News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: Monica Furman - How We Put On the Only Ghostlight in Orange County (For Less than a Broadway Show Ticket)
by Guest Blogger: Monica Furman - February 7, 2017

If you've been living under a theatrical rock, you may have missed the Ghostlight Project, a national movement to pledge or reaffirm diversity and equity initiatives by artistic communities that launched on January 19, 2017.

BWW Blog: Kellie Williams - Broadway Con 2017 Day 3
by Guest Blogger: Kellie Williams - February 3, 2017

Last month, my sister and I attended the third and final day of BroadwayCon 2017. We had such a great time all day, but here are the highlights of our day:

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - An Actor Who Does Both
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - January 19, 2017

For those that don't know, I personally identify as a 'techtor'. This term came to me one day when I was scrolling through Pinterest. It means an actor who is also a techie. Most people will pick one or the other and solely focus on one. That is honestly great for them. I, however, find that I am not alone in my adventure to learn everything. Several people that I've worked with are actors that also do tech or are techies that also act.

BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Tips for Memorizing Lines
by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - January 18, 2017

After receiving a new script and knowing what you have been cast as, the first thing actors generally do is look through their script and identify their lines. If you are worried about learning lines quickly, here are some tips that have helped me learn lines quickly.

BWW Blog: Keanna Irving - Shakespeare Meets Hip Hop: A Review of OTHELLO: THE REMIX
by Guest Blogger: Keanna Irving - January 16, 2017

The Westside Theatre pulsed with hip hop music and glowed with the neon lights on stage. Did I come to the right place or was this a club? I settled into my seat, ready for this one act ride.

BWW Blog: Monica Furman - Creative Juicing with Mariah Owen and Leah McKendrick
by Guest Blogger: Monica Furman - January 16, 2017

Content warning: This article describes art about sexual assault.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Body Positivity in Theatre
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - January 13, 2017

It's everywhere. Body Positive ads and videos work its way into the media on practically a daily basis. Stores are expanding the sizes they carry, girls are encouraged to embrace their curves, but all the same a photoshopped fantasy takes over our minds thinking what the ideal image is. I decided to take a look at how this affects the theatre world that I am so blessed to be a part of. I surveyed one hundred random, anonymous participants. The survey was distributed to several different theatre pages on social media where participants have a wide range of experiences and opinions. I also had the pleasure to interview Michael Kennedy (a student at the University of New Haven), Stephen Sheperd (a recent alumnus of the University of New Haven), and Diana Dart Harris (a professor at the University of New Haven whom has degrees in both dance education and exercise science).

BWW Blog: Cheyenne Dalton - The Best Thing About Being a Theatre Major
by Guest Blogger: Cheyenne Dalton - January 9, 2017

I bet you think I'll say 'built in friends' or 'fun classes' or 'hanging out in the green room' or 'doing shows,' and while all of those things are great and mostly true, none of those things are the best thing about being a theatre major.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Finding the Fit: Typecasting
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - January 3, 2017

A big part of show business is typecasting. There are 'types' that people fall into. These can be based around age, race, gender, and personality. Some people this as an opportunity to play to their strengths. I once participated in a workshop where the instructor told us to 'know our types'. He then began to call people out one by one: 'You're a Fierstein. Try looking at Edna Turnblad or Tevye.' 'You're a Broderick. Look at his roles.' 'Streisand. You have a lot of options for material.' He compared us to already well known household names in the theatre world. What about embracing who you naturally are? Why be the next insert celebrity here , when you can make a name for yourself and be original? There are stock characters that people naturally gravitate towards with ease whether it be by look or by personality, but if people get locked into these types it begins to be all they are seen as. To some people, these types can be seen as limiting. There's not much variety in roles if they play the same kind of part over and over. Actors should try to expand their range of roles when possible. The popular belief of what is attractive doesn't necessarily need to be the leading players driving the action, but just because someone who isn't conventionally attractive drives the story doesn't mean it is an ugly duckling tale. Dramaturgy also comes into play if a character description is explicitly influencing the script. That being said, I've seen several productions where the characters look phenomenal. They are a perfect depiction of how the story describes, but the talent was subpar. It was very clear that a different person was a much better fit, though they might not have been the perfect image. This idea got me thinking: Just because you look the part, does that mean you deserve it?

