BWW Blog: Arts Managers and Where to Find Themby Student Blogger: Isabella Schiavon - June 29, 2020Do you know that feeling when you love the arts so much, but you don't really want to pursue them as a career, but you also don't want to let them go? Well, let me tell you something: Arts Management & Entrepreneurship is the major for you. BWW Blog: Parade and the Relevancy of Todayby Student Blogger: Annie Coulson - June 29, 2020When the time came to pick which musical I was to write about for my NYU outsider class, I combined my two classes and loves and landed on one of my favorite musicals, Parade. BWW Blog: The Art of Actingby Student Blogger: Gwendolyn Glaude - June 29, 2020A little girl walks into an audition at the age of ten. She is quiet and timid. BWW Blog: Theatre Needs to Changeby Student Blogger: Mary Felix - June 29, 2020This is a time of necessary change, change that is urgent. It is always a good and adequate time to listen to other's stories, especially those involving our world's injustices. BWW Blog: The Community College Experienceby Student Blogger: Benjamin Simonetty - June 26, 2020I remember being in high school weeks before graduation and being so unsure of what I wanted to do. I knew I enjoyed theatre but I had done zero research into the college that would work best for me and in all actuality I didn't know if college was the right choice for me. BWW Blog: The Art of Self-Tapingby Student Blogger: Brittany Davis - June 26, 2020I will be the first to admit, I do not know everything about self-taping. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with it, however, like it or not it's about to become a BIG part of the theatre and musical theatre world in the coming months/years/decades/forever/etc. BWW Blog: Summer Reading for MTsby Student Blogger: Cassie Maurer - June 26, 2020Ah, summer reading: the assignment that nobody asked for, yet everyone received. So, here I am today giving you that same unprecedented assignment of summer reading, but with a twist! BWW Blog: You Too Can Live Like Troy Boltonby Student Blogger: Allison Kephart - June 26, 2020You may think that you don't have time for anything else by rehearsals, but I promise you that with the proper time management you can play a sport and be the lead in your high school musical. BWW Blog: TikTok and the Theatre Worldby Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - June 26, 2020Ultimately, TikTok has become a place where theatre kids can express themselves and share their love for theatre while shows are shut down around the world. BWW Blog: Creating Theatre in the Midst of a Pandemicby Student Blogger: Maria Pauer - June 25, 2020Virtual Theatre Collaboration, or VTC for short, seeks to connect artists and audiences regardless of the platform, through digitally capturing original shows written by students, directed by students, performed by students, and designed by students. BWW Blog: A Day in the Lifeby Student Blogger: Leah Packer - June 23, 2020Full disclosure, it involves a lot of snacking. Alright, let's get started! BWW Blog: The Importance of High School Theatreby Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - June 23, 2020I think I can speak for all theatre kids when I say, High School, would've been awfully dreadful if we didn't have our school plays. From the actors to the techies. A community that is strong and full of love. BWW Blog: Getting to Know Me!by Student Blogger: Maura Consedine - June 23, 2020My name is Maura Consedine, I'm 19, and am currently a sophomore at St. John's University in Queens, NY. BWW Blog: Learning to Love Playsby Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - June 22, 2020Like most small-town theatre lovers entering college, the extent of my theatrical experience was the annual school musical and a smattering of community theatre productions. BWW Blog: Reflecting on My First Time Directingby Student Blogger: Katelen Hankins - June 22, 2020It was incredibly educational, moving, and I am not only grateful for the opportunity but I'm eager to do it again (and again and again!)