News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: In the Studio with Dance Lab New York
by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - August 12, 2021

Several years ago, Dance Lab New York pioneered its Broadway Choreography Intensive – a unique intensive for early-career choreographers to train specifically in theatrical choreography. As longtime fan of DLNY, I was thrilled to be accepted into the intensive myself, and I’m excited to take you into the studio with me.

Student Blog: All for the Best
by Student Blogger: Josie Reynolds - August 11, 2021

I often think about neglecting all of my feelings. I find it easier to ignore my emotions and hide them rather than presenting them to even myself. And that is what I have done for a long while. Now, the thoughts have meandered their way up out of the trenches of my mind and will not go away. They appear like unknown creatures to my eye. New and exciting, but mysterious and vague filled with venom that is kryptonite to parts of my heart. It is hard to contain them anymore. I know I will capture them and learn what to do with them. I will hone my attention on them all. I know that this is All For the Best, but man it feels agonizing.

Student Blog: The American Fairy Tale
by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - August 11, 2021

The Wizard of Oz shows audiences that times may be tough, but love, friendship, and humanity can be fostered through hard work. Even though this fairy tale can be considered propaganda in the age of the Great Depression, it can still function as motivation for Americans to take risks and combat their struggles in troubled times.

Student Blog: Rewrites
by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - August 11, 2021

Rewriting can sometimes be tedious and arduous. At times, it feels like the joy has been seeped from the creative process. A lot of the work is very technical. There's less spontaneity and opportunity to revel in creative joy. There's also a weight on your shoulders: you're so close to finishing. Finishing the song, the draft, the script. You know the pure euphoria you'll feel upon completion. You know that with a little more elbow grease, you can make a hat where there never was a hat.

Student Blog: The Saga of Renting My First NYC Apartment
by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - August 11, 2021

A hopefully helpful list of some things I wish I knew before I began my journey to get an apartment in NYC. I just finished the long and difficult process of finding an apartment in NYC, and I want to share a few things that would have helped me out a lot, if I'd known them beforehand. For context, I have two roommates, and I did not have a very high budget.

Student Blog: 10 Tips for Applying to College When it Seems Just About Impossible These Days
by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - August 11, 2021

It's that time of year again, the summer nights are quickly fading into crisp fall evenings, back to school supplies are flying off the shelves, and the nerve wracking college application season is here like it or not. With the competitive stakes higher than ever and with more and more students applying to top universities, you may feel like it's nearly impossible to get into the school of your choice, but I promise it's not.

Student Blog: Back-to-School Uncertainty
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - August 11, 2021

As universities send out their Fall 21’ COVID plans and requirements, students across the country prepare for the new ultra-hybridized way of learning. As for me, this semester won’t be unlike the previous year – masks worn indoors on-campus and in classrooms, and minimal in-person contact. With as familiar as I am with this mode of education, you’d think I’d be less disappointed. 

Student Blog: Show Tunes for Seniors
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Lang - August 11, 2021

As a college senior, I know this coming year is going to fly by. Before I know it, I'll be walking the stage and tossing my cap in the air in victory. I'll need show tunes to help me through it all. Since there's a musical for every situation, I've compiled a list of songs to describe the journey of senior year, whether you're in high school or college.

Student Blog: Industry Expectations: Why a College Senior is Scared to Work
by Student Blogger: Emily Ownby - August 11, 2021

Adulthood is coming into focus, and for a life in professional musical theatre, there are some sacrifices I’m not sure I’m ready to make. I want to build my own rule book, and be authentic to myself, but how? Everything is so competitive, it seems impossible to get work if you're not the perfect blank and malleable chess piece that producers can use. The logical part of my brain says 'Just be true to yourself and the work will follow!' But how do I pay the bills while I wait for the work?

Student Blog: Directing a World Premiere
by Student Blogger: Maddie Davies - August 11, 2021

“Climate Follies is a comedy to cope with the climate crisis. 5 actors play a multitude of roles across 15 super short scripts using clowning, puppetry, singing, and dance.” Director, Raphael Schwartzman, and Jim Poyser have been working with the current cast since July 2021 but have been workshopping the script since 2019.

Student Blog: Stage to 5K
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - August 11, 2021

To me, running isn’t about seeing if you can beat your previous time. It’s about listening to music, moving your body because you can, looking at flowers, petting dogs, breathing in the misty air of a summer morning in the mountains. It's about seeing the world differently. I'm not a runner. I've never claimed to be one-I'm anything but fast, I have chronic knee problems, and the prospect of doing anything remotely athletic makes me want to cower in fear. And yet, in March of 2020, I found myself lacing up my sneakers every morning and heading out onto the trail.

Student Blog: For the Love of Theatre, Get Vaccinated!
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - August 11, 2021

The thing I love about theatre above nearly all else is the sense of community it provides. When you're working on a production, you are a member of a team, doing your part to make sure the show and all involved succeed. Vaccination is the same principle, applied to all of humanity. In order for us to truly 'open up' and get back to feeling that undeniable magic that theatre provides, we must collectively do the right thing to protect ourselves and an industry that is yearning to bounce back better than ever.