BWW Blog: Kellie Williams - My Top 3 Favorite Parts of NATASHA, PIERRE, AND THE GREAT COMET OF 1812
by Guest Blogger: Kellie Williams - December 29, 2016

Earlier this month, I saw Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 on Broadway with my mom and sister. It was unlike anything I've ever seen on Broadway-or anywhere-in the best possible way. Here's a list of my top three favorite things about the show:

BWW Blog: Keanna Irving - Three Enjoyable 'Study Breaks'
by Guest Blogger: Keanna Irving - December 29, 2016

Going to the theater is the best study break in the city. For a few short hours, the stress dissipates and you get lost in stories that actors pour out in front of you. Spontaneous excursions to the theatre have become the occasional treat that I greatly enjoy. After seeing seven shows this semester, a few have stuck out in particular.

BWW Blog: Monica Furman - New Year's Resolutions
by Guest Blogger: Monica Furman - December 28, 2016

Ah, New Year's Resolutions. I make these every year and I dread them every year, mostly because I know the lifespan of these promises might not outlive the month of January. However, this year, I am taking a different approach. Maybe it's because I'm smack dab in the middle of senior year and I'm really feeling that 'transitional life change' crisis, but I've been getting really inspired lately. For 2017, I'm creating artistic New Year's Resolutions where, if I (hopefully) complete them, the principle of each can translate to 'real life' (whatever that is).

BWW Blog: Jakob Creighton - The Home Stretch
by Guest Blogger: Jakob Creighton - December 23, 2016

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted!! I've been very busy with exams, but now they're done!

BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before My First College Audition
by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - December 19, 2016

I just spent this fall season at five different colleges every weekend, auditioning for BFA musical theatre programs and I have learned a lot along the way. Here are 10 things I wish I knew before I embarked on this journey.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Understanding Empathy: A Theatre for Community Impact Reflection
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - December 19, 2016

In taking the class this semester, I learned so much about how theatre makes an impact on our community (yes, that is the class title and it is self explanatory). I learned about other theatre companies make their impact such as La Poca Nostra, the Yes Men, and the San Francisco Mime Troupe. I got the chance to research issues affecting our communities and collaborate with my classmates to make art addressing those issues. This show was certainly one for the books. With a minimal amount of rehearsal time, we put this show together within a matter of weeks. Everyone took on a wide array of responsibilities and I couldn't be prouder of my classmates. Here is what some of them had to say about their experiences:

BWW Blog: Cheyenne Dalton - THE NUTCRACKER or the Week of Finals
by Guest Blogger: Cheyenne Dalton - December 14, 2016

Every year, Auburn University Theatre hosts the East Alabama Community Ballet's The Nutcracker in early December. For the past three years, I have been a part of this process, running sound for many dress rehearsals, performances, oftentimes morning shows, and tea parties. It truly is an experience. From Monday to Sunday this year, I worked 40 hours, which sounds like a pretty normal workweek for the average person. Except I am a full-time student, and this is in the middle of finals week.

BWW Blog: Samantha Jamieson - Today Is Your Day!
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Jamieson - December 6, 2016

(*Boom-Boom... Boom-Boom... Boom-Boom *)

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Theatre for Community Impact: Inside Rehearsals
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - December 5, 2016

Welcome Back! Decisions have been made and by the time you read this article we are merely days away from displaying our work and findings from the semester. Our title has been finalized as ?em-p?-th?. If you notice or it needs to be explained, this is the phonetic spelling of empathy, which has been the overall theme to our work. Our company has been hard at work in rehearsals and in the classroom. I decided to get an inside scoop from my classmates on their thoughts about the production and the class this semester as a whole. Let's get started shall we?

