audience for Disney+’s “High School Musical The Musical The Series.” I’m a musical theatre major, participated in the high school theatre, and repeatedly watched the behind-the-scenes dance tutorials on the original High School Musical DVD when I was seven years old- but I still haven’t watched the series completely. Student Blog: Here We Go Again by Student Blogger: Josie Reynolds - July 2, 2021 The last few months have been some of the most challenging times of my life thus far. A lot of my life has clouded my existence and for a while I thought I was alright. Until this past March, I had consistently ignored how much I was truly struggling. I needed to learn the truth in what it meant to be a human walking around this earth, and during a pandemic nonetheless. Student Blogs This Week - Defeating Your Post-Pandemic Slump, Album Reviews & More! by BWW News Desk - July 2, 2021 Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more. The case for country music, analyzing movie musicals, attending the Tribeca Film Festival, and more-- read the latest from our college student bloggers! Student Blog: Does Anybody Have a Map? An Insight into Learning in the New Normal for an Undergraduate by Student Blogger: Alexandra Boccone - July 1, 2021 In life, I believe that it is always good to be aware of the different perspectives there may be towards scenarios like the phenomenon we are currently facing. I find it vital to take the initiative to reach out to others and get their opinions or insights. Student Blog: Home Sweet Home by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - July 1, 2021 College is over now what? We've said our goodbyes and packed up our lives and moved home or somewhere new we've never been before. We're no longer college students, we're I guess what the world calls 'a real adult' and there is a lot to figure out and it looks different for everyone. The most important thing to remember is to not compare yourself. Student Blog: Best Summer Podcast Recommendations by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - July 1, 2021 The possibility of entertainment is endless, but in case you are looking for podcasts to listen to during the warm months, I have plenty of amazing recommendations for you! From everything to true crime to romance stories, these podcasts are some of my favorites and are guaranteed to become some of your best listens this summer. Student Blog: Can We Stop Treating Jukebox Musicals With Disdain? by Student Blogger: Meredith Muirhead - July 1, 2021 Ah, yes. The jukebox musical. When most “theatre people” hear that term, the following reaction is normally one of some scorn or even disgust. It’s too often that jukebox musicals aren’t thought of as “real” theatre or “quality” theatre because the music isn’t original, and in some cases, the story is meant to fit the music as opposed to vice versa. However, after over a year without live theatre, it has become highly obvious that all works of theatre are worth equal appreciation, regardless of story, music, or any aspect. So as live theatre makes its return in a newer world, with more opportunities for new works, let’s not forget the jukebox musical. Student Blog: The Problem with 'If You Can See Yourself Doing Something Else, Do It' by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - June 30, 2021 'If you can see yourself doing something else..' implies that we aren't supposed to be good at anything of importance outside of theatre. Interests outside of theatre make us a more well-rounded individual and a better performer in general. Student Blog: My Vocal Journey Through Testosterone and 6 Things Theatre Needs to do for Trans Voices by Student Blogger: Dan Eggers - July 1, 2021 What are you willing to sacrifice for happiness? For me, it was my voice. As a performer, my voice was one of the biggest obstacles in my coming out. Student Blog: Dear Evan Hansen is Not A Queer Musical: Why Are We Ignoring Actual LGBTQ+ Musicals? by Student Blogger: Paige Rosko - July 1, 2021 One topic of conversation surrounding the trailer was the fact that many thought that Evan Hansen was queer. (In this article, I will be using the term 'queer' to describe the LGBTQ+ community because as a queer person, I feel comfortable with the term). An article, that can no longer be found online, described Dear Evan Hansen as a gay musical. Student Blog: Joe Iconis + Lauren Marcus at Two River Theater by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - June 28, 2021 I was not in the audience of the St. James. I was somewhere better: Redbank, New Jersey to be exact. I was there for the second show in a series of concerts featuring Joe Iconis and Lauren Marcus. This show was part of Two River Theater's Plaza Players series, which takes advantage of their newly renovated outdoor plaza space. Student Blog: Broadway Reopens and South Africa Recloses by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - June 28, 2021 I am so excited for Broadway and the West End to reopen. It is so amazing to see the greater countries returning to a somewhat normal life. I love that there is that hope in the world for a better tomorrow. South Africa on the other hand, we're in our third wave of the pandemic and our biggest threat is the delta variant, which devastated India. |