News on your favorite shows, specials & more!


BWW Blog: Erin Kong - The Chance of a Lifetime: Singing with Kristin Chenoweth
by Guest Blogger: Erin Kong - May 27, 2016

Imagine: your childhood hero, the woman who coined one of your 8-year-old self's favorite songs, holding your hand in front of hundreds of people, the renowned Phoenix Symphony gushing in gorgeous melodies behind you. You are surrounded by your friends and classmates, and bowing in front of an ocean of applauding strangers. No, this is not a dream. This was very much reality. Last weekend I had the opportunity of performing backup vocals with fifteen of my classmates at Arizona State University, for Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth.

BWW Blog: Chelsey Robichaud - Hello, BroadwayWorld!
by Chelsey Robichaud - May 26, 2016

Since discovering in freshman year of high school, I have been hooked! No other website makes me feel as 'in the loop' with New York as this site. Being from a small town in Canada, I enjoy everything BroadwayWorld has to offer. It's been my home sweet homepage ever since!

BWW Blog: Samantha Tirrell - BACKBEARD, Becoming
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Tirrell - May 23, 2016

We are about to enter our final week of rehearsal for Backbeard: A New Musical at the Theatre Institute at Sage! This Friday, we will begin technical rehearsals for the show, and we open for school groups next Wednesday, June 1st. It will be an exciting last week as the final details are hammered out and we finally see the results of our efforts come to fruition.

BWW Blog: Naomi Melvin - Somebody's Eyes: A First Look at Randolph Academy's FOOTLOOSE
by Guest Blogger: Naomi Melvin - May 23, 2016

Randolph Academy's Class of 2016 (Summer) is graduating in 81 days and I am but one member of this sizeable and extraordinary group. It is my absolute pleasure to share the work on our last production, Footloose, with you over the next few months. Hey, my name is Naomi!

BWW Blog: Sam Weber - Just Another Day, Only a Day
by Guest Blogger: Sam Weber - May 23, 2016

If you're reading this, chances are I do not need to describe what many refer to as 'the magic' of theatre. You're probably living it right now. Whether this idea refers to the relationships within a cast, the effect of the show on an audience, or simply the energy that you can only feel onstage, there is certainly something special about being a part of theatre. Now take all of those warm fuzzies, and put them into one tiny, little 24-Hour long box. You shouldn't be able to, right? But it's completely possible, and it's something students from all across my university have been doing for two years now.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Theatre Bug Infects the Campus: Faculty Perspective
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - May 23, 2016

Last week I shared the growth of the University of New Haven's Theatre Department from the student perspective. Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with a few of the faculty to hear their views of the program's growth.

BWW Blog: Amanda Bohlmann - Putting Together a Show on a Small Stage
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Bohlmann - May 20, 2016

When deciding on what show to do for each semester, our theater group gets together to discuss possibilities to run by our director. Our director threw Sweeney Todd out as an option but we all knew it was going to be a challenge. One of the biggest things we have to take into consideration when choosing a show every year is our very tiny stage. Our theater has a little over 100 seats but has the smallest little stage. We also have to squeeze our orchestra on the stage right corner of the stage because there is no other place to put them! Visioning sets on that stage always is difficult to start but with the help of our amazing crew, we manage to pull it off every year.

BWW Blog: Tara Folio - You Rest, You Rust
by Guest Blogger: Tara Folio - May 19, 2016

One of my favorite mantras is, 'If you rest, you rust'.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Theatre Bug Infects the Campus: Student Perspective
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - May 16, 2016

Since the theatre program first came to be, the University of New Haven has not been the same. Watching the program grow has infected the rest of campus with the theatre bug. Student organizations have been inspired to take on more theatrical events around campus. To quote Cabaret cast member Katherine Lutz, 'Theatre is no longer a group of misunderstood outcasts; theatre is now a welcomed part of student life on campus!'

BWW Blog: Samantha Tirrell - BACKBEARD: Artistic Synthesis
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Tirrell - May 13, 2016

Exciting things are happening with Backbeard here at the Theatre Institute at Sage! This past week, as we've finished staging the piece and other creative elements have started surfacing in rehearsal, has been an exciting reminder of how many different mediums of art are synthesized in the creation and construction of theatrical work. Musical theatre itself is an amalgamation of several different art forms, and all of these forms must be cohesively unified in the construction of a musical theatre piece. Backbeard, which was birthed from a brilliantly illustrated book series by Matthew McElligott, has been a constant reminder of how many different types of artists with their respective mediums of art must be engaged with the piece in order to ensure its faithfulness to McElligott's illustrations while still catering to the tried-and-true guidelines of theatrical work.

BWW Blog: Maty Cameron - College Theatre: The Family I Never Knew I Had
by Guest Blogger: Maty Cameron - May 11, 2016

I joined community theatre when I was fourteen. I had played sports my entire life. Playing sports with the same group of girls my entire life was competitive, caddy, and miserable. And then I joined the theatre world. Yes, the theatre world is competitive, and there are many people who can be caddy, but it was different here: there was an entirely new aspect to this: a sense of family. They were a shoulder to cry on when I needed it, they supported me when I was in shows elsewhere, they were there. It was the first non-biological family that I had formed myself, and that was the first time I realized I would never leave theatre.

BWW Blog: Amanda Grillo - Getting to Know You: Theatre Ice Breakers
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Grillo - May 9, 2016

Making friends is not always easy for people. Sometimes you just can't think of the right conversation starter. Sometimes you crave a more interesting introduction at a table read or meet up than 'Name, Role, Fun Fact about yourself'. If you're like me, you don't know what fact about yourself would be considered fun. You can learn a lot about someone as a person and as a performer if you just ask the right ice breakers. I've learned more about cast mates and fellow crew members from talking to them and asking these questions than any random fun fact could ever bring me. These are a few favorites of mine, including answers from yours truly (Because why not take this opportunity to introduce myself)! Here we go!

