News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: Blogging in School
by Student Blogger: Alison Bauza - March 5, 2018

Hi again, everyone! I hope you have had an eventful semester and year so far. With it being the time for midterms, there are a lot of school projects underway and with that, a lot to talk about. Depending on what school you may attend, what your interests are, and what level you're at in school, it's all a process with so much room for opportunity to share what the latest trend is and how it affects the work you do.

BWW Blog: Minorities in the Arts
by Student Blogger: Lorenza Bernasconi - March 5, 2018

Hi Broadwayworld! Im Lorenza , a 20 years old in the middle of my Musical Theatre BFA at . It's crazy to think that a year and a half ago I changed my life completely in order to pursue this as a career. I moved from Lima, Peru where I've lived my entire life and came here to The U.S. where I knew I would get the best training! Being a Latina in this political climate is interesting to say the least, but I've been incredibly blessed to know that there is a place for us in the theatre, or at least that there should be!

BWW Blog: Something Bigger Than Myself
by Student Blogger: Sophia J Grimes - March 3, 2018

Everybody knows that being a freshman theatre major (or really, a freshman in any performing arts major) usually means a whole lot of auditioning and not getting a lot of bites (in most cases).

BWW Blog: Tech Week: aka The Final Countdown
by Student Blogger: Lea Passione - March 2, 2018

Hey It's me Lea. I am here with life as crazy as it gets. This week has been a crazy/busy week because we had rehearsals for Middletown, every day; we had tech rehearsal, dress rehearsal, running through the entire show. Part of me feels very excited, nervous and a little bit overwhelmed since I am juggling a personal life, home life, school, and play rehearsals. It's a lot to handle.

BWW Blog: The Expression of the Arts
by Student Blogger: Griffin DeVries - March 2, 2018

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of art is to "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." This definition is a true statement to how I feel when I'm in the theatre doing what I love.

BWW BLOG: My Ultimate Musical Theatre Persona: As Predicted Through Online Personality Tests
by Jessica Vanek - March 1, 2018

BWW BLOG: My Ultimate Musical Theatre Persona: As Predicted Through Online Personality Tests

BWW Blog: First Time Choreographing Tap!
by Student Blogger: Micah Patt - March 3, 2018

Hi! So this week was particularly eventful for many reasons oh my goodness! First of all, rehearsals for Spring Awakening began Monday night, and I'm so thrilled to be involved.

BWW Blog: Fake It Until You Make It
by Student Blogger: Monique Hebert - March 2, 2018

On my first day of grad school the program director sat us all down for a new student orientation, and told us her story of her first day on the job. She told us how she felt like a fake and doubted her talent around her accomplished faculty members. Then one of the faculty came up to her and asked her "do you feel like a fake yet"?

BWW Blog: A Summer in Ohio (or Other Places)
by Student Blogger: Jessica Medley - March 1, 2018

Hello again everyone and welcome back to my weekly blog with BroadwayWorld! This past week has been full of school, outside activities, as well as preparing for the upcoming professional auditions many in my program are taking part in. So, with this conference at the forefront of everyone's minds, I thought I would detail a little bit about how I am personally preparing to audition for a ton of summer stock companies, and how I'm balancing trying to be a professional while knowing that being a student has to always come first.

BWW Blog: Day in the Life of a Publicity Officer: Video Newsletters
by Student Blogger: Carissa Tirico - February 28, 2018

As a publicity officer, I have many responsibilities. One of which being to edit our video newsletters. In this article, I'm going to explain how I edit these newsletters and hopefully provide some good tips to anyone who's interested.

BWW Blog: Getting to Know You
by Student Blogger: Elana Mariani - February 28, 2018

Hi, everyone!  My name is Elana, and I am so excited to begin writing on BroadwayWorld!  I have always enjoyed writing, and am ecstatic to share my life and love of theatre with you all.

BWW Blog: Introducing Milton
by Student Blogger: Mia Dedear - February 27, 2018

A halfhearted sprinkle of rain drizzles upon the rooftops of Austin, coaxing weary UT students back indoors to recharge from the exhausting day. But for a specific few, the work has just begun. Lights up on a downstairs room of the Winship Drama building at the University of Texas. Twelves pairs of feet are planted firmly on the ground. Twelve sets of eyes rest shut, probably for the first time in hours.

