BWW Blog: Handling Rejection by Student Blogger: Meg Graff - October 9, 2019 When I was around 15 or 16, there were auditions in my town for The Miracle Worker. I was so excited. My younger brother has special needs, and is non-verbal, so the play meant a lot to me and I really, really wanted to play Annie. I practiced the accent, read the script a bunch, watched the movie, and did everything I could to prepare. (I now realize this should've been a sign that dramaturgy is the path for me). BWW Blog: To Tech a Mockingbird by Student Blogger: Meghan Settle - October 8, 2019 Hi everyone! My name is Meghan, and I'm a Junior Lighting Design and Technology Emphasis at Oklahoma City University. At my college, we're given 2 to 3 production assignments a semester, and my first one for the semester is production electrician on the regional premiere of Aaron Sorkin's To Kill a Mockingbird. The show goes up near the end of this month, so I thought I would write about my process as master electrician for the show as it happens. BWW Blog: Bringing Internship Skills Back to School by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - October 8, 2019 In my first journalism course, my professor would bring in the best of her graduated students to guest lecture once a month. I sat in the front row with my jaw on the floor as they flipped through PowerPoints of their journey to where they are now: The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, you name it. There was always an alumnus that would walk into her classroom with a bright smile to give Professor DePaul a big hug and talk to her current students. BWW Blog: The Incredibly Involved and Very Stressful Art of Painting a Straight Line by Student Blogger: Arly Rubens - October 7, 2019 Lesson number one: paint one straight white line and one straight black line onto your forearm in cream stage makeup. That familiar chorus of artsy-assignment self-deprecation begins before any of us have the chance to settle into the process. We crack jokes - we are a room of college students who can't paint straight lines, adults who can't finger-paint. They're jokes, sure, but delivered with a hint of genuine criticism that each of us can feel. BWW Blog: Musical Theatre on The Small Screen by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - October 7, 2019 There are so many ways you can absorb theatre but one of the most important and underrated ways is through television. We all know about Glee and the success it had, but most people aren't aware of the other genius musical shows such as Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Galavant, and even Smash, which is probably the most well-known of the three. BWW Blog: College Theatre Survival Guide - Transfers Edition by Student Blogger: Shelbi Cornelison - October 7, 2019 Congratulations! After months of countless auditions, Unifeds, interviews, callbacks, portfolio reviews and the dreaded waiting (and inevitable acceptance and denial) period you have final found a collegiate theatrical home...only to find out that it's not actually your home. Now, you're left debating whether or not starting the entire process all over again is really worth the risk of coming out empty-handed in the end. BWW Blog: Use Your Voice! by Student Blogger: Meg Graff - October 2, 2019 Here's the deal. I'm in my junior year of college, and approaching the scary world of adulthood. I'm almost there, and that's got me thinking a lot about my future career in the theatre and also as a person in the world. I'm a political person. It's something I care about a lot, and was, early in my college career, what I thought I was going to do with my life. BWW Blog: Collaboration, Inspiration, Creation by Student Blogger: Zach Rivera - October 1, 2019 Something that every artist needs to learn is how to effectively collaborate. This could be anything from new work, to acting with a scene partner. Theatre is an extremely collaborative craft. Even the biggest one-person shows have a creative team, and many hands pulling many strings. This isn't a bad thing, however, because truly thought provoking work requires many different perspectives. Nothing is done alone, and if it is, then fix it. BWW Blog: There's A First Time for Everything by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - October 1, 2019 For all of my terrified freshmen out there, this one's for you. My stomach has been in knots for a week thinking of my first day of class on Tuesday, October 1st. Here's the thing: I'm a junior at the University of California, Irvine, but I feel like a freshman all over again as I step onto the arts campus as a new student there. After 2 years of overthinking, I decided to go for it and tack on 'Drama' to my Literary Journalism degree; let me tell you, I'm about as nervous as can be. BWW Blog: The Whole College Thing by Student Blogger: Tina Crane - September 30, 2019 So, you've finally moved up to the big leagues, college. You've had time to settle in, decorate your dorm, and put up your playbills but, now what? Sure, classes are keeping you busy enough, and you've become friends with your roommates but, what should you do with your free time? BWW Blog: The Privilege of Stage Dooring by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - September 30, 2019 What is stage dooring? How do you stage door at a show? How should you behave at the stage door? These were questions I was thinking about as I visited New York this past weekend to see a few shows. I had the absolute privilege to see the Off-Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors, Aladdin, and Betrayal. Almost every single show I've ever seen on Broadway or Off-Broadway I've tried to stage door at. Stage dooring is a privilege, not a guarantee. BWW Blog: Ode to Self-Evolution by Student Blogger: Stina Pinsky - September 27, 2019 Congrats, you've made it to college! The freedom you feel while in college is truly something special and you get to put your life in high school behind! It's the fresh start you've dreamed of! It's also a great time to hone your talents and really figure out who you are. There's a lot of expectations coming into your freshman year, and a lot of new things thrown your way. And it's totally