News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: Have You Heard of A Dramaturg?
by Student Blogger: Grace Cutler - September 14, 2021

I highly recommend that those who enjoy history, english, and theater, work as a dramaturg. This is a more scholarly part of the theatrical process and it aids the storytelling unlike anything else. Dramaturgs live in the world of the play from the production's beginning to its end and work from the perspective of the audience as well as the actors. Though an often overlooked and unknown part of a production team, a dramaturg's work greatly aids the rehearsal process and telling of the for the actors and audience.

Student Blog: Tony Predictions
by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - September 14, 2021

Need some help predicting the winners? I have attempted to predict about half of these categories (mainly the musical theatre categories since I was not able to see the majority of the plays in the 2019-2020 season), and have provided some rationale for each category. Of course, all the nominees deserve awards, but only one can win in each.

Student Blog: We're Finally Back to School! What Now?
by Student Blogger: Aingea Venuto - September 10, 2021

My sister, who is a freshman, is experiencing college as a brand-new concept. It’s her first time living alone, and she didn’t adjust right away. To all of the freshmen and the returning students trying to get into the flow of things: it’s okay to be scared or homesick!

Student Blog: What Makes a Jukebox Musical “Work”?
by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - September 10, 2021

As I watched the townspeople of Cinderella sing Queen’s “Somebody to Love” to celebrate the changing of the guard, I was forced me to think about what it is that makes some jukebox musicals work, while others (like, perhaps, Cinderella), perhaps…don’t quite.

Student Blogs This Week - Triumphant Returns to Campus, Missing GREAT COMET, and More!
by BWW News Desk - September 10, 2021

Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more.

Student Blog: Drama, Double-Majoring in Journalism
by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - September 10, 2021

On my first real day of my Journalism class this year, after syllabus day, my teacher sent us outdoors with an assignment: observe your surroundings, write down potential story ideas, and come back in 40 minutes, and we’ll talk about what you saw. I realized that I'd done a similar exercise for my acting class during my freshman year of college.

Student Blog: I Hope I Never Grow Up
by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - September 10, 2021

You are never too old to have dreams or to drop everything and go after them. I think too many people worry about the wrong things in life and have their priorities sideways. Money and sensibility will only take you so far in life. Life is too short to not be happy and do everything you've ever wanted in this world. I think dreams are what keep life exciting and at no point in life should we ever stop dreaming.

Student Blog: The Problem of Recent History
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - September 10, 2021

The sharp contrast in perspective between the young performers and those behind the scenes—the professors and technicians who remember 9/11 well—has kidnapped my attention. I find it fascinating and meaningful in a layered way that I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever understand.

Student Blog: I Love College (Please Help Me Make Friends)
by Student Blogger:Sydney Van de Putte - September 14, 2021

After a year of online school, I feel like I should be ready. I should be jumping at every opportunity to make friends, but my social anxiety along with a raging fear of rejection stops me in my tracks. I feel like I made more friends through Zoom than I have in real life. Seeing these people in real life is like seeing a micro-influencer in the streets. It is the weirdest experience of my life. I find myself as the kind of person who will not consider someone else their friend until the other person said it first.

Student Blog: A Week of Wonder
by Student Blogger: Abigail Dobry - September 10, 2021

One week I have been at Pitt. Only one and it has been filled to the absolute brim with opportunities. I have met so many people, learned about all sorts of clubs and organizations at Pitt and I have never felt more a part of a community then I have recently. All the students around me feel the exact same way. Though we dread normal schoolwork, exams, and the like, we have had incredible opportunities to let our strengths shine in many ways.

Student Blog: Back on Campus
by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - September 9, 2021

I'm extremely lucky to have all my classes in person (masked, of course). While I'm thrilled for each and every one of my classes, my theatre classes have been particularly exciting. The opportunity to be in a room again with other theatre makers has been magical. In just a few days, I feel like I've established a thriving community of artists and makers who are gonna take this privilege to do wonderful things. There's a sense of joy and excitement vibrating throughout the air, and I cannot get enough of it.

Student Blog: Coping with Disappointing Grades
by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - September 10, 2021

We are actually not a goal oriented industry where there's gold, silver or bronze at the end of the race, or where the value of our work is determined by our grades. I think that art is subjective and the subjectivity is reflected in your grades too.

Student Blog: A Letter to My Freshman Self
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - September 9, 2021

You've met some cool people, gone to some parties, and, yes, auditioned for some things. I know a lot of the initial excitement has worn off and you're starting to question why you went to this school in the first place, but hang in there, it gets so much better.

