Student Blog: I Moved Into College Today: Here is what I wish I knew by Student Blogger:Sydney Van de Putte - August 25, 2021 Today I moved into college. Did I think it was going to be stressful. Yes 100%. Was I at all prepped for the chaos that ensued? No. I had everything packed a week in advance. Did as much research as I could. Chatted with the roommates. Still nothing could prepare me for actually moving into college. I woke up and got ready. The move in appointment was at one in the afternoon, but my anxious self needed to be there at least thirty minutes early. I finished packing, put everything in the car, had dinner with the family, and then we were off. My mother was also doing some research of her own. She knew, kind of, where the dropoff point was. Student Blog: Why My Dream Roles Are My Dream Roles by Student Blogger: Katie Van Sickle - August 25, 2021 Dream Roles. Most every theatre lover has them. But why do we have them? What truly draws us to the characters we call our 'dream roles'? I sat down and thoughts through all my dream roles. I sat and tried to think of what really drew me to these roles beyond the standard performance aspect. Today, I'll talk you through my personal dream roles and the reasons I decided are why I truly want to play them. Student Blog: Trusting Your Journey – An Open Letter to High School Seniors by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - August 25, 2021 Looking back four years later, I can say with confidence that the application/audition process for college theatre programs is probably the most difficult thing I have ever done. As I embark on my senior year in Northwestern University’s musical theatre program, I’m reflecting on what I wish I knew four years ago. Student Blog: Carving Out A Niche by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - September 9, 2021 Carving out your niche as an artist is difficult. As I think ahead to my career post-college, I'm realizing that goes double for musical theatre writers. There's not a gigantic market for original musical theatre. Unless you're adapting a recognizable property, or centering a star, it's not the easiest thing to get a massive audience invested in your musical. Student Blog: Best Showtunes About Mental Health by Student Blogger: Alexandra Lang - August 24, 2021 If you're anything like me, Broadway is a great source of comfort and solace during times of struggle and strife. There's often a song for almost every situation, and nothing is quite as cathartic as the fantasy of belting your favorite ballad as if your bed is the Gershwin stage. These are just a few of the songs that seem to best describe the experience of having a mental illness, because even the messy, difficult parts of being a human are worthy of the stage. Student Blog: Six Mainstream Artists Who Should (And I Hope, Will) Write a Musical by Student Blogger: Meredith Muirhead - August 24, 2021 After my previous blog about how jukebox musicals should not be looked down upon in the theatre world, I got to thinking about which of my favorite artists would have the best jukebox musicals. Here are six female artists from the twenty-first century whom I believe should write a musical or have a jukebox musical. Student Blog: All the World's a Stage - Even When You Mess Up by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - August 24, 2021 But I knew back then, and know now, that my experiences in theatre have shaped me in endless ways. Therefore, I wrote that fated essay on how the basics of improvisation have taught me to remain as flexible and level-headed as possible in the face of adversity - and to make the best out of any situation. Below is one section of my college essay, which not only granted admission to some of the best and most formative years of my life, but also draws upon what could have been a terrible on-stage mishap if it weren't for mine and my cast's quick thinking and adaptability. Student Blog: An Open Letter to the Awkward College Freshman by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - August 23, 2021 I'm hoping this year is off to a good start. Of course, you're gonna have first day jitters, like not knowing where your classes are and living in a new environment, but you got this. You'll make good friends in no time. Trust me, I've been in your position. The friends you make in these next few years will be around for a lifetime. They will hype you up when you need it and will be a shoulder to cry on when you need one of those. Student Blog: CONNECTING WITH FRIENDS. by Student Blogger: Claudia Quintero - August 23, 2021 In these past few weeks I've been seeing some friends, with all the safety measures but it is so heartwarming to be connecting in person again with everyone. Most of my friends that live here, don't love Musical Theatre, or musicals in general haha, so I wanted to talk about that today because even if we are different, I get to spread the passion that I have for musicals in an organic way. Student Blog: How to Prep for an Audition at Home by Student Blogger: Olympia Prodafikas - August 23, 2021 It is now crunch time; I go back to school on Friday and have an audition on Monday. Obviously, I haven't been in school so I couldn't take advantage of the resources that I normally have there. I have my own process for learning songs at home and I think it is important for everyone to have their own as well. Student Blog: Auditioning: It's A Learning Experience, Not the Hunger Games by Student Blogger: Meredith Muirhead - August 23, 2021 Whether you’re one of the many LaDuca-clad bodies swirling through Pearl Studios or a shaking fifteen-year-old in a community theatre lobby (or even a high-school hallway, watching the athletes barrel past as you sit on the floor outside the auditorium), the words “audition” and “callback” certainly trigger plenty of stress within you. You think of the roles you’re aiming for, or the spot you’re competing for, and your eyes turn towards the other actors waiting with you, all of whom are experiencing equal levels of stress, and the sense of competition is palpable. You forget that these people are your friends- you probably got coffee with a few of them yesterday, or even have plans with them afterwards. But in the waiting room, all camaraderie is lost. It’s an “every man for himself” environment. Student Blog: Packing List for a Musical Theatre Student by Student Blogger: Emily Ownby - August 23, 2021 I’m packing up to move back to campus for the senior year of my BFA Musical Theatre program. Here are ten items from my must-have list for Theatre/Music/Musical Theatre Students. 