BWW Blog: Cheyenne Dalton - AU Singers or The Weekend Before Finals
by Guest Blogger: Cheyenne Dalton - December 5, 2016

So, around this time of year, AU Singers, Auburn University's Showchoir, is gearing up for performances. This December, their lineup included Believe from The Polar Express, The Christmas Can-Can, and Jailhouse Rock, among many other songs. People from all over the campus are involved in Singers - from music education, to theatre, to applied discrete mathematics, engineering, economics, and biomedical sciences. They all have very distinct personalities, and it's nice to seem them working together to get their show to be the best it can be. The common goal really brings them together in a way that they focus mostly on the group ensemble.

BWW Blog: Samantha Jamieson - Tech Week Sneak Peak
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Jamieson - December 2, 2016

The Lorax may not appear in the TYA version of Seussical, but that didn't stop his Truffula trees from taking over the Annex Theatre stage this past weekend. We walked into rehearsal last Monday morning to see that our creative and kooky set was finished and ready for play. Since then, our technical team has been working hard to paint this canvas. They have truly been bringing the Jungle of Nool and the Planet of Who to life!

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - When One Door Closes Another One Opens
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - November 29, 2016

On November 19th, we played our last performance of Our Town at the University of New Haven. Every show had a unique element to it. Thanks to our dramaturg, Dr. Margaret Savilonis, and our helpful reliable team of ushers, the program contained an insert asking us what we would put into a time capsule, referring to the Act 1 speech from the Narrator. At the end of the show, to the audiences amazement, they walked out to the lobby which had their answers (which were collected at intermission) projected onto an image of the night sky. Like any show, we were sad to see it end. We learned about each other and ourselves through this process and we grew closer as a department.

BWW Blog: Chelsey Robichaud - Top 5 NYC Moments November 8-11
by Chelsey Robichaud - November 28, 2016

Well readers, your Canadian gal made a trip to the Big Apple the week of the election! I don't know how to describe my 10000th trip - wonderful! No, 'S'wonderful! Not only were we in the midst of the election, we were surrounded by Broadway greatness everywhere we went! Here are my Top Five Broadway moments!

BWW Blog: Keanna Irving - ARCADIA
by Guest Blogger: Keanna Irving - November 17, 2016

For a few evenings during the week, several students change out of their business casual attire and push the rows of desks towards the wall, creating a makeshift rehearsal studio in an empty classroom. Within four brightly painted walls, students create art. They abandon homework for a few hours to direct, rehearse, and produce a play. For the fall of 2016, the King's College has decided to tackle Arcadia by Tom Stoppard. This show simultaneously takes place in 1809 and 1993. The 1993 characters spend their scenes researching and debating the lives, landscape, and literature of 1809 Sidley Park, a place of genius discoveries and scandal. Caitlin Coats, the freshman who plays Hannah, said that this show is 'intellectual and absurdist.'

BWW Blog: Cheyenne Dalton - When Clothes Rip
by Guest Blogger: Cheyenne Dalton - November 15, 2016

Currently, I'm working on an adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It's been one of my favorite stories since the first time I read it in high school, and I was interested to see it adapted on stage. Somehow, I'm not running sound for this show, so I picked up being a dresser instead. I've been a dresser once before, and the time constraint really stressed me out. But, I decided to try it out again. I've learned a lot doing this show - mainly because I truly understand my job now. The last time, I was running around, lost and confused. But I've learned a lot.

BWW Blog: Kellie Williams - Broadway Advocacy Coalition's THE INVITATION: Political Participation
by Guest Blogger: Kellie Williams - November 14, 2016

On Sunday November 6th, the Broadway Advocacy Coalition held the first in a series of monthly events called The Invitation. The theme was Political Participation. The Coalition has teamed up with professors, lawyers, and students at Columbia Law School in an effort to bring the arts and policies together. The Broadway Advocacy Coalition was formed after a social media post from Amber Iman became a movement. Her fellow Broadway actors Adrienne Warren, Britton Smith, Cameron J. Ross, Christian Dante White, and Jackie Bell came together with her to organize an event to bring to light the plight of Black people in America. After the success of that first event, Broadway for Black Lives Matter, they decided to expand their programming to include The Invitation.

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