fine if things don't go the way you expect them to! BWW Blog: Expanding My Horizons by Student Blogger: Zach Rivera - September 26, 2019 This past week has had ups, and downs. Highs and lows. That's just the way it goes sometimes. The ups have been real up, and the downs have been total rock bottom downs. What I've happened to discover is that the downs are a permanent part of life, and artistry. They are constant. They can be lessened, however by the ups. The ups work a little different, though unfortunately. BWW Blog: Aww Gee! First Time Working Children's Theatre by Student Blogger: Laken Burkhardt - September 26, 2019 As college students, most of us have probably become accustomed to working with fellow actors our age who may have been doing theatre for several years, but how often are we getting involved in our communities to work with children and teens who are being introduced to theatre for potentially the first time? This July, I did just that. BWW Blog: Find Your Grail by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - September 25, 2019 This past weekend I had the pleasure of seeing a production of Spamalot at the University of South Carolina Beaufort (USCB) Center for the Arts and it inspired me to discuss not only the importance of seeing theatre but also how there is so much theatre that is around you that you haven't yet discovered. This was my first time at this theatre, and it's about an hour and a half from Savannah. I was thrilled to learn there was another avenue to see more theatre that wasn't too far from where I lived. BWW Blog - Try Everything! by Student Blogger: Meg Graff - September 25, 2019 I wanted to be an actor for a really long time. I still love performing, and it's something I try to do fairly regularly. I've had so many people tell me how happy I seemed when I was in the rehearsal process or after shows. For most of my life, I was very much of the mindset a?oethis is it for me. I'm going to be an actor, and I don't need to try anything else, because nothing will ever make me feel as happy and fulfilled as acting does.a?? BWW Blog: Managing Time, Rehearsal, and Mental Health by Student Blogger: Meg Graff - September 19, 2019 I'm going to start this off with something that you probably already know: being a student is hard. There's a lot of hats you need to wear, so to speak. Between classes, schoolwork, rehearsals, and trying to maintain a social life, there might not seem like a lot of time to unwind and focus on yourself. As much as this is easier said than done, make time. This is a lesson I learned very well as I got more involved in school. BWW Blog: A Senior Stage Manager's Take on the Back-to-School Season by Student Blogger: Audrey Lang - September 18, 2019 It's just now what we might call mid-September, and I already feel as though I've been back at school for three months instead of three weeks. My bedroom isn't even completely unpacked yet. And as my Theories of Performance professor pointed out, we just had our first full five-day week of classes. But somehow, despite all of this, the first show of our department's season goes into tech this week and opens on Saturday night. BWW Blog: Hunger and Opportunity by Student Blogger: Zach Rivera - September 17, 2019 When we think about hunger, we usually hear it preceded by the word world, or mass, and in the context of food. When people say they're hungry it's usually because they're craving food and wanting to eat. Out of this context, many artists and even those who aren't, tend to describe people who are scrappy and fighting for opportunity as hungry, and I never actually thought about the implications of this statement. That is until this week. BWW Blog: That Special Feeling by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - September 17, 2019 Hello BroadwayWorld, it is such a pleasure to be given this opportunity to write a blog about college, theater, and all the different aspects of the arts. My name is Emily Bonifacio and I'm a sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design campus in Savannah. BWW Blog: (Im)Proving Yourself by Student Blogger: Zach Rivera - September 10, 2019 I think we all know as theatre artists, that an important part of our craft is paying our dues. We all start out with our first audition, or maybe helping out a local theatre backstage, and through hard work, experience, and time, we figure out what we want to do, and get the opportunities we strive for. BWW Blog: Stone Bridge Players by Student Blogger: Laken Burkhardt - July 25, 2019 How many of us have had the opportunity to work in an unconventional theater space? To strip down bare, take away all the commodities that a traditional theater has, and perform a show in a unique space with a simple sound system and just a few par-cans? One local theatre company in Johnstown, PA has been doing just that. The Stone Bridge Players theatre company performs every summer right in the middle of downtown on the third floor of the local Flood Museum. BWW Blog: Publishing a Book! by Student Blogger: Laken Burkhardt - July 8, 2019 14 months ago I and a group of students from my college (Pitt-Johnstown) embarked on a project working with a local Summer Stock theater in our area to commemorate their 80th anniversary. The Mountain Playhouse is local professional equity theatre in Jennerstown, PA that got its start in 1939 being created from an old Gristmill. Other than being shut down during the war, and a fire, this theater has been putting shows on every year. BWW Blog: The Suzuks by Student Blogger: Sarah Gagarin - June 21, 2019 Coming into week two we really started to crack into our Three Sisters work. My section is focused solely on Act One and I have been cast as Vershinin in the show! I'm very excited to continue to work on this project as it is coming together beautifully! BWW Blog: The SITIuation by Student Blogger: Sarah Gagarin - June 14, 2019 Hello everyone! I've been blessed to be given the opportunity to study with Anne Bogart and SITI company here at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs New York. While none of this training is brand new to me as it is to some of my colleagues here this whole experience has been mind altering. |