BWW Blog: Inching My Way Into The Department
by Student Blogger: Maeve Brooks - February 27, 2018

I believe February is having an identity crisis. This week has gone from the campus being blanketed with snow to shorts and tee-shirt weather and then back to snow again! But the erratic weather has not stopped the theatre department from preparing for the upcoming spring productions: William Shakespeare's As You Like It and the Directing Class' Spring Shorts.

BWW Blog: An MT Major Abroad- And That's the Gospel Truth!
by Student Blogger: Caroline Attayek - February 26, 2018

Any student of the performing arts knows that modern theatrical performance stems from the tragedies of Ancient Greece. We are all taught at a young age the tale of Thespis, who stepped out from the chorus and became the very first actor. That is where our title, 'thespian', comes from! Well, what if you had the opportunity to study the ancient world in which our profession was originally cultivated?

BWW Blog: Kicking Into High Gear
by Student Blogger: Micah Patt - February 23, 2018

Ah Hi! The semester is definitely beginning to kick into high gear! I've had an assessment in almost all of my classes over the past week, and Spring Awakening rehearsals start this upcoming Monday.

BWW Blog: Surviving the Summer Stock Waiting Game
by Student Blogger: Jenna Napolitano - February 23, 2018

Audition season is about halfway over, yet a majority of us do not know what our plans for the summer are. We are either still waiting on an offer from a theatre who has not finished their auditions yet, or we have already heard "no". No matter what your story is, long story short, the waiting game is HARD. The question is, how can we survive the waiting period without driving ourselves into the ground and becoming certifiably insane (I learned the hard way last year...)?

BWW BLOG: Everything was Beautiful at the Ballet
by Jessica Vanek - February 23, 2018

BWW BLOG: Everything was Beautiful at the Ballet

BWW Blog: Disability and Special Needs Services in the Arts
by Student Blogger: Alison Bauza - February 21, 2018

Hi, everyone! I hope you all are doing well so far this season. It is officially the end of Theatre Week here in Chicago. This 10 day period provides a big amount of discounts and opportunity for everyone to see several shows in the city. That being said, an issue that has been quite a huge part of my education and experience this current school year that I would love to see discussed more is accessibility services in theatre.

BWW Blog: Beyond My Wildest Dreams
by Student Blogger: Jessica Medley - February 21, 2018

Hello there everyone and welcome to my first blog post on BroadwayWorld! I am more than thrilled to have been given the opportunity to talk about all things theatre, my education, and life as a young red-headed woman pursuing theatre as a career!

BWW Blog: Busy Bee at QC
by Student Blogger: Lea Passione - February 19, 2018

Hello, its me Lea. Back again for another look at what goes on in my life at Queens College.

by Student Blogger: Gianna Principe - February 16, 2018

Many celebrities have been going to Broadway. Be it a new 'trend' or now Broadway is in the now thanks to shows like Hamilton or Kinky Boots. Uma Thurman is another celebrity who joins a cast! The show? The Parisian Woman written expertly by Beau Willimon and directed by Pam MacKinnon.

BWW Blog: Return from Americus, Georgia
by Student Blogger: Micah Patt - February 15, 2018

After writing my previous post, I finished a wonderful week at KCACTF! My friend and fellow freshman Kelley, as well as my lovely dance tutor Alexa made it to the final six in the Musical Theatre Initiative, which meant that they got to perform at the closing night Gala in front of all the festival attendees.

BWW Blog: Life in the Waiting Room
by Student Blogger: Tyler Klingbiel - February 15, 2018

Trying to get your acting career started can be one of the most physically and mentally draining tasks that burns out so many actors before they get their "big break." Especially if you are starting out with a resume with some college credits, and maybe some high school shows as well.

BWW Blog: Thank You Grandma
by Student Blogger: Courtney Buzzell - February 14, 2018

Often times people reflect on those who helped inspired them. The people who helped shaped that way they are today. This school year I've done plenty of hands on crafts with my classes, which made me reminisce about how my grandmother was the jack of all trades. She's the reason why I'm where I am today.

by Jessica Vanek - February 14, 2018


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