1. An online document organization system. Scan sheet music or sides with your phone and upload them to an online platform. I use Google Drive, which allows me to log in from any computer and access my files! A digital copy is always available and ready for printing. Other things to add to your online database include resumes, headshots, and accompaniment recordings. Student Blog: We Made A Musical Parody For Orientation! by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - August 26, 2021 Inspired by the UMich MT senior entrance presentation, my class decided to make our own version. Including music from Merrily We Roll Along, Hairspray, Heathers and Wicked, I’ll share my experience putting it together, and read on to watch the video! Student Blog: What I Loved About ¡Schmigadoon! by Student Blogger: Silvana Flores - August 23, 2021 The show could've been a disaster if they didn't do two things right: choose the right people and decide that the only point of the story would be to make you laugh, and thank god they made good choices. Since the first time I watched the trailer, I was so excited about the cast, I mean we got Kristin Chenoweth, Dove Cameron, Aaron Tveit, Jane Krakowski, Ariana DeBose, Jaime Camil, Ann Harada and more together! And even though I love everyone, my favorite characters were Melissa (Cecily) and Emma (Ariana). Student Blog: The Dreams That Inspire by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - August 23, 2021 I honestly, don't know how my writing would be affected if I haven't been single for so long. I think that being single meant to me that I must write. I must use this love that I am ready to share and put it into my writing. To be completely honest, I don't think I would have acknowledged my deep love for writing if I had experienced love. Student Blog: An Open Letter to Incoming Freshman by Student Blogger: Paige Rosko - August 23, 2021 'My college experience so far has not been easy, but I know that I have grown in the best possible ways because of it. So, I'm going to give some of my best tips and tricks to hopefully help you become comfortable at college.' Student Blog: Summer Stock Central: Step #5 | Master The Self-Tape by Student Blogger: Matt Guernier - August 23, 2021 So...I could be totally wrong with this forecast, but I think self-tapes will be a permanent staple in this industry for years to come. For your Summer Stock search, it's highly likely that you'll have to complete at least one let's master it in just 3 steps: 1. Gather your Equipment 2. Prepare your Material 3. Execute Efficiently Student Blog: Finally Living My Dream by Student Blogger:Sydney Van de Putte - August 25, 2021 I am moving to New York City in less than a week. I am moving to New York City in less than a week. I am moving. To the NEW YORK CITY. IN LESS THAN A WEEK. This is something that I have been dreaming about for easily 5 years, and it is finally happening. I cannot believe that it is finally happening. Everything is pretty much packed, so now I am just counting down the days and tying up loose ends. The only thing is, it doesn't feel real. Student Blog: Words From The Working- Advice From Incredibly Successful Creators by Student Blogger: Leah Packer - August 23, 2021 Hello Broadway lovers, theatre students, and artistic creators around the world! Welcome to the blog as we pass through August. Yes, eager blog-readers, after a long, pandemic-driven wait, I will be back at school before this month ends. Wow. I reached out to some exceptionally talented people and asked: what's the best piece of advice you've received in your artistic career? I guarantee you that their answers will move you- whether or not you work in the theatre. Read on for a dose of happiness, motivation, and reminder to continue embracing the unexpected. Student Blog: Reclaiming My Voice: My Experience with Vocal Therapy by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - August 23, 2021 'Going in, I didn’t know what to expect. I was very nervous that I was not going to be able to make much progress in such a short time. However, I was able to learn about my voice and how to take care of it. This has allowed me to be way more confident in my voice.' Student Blog: My Love Letter to Movie Musicals by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - August 23, 2021 I am very fortunate that my mother showed me movie musicals from a very young age. She didn't just show me the Disney musicals, like Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. I was exposed to Julie Andrews's Maria and Brandy's Cinderella. I was mesmerized by all of these films. I loved the storytelling. I loved the music. I loved the romance. I wanted so badly to be just like the women I saw in those films, especially Julie Andrews It is what reminded me of what I loved about theatre. It reminded me of the joy you experience when the main couple meets. It reminded me how dance and song can tell a story like nothing else. It reminded me of how theatre allowed me to escape. It made me want to do theatre again forever. Student Blog: An Interview with Emmy-Nominated Costume Designer Christopher Hargadon by Student Blogger: Aingea Venuto - August 27, 2021 A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to chat with Christopher Hargadon, a costume designer who has worked on TV shows like Hannibal and movies like Anon. He has just received a 2021 Emmy nomination for his work on The Umbrella Academy. 'Everything you do is with its own treasure, and I've worked with some wonderful people over time, both in front of the camera and behind the camera. I've got to say, the Umbrella Academy, it really is. It's so diverse and fun, and the audience is so diverse.' Student Blogs This Week - NYC Apartment Hunting, College Application Tips, and More! by BWW News Desk - August 13, 2021 Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more. An interview with Loki composer Natalie Holt, looking forward to the fall semester, a playlist of showtunes for graduating seniors, and more-- read the latest from our college student bloggers! Student Blog: A Letter to My Younger Self by Student Blogger: Melis Tavmergen - August 12, 2021 Now that it's time to start my last year in college as a senior, I had a little time to think about what I would say to my high school self, who was eager to apply to colleges and change her life. It may be too early to call it a letter to my younger self, but that's what it is: a couple of things I learned in my last four years. Student Blog: In-Person Rehearsal Tips by Student Blogger: Mia Van Deloo - August 12, 2021 With theatre slowly returning back, I know I am not alone when I say I am extremely excited to be back in the rehearsal room for this upcoming school year. From first read-throughs to opening nights, nothing has truly been the same online. So, here are some tips that I am finding to be helpful as I am making the transition to in-person rehearsals. |