Student Blog: Chatting with TikTok Sensation Broadway Bob About His New Podcast, Patti LuPone, and More
by Student Blogger: Marissa Tomeo - September 9, 2021

@broadwaybob is an star among the TikTok theatre community. Here's what he has to say about dealing with hate, his new podcast, and Broadway divas.

Student Blog: Week One Back on Stage
by Student Blogger: Emily Ownby - September 9, 2021

I can't believe I'm finally back on campus. The last time I was here was in March of 2020. The difficulty of a year of online college made my on-campus reunion with my friends that much sweeter. I was greeted with big hugs, and my heart was so full. I moved into my dorm and looked forward to getting the semester started. I couldn't wait to eat with my friends in the dining hall and enjoy movie nights, or late-night milkshake runs. But first, I would have to get through Week One.

BWW Blog: John Strasberg's ADAMS' APPLES
by Student Blogger: Bea Mienik - September 9, 2021

Adams’ Apples is a John Strasberg talent trifecta. He wrote, directed and starred in this contemporary homage to Anton Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard. In our recent interview, Strasberg explains that like Chekov’s dramatis personae of 100 years ago, the modern day characters we meet in his film “never did anything about doing what they dreamed of doing”.

Student Blog: Balancing College With a New (And Slightly Cliché) Obsession
by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - September 9, 2021

The moral of the story here is that it's normal to go through phases where all you can really think about is this one fictional character you have a massive crush on. What you have to avoid is letting that take over your entire life. That leads to bigger problems, and trust me, you know you're not ready to deal with those.

Student Blog: Workshopping a new show
by Student Blogger: Olympia Prodafikas - September 9, 2021

This semester, I have the privilege of workshopping a brand new production! I wanted to share a little bit about this amazing experience. It has been a really valuable acting and general life skill to be able to connect with a group of people on a deeper level.

Student Blog: Choose Your Fighter: BA or BFA?
by Student Blogger: Maddie Davies - September 9, 2021

When I started looking into college theatre programs about 5 years ago (I can't believe it's already been that long), I had very limited knowledge about the difference between a BA and a BFA. It has been drilled into my brain by a variety of sources that BFAs are better. I had no reasoning behind it other than hearing it from other people. In reality, BAs and BFAs are just different. Neither one is inherently better than the other. It just depends on what you are looking for. It still feels like there is a stigma around opting for a BA program over a BFA in the general theatre community though.

19 Current College Students Share Their Back to School Experiences
by Taylor Brethauer-Hamling - September 10, 2021

We've reached out to 19 of our college student bloggers to see how their colleges and universities are planning to create a safe environment with classes, on campus activities and the impacts on performing arts courses and productions, along with vaccine and mask mandates.

Student Blog: I Got Vaccinated!
by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - September 8, 2021

I got the vaccine in memory of those who did not make it to this day, people like Nick Cordero. I took the vaccine in honour of families who have lost their world, like Amanda Kloots and Elvis. I was happy to be jabbed in thanks of all of our health care workers, who have had a much longer eighteen months than anyone can ever claim to have.

Student Blog: We're Back!
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - September 8, 2021

The return of Waitress brought Sara Bareilles back as Jenna and Drew Gehling as Dr. Pottamer. At the opening night curtain call, the cast called Amanda Kloots onstage to pay tribute to her husband, Nick Cordero. In productions of Waitress around the world, audiences will be able to spot Cordero's 'Live Your Life' Pie' on the menu board in honor of the late actor.

Student Blog: Am I Really as Brave as Everyone Thinks I Am?
by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - September 8, 2021

There will be many times when one day you pack up your life and wave goodbye to everything you once knew and run towards the unknown with nothing but yourself. It's scary and people will tell you how brave you are while you stand with your knees shaking with fear for what's in front of you. There are so many questions you don't have the answer to yet and so many ways this could all go sideways. It used to be a dream and now it's a-soon-to-be reality that we toy if we're even ready for.

Student Blog: Why The Lighting Thief is The Perfect College Musical
by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - September 8, 2021

Schools with a large technical budget can really play up the fantasy of the musical. They can do high tech transformations and amazing monsters. Schools with a smaller budget can really play up the camp factor of the show, and have more simplistic sets and special effects. The same goes with cast size. The chorus of this show can be huge or small, depending on the needs of the school.

BroadwayWorld Seeks College Student Bloggers for Fall 2021
by Team BWW - September 13, 2021

Calling all theatre-loving college kids! We're looking for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to share their knowledge, recommendations, and school tips in blogs for BroadwayWorld. Find out more about how you can blog for us!

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