BWW Blog: Tara Folio - The Faces Behind the Table
by Guest Blogger: Tara Folio - May 6, 2016

Theatre can be such a competitive industry, and at times it feels like you are under constant scrutiny.

BWW Blog: Samantha Tirrell - Costuming The Hairiest Pirate Who Ever Lived
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Tirrell - May 6, 2016

This week over at the Theatre Institute at Sage, we staged Backbeard's big visit to the tailor shop, where two ostentatious tailors are given the fashion challenge of their lives -- Backbeard, who has been restricted by the Pirate Council to wearing only clothing without color, needs new clothes after his pants rip during his birthday fight. The tailors give him just that, and they send the colorfully-clad pirate on his way with a little pink pig to replace his missing parrot. Challenge accepted and conquered.

BWW Blog: Dearna Doglione - Ali Harper is Doris Day
by Guest Blogger: Dearna Doglione - May 5, 2016

The last two Sundays, Christchurch's Court Theatre has been filled with the shared stories and boisterous laughter of two solid staples of New Zealand theatre. It is easy to see why a viewing of Ali Harper's one-woman show 'The Doris Day Special' is such a charming mix of tears and laughter with these two talented and powerful women at the helm.

BWW Blog: Amanda Bohlmann - Pre-Show Rituals
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Bohlmann - May 2, 2016

Everyone has their own pre-show rituals that they need to do before a show. This year I especially became extremely interested in seeing how other people prepare for shows.

BWW Blog: Jennifer Weber - Release Your Imagination: HARVEY Review
by Guest Blogger: Jennifer Weber - April 29, 2016

At a normal social gathering your sister is having you would thing you would be allowed to bring a guest. Now, what if that guest is an imaginary six-and-a-half-tall rabbit? Well that's the case in 'Harvey,' which is currently playing at Elgin Community College (ECC). Elwood P. Dowd (Nathan Mann) insist on having his rabbit Harvey at all of his sister's social gatherings, but when Elwood's sister Veta Louis Simon (Alissa Teadt) and her daughter Myrtle Mae (Karen Almanza) decide to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium (mental institution) some interruptions occur along the way.

BWW Blog: Maty Cameron - Backstage at ANGRY PSYCHO PRINCESSES!
by Guest Blogger: Maty Cameron - April 29, 2016

Today, I am posting a video blog that will take you behind the scenes of Angry Psycho Princesses, which runs April 26 - May 1, 2016 at the Buchanan Center for Performing Arts on the University of Wyoming Campus.

BWW Blog: Amanda Bohlmann - Audition Anxiety
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Bohlmann - April 27, 2016

I think it is safe to say that all actors hate auditions. No matter how big or how small, there is nothing relaxing about standing in front of a table of people whose jobs are to sit there and judge you. Although auditions are not fun, it is something that we all have to endure in order to make it into shows (unless you're Idina Menzel and can just get roles thrown at you all the time. But sadly there is only one Idina).

BWW Blog: Samantha Tirrell - Backbeard's Birthday Fight
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Tirrell - April 27, 2016

According to page 136, paragraph four, subsection C of the Pirate Handbook, on a pirate's 'older-than-ninth birthday,' his trusty crew must grant him a fight! That is exactly what happened this week at the Theatre Institute at Sage in our staging of Backbeard's own birthday fight, an exciting 10-pirate quarrel with the hairiest pirate who ever lived at the center of it all.

BWW Blog: Dearna Doglione - Through My Father's Eyes
by Guest Blogger: Dearna Doglione - April 26, 2016

As I take a seat at the back of the theatre, the cast of Through My Father's Eyes start practicing their songs. Peseta conducts with a flavour and style ingrained within him, powerfully finding the light and shade, making every word of the beautiful language understandable to those who can't speak it. When they make it to the peak, there is such strength in their passion for the song that it almost brings me to tears. But the true power is within the quiet moments; the palpable fragility, that makes you listen so closely and feel so deeply.

BWW Blog: Samantha Tirrell - The Music of BACKBEARD
by Guest Blogger: Samantha Tirrell - April 25, 2016

We've just finished our first week of music rehearsals for Backbeard at the Theatre Institute at Sage! Because Backbeard has been workshopped with our department a couple of times now, most of the cast is already very familiar with the music, so the trajectory of our music rehearsals was naturally a bit different than it would have been if we were rehearsing a licensed show. The familiarity that the cast has with the material already allows for the polishing of the music earlier in the rehearsal process than is standard, and this musical stability will assist with the fluidity of rehearsal once staging begins.

BWW Blog: Maty Cameron - The Great White Wyoming Way - A Day in the Life
by Guest Blogger: Maty Cameron - April 25, 2016

I love reading/watching the 'Day in the Life' videos on Broadway World! And now I get to do one!

BWW Blog: Meet College Student, Amanda Bohlmann - Small Town Theatre
by Guest Blogger: Amanda Bohlmann - April 21, 2016

Hi there! Welcome to my first BroadwayWorld blog! My name is Amanda & I am currently an ensemble member in my college's production of Sweeney Todd. I'm here to tell you a little bit about my experience being part of an incredible cast in a production in a tiny little town called Sparkill, NY.

BWW Blog: Tara Folio - The Fear of Striking Out
by Guest Blogger: Tara Folio - April 21, 2016

Perfection: Something that everyone desperately craves, but no one can ever actually attain. Why is society so obsessed with striving for such an unreachable goal?

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