Student Blog: Oh My! I'm So Not Ready For School!
by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - August 11, 2021

So many things to do, so little time. While Singapore is having a mini lockdown, the lockdown fatigue is really causing me major setbacks. Now I only have less than a week to prepare for school! Although the mini 'lockdown' will be lifted on Aug 18, they recently allowed those fully vaccinated to be able to dine in, so... Yes, I need to meet my friends before school reopens, it'll really help with my mental state. Anyway, here is my to-do list, so if you are starting school in September, please don't be like me and start preparing now.

Student Blog: Everything I didn't do this summer and some things I did.
by StudentBlogger Loriane Donnet-Monay - August 11, 2021

The weather decided that hot girl summer would not happen this year for me. I quickly forgot my plans for outdoors parties, hiking, and short trips. I opted instead for catching up on books, TV shows, plays and movies. Sometimes, we need to slow down and enjoy small things. It took me a while, but I can now look back on those two months without feeling ashamed or blameworthy. You do not need to feel pressured to go back to school with tens of ridiculous stories to tell.

Student Blog: 14 Days
by Student Blogger: Abigail Dobry - August 11, 2021

Though I will miss my Maryland friends and family dearly, I am so ecstatic to be back at Pitt. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I chose to stay home last spring. Though I try not to get my hopes to high in case of another lockdown or something of the sort, I cannot help myself in preparing for one of the greatest academic years of my life. I wish all college sophomores luck in there studies this year, and frankly, anyone else as well. We deserve it.

Student Blog: Sparkly August.
by Student Blogger: Claudia Quintero - August 11, 2021

As an International Student, I've been glued on the news to see if I am able to enter to Canada so I can make my final semester in person. I need to be emotionally strong as I see how my friends are all coming back to the city and singing in person and everything. I feel happy that I am able to connect with them through technology, because even I am not there I still feel part of the community.

Student Blog: Back to Broadway
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - August 11, 2021

Pass Over was an absolute rollercoaster of a play. I went from laughing to crying, crying to sitting in shock, and sitting in shock to trembling in fear throughout the 85 minutes. The play is described as having the two main characters, Moses and Kitch, 'talk smack, pass the time, and hope that maybe today will be different,' but no small summary can describe what you will be seeing on that stage. While the play appears to take place in New York City, it also takes place on a plantation and in the land of Ancient Egypt, with all of the time periods colliding in one setting.

Student Blog: Getting Back Into It
by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - August 11, 2021

Choir was my real outlet last year, and I've no doubt that it will be the same this year. My professor, the wonderful Dr. Jordan Cox, was and is a light to everyone he came in contact with. He accepts people as they are, and embraces that special part of them. You really do see Christ in him, and that's rare nowadays.

Student Blog: Back to School
by Student Blogger: Olympia Prodafikas - August 11, 2021

It is now August, so I am sure most of us are starting to prepare for going back to school. For me and other musical theatre majors, this auditioning and just getting back into that 'go, go, go' mentality. Every semester is always a whirlwind of class, work, practice, and performing. A lot of times it can be hard to juggle these things.

Student Blog: Time is an Illusion
by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - August 9, 2021

August, can you believe it. August is a funny month. It's supposed to be winter but August is always confused. The weather is cold and gloomy, one day and then shiny and warm the next. Makes me confused to be completely honest. August also means that the cold months are behind us and that is so sad! I love the cold, the rain, the clouds and the bundling. But August also means that we are in the home stretch for the end of the year!

Student Blogs This Week - Booking Summer Stock Tips, A Letter on Disability Inclusion, and More!
by BWW News Desk - August 6, 2021

Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more. Learning about mental health in theatre from Simone Biles, moving back to New York City, and more-- read the latest from our college student bloggers!

Student Blog: Thoughts on HSMTMTS Season Two
by Student Blogger: Silvana Flores - August 5, 2021

I was so excited for High School Musical:The Musical: The Series season two, more than I thought I would be, I mean last season really surprised me with the cast, the amazing original songs and the way they made High School Musical work as a TV show, it felt fresh, original and special, but now that season two is over, I have a lot of thoughts. The plot changed a little bit, but we have the same cast and the same style so, that was not a problem, but from my point of view something felt different and at first I thought I was expecting too much because I loved season one, but with every episode my excitement went down.

Student Blog: What We Know About 'Spirited': The Soon-to-Be Holiday Favorite
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - August 4, 2021

As we begin to reemerge from the shadow of a pandemic, the first thing many of us want to do is go to the movie theater. Before the world shut down, it was my favorite thing to go out and do; so when 'Spirited' is released Christmas of 2022, you'll find me cozied up in a seat with a bucket of popcorn.

Student Blog: A Summer of Growth
by Student Blogger: Paige Rosko - August 4, 2021

I believe that my biggest source of growth is from working and managing a kid's theater camp. I've never been a huge fan of children and while working with them this summer has not absolutely changed that, I feel like I understand them much better. The kids were aged 4-15 so I had a huge range of kids to understand, work with, and learn about. Sometimes the kids took a lot of energy out of me, but I enjoyed it.

Student Blog: How To Go Back When You Don't Know How
by Student Blogger: Melis Tavmergen - August 4, 2021

After a year and a half of living in my hometown, it’s nearly time to go back to New York. I moved to New York in 2018, and I lived there until the first months of the pandemic. So, the question is, why do I feel more nervous about going back than I felt when I first left my hometown?

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