News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

BWW Blog: You're Not In High School Drama Club Anymore
by Student Blogger: Chloe Hechter - June 2, 2020

a?oeYou're not in high school drama club anymorea?? was the first thing a college acting professor said upon entering the room on my first day of freshman year. There was something completely terrifying about hearing that phrase out loud, even for those of us who weren't even in a a?oedrama cluba?? to begin with.

BWW Blog: Hey Mom! I'm Studying Theatre
by Student Blogger: Gwendolyn Glaude - June 2, 2020

As a previous High School Senior I remember the daunting college fairs and admissions counselors I had to face. It was a strange conversation; explaining to my small town guidance counselor that I was going to be studying theatre for four years.

BWW Blog: Broadway's Top 5 Dad-Ballads
by Student Blogger: Izzi Diaz - June 1, 2020

With Father's Day approaching, June is the month to recognize the dads of Broadway. More specifically, highlight their songs that tug at our heartstrings and might cause for an occasional silent wipe of a tear or extra call to dad after the show.

BWW Blog: Get Noticed by Cold Emailing
by Student Blogger: Audrey Myers - June 1, 2020

As artists, we are in charge of our own career destinies and as such, sometimes one has to pound the pavement in order to advance in the industry. Any good business person uses the cold call to his or her advantage.

BWW Blog: Getting an Education in Theatre Education
by Student Blogger: Caroline Conard - June 1, 2020

I am a senior Theatre Education Major with a minor in Digital Media attending Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. Not only is Xavier about an hour from my family, the ideal distance, but it has a Theatre Education program, which many other universities do not offer. 

BWW Blog: The Road to Flexibility
by Student Blogger: Mary Felix - June 1, 2020

A Port Authority bus in Pittsburgh fell into a massive sinkhole last year. After only a few months in the city, I quickly added another possible problem onto my concerns list: missing class, making friends, getting stuck in a sinkhole, finding a free washing machine, etc.

BWW Blog: Getting to Know You
by Student Blogger: Emma Rose Dorsch - June 1, 2020

Hello, Broadway World!. I was so excited to write my first post and start sharing my ideas that I forgot to share myself, that is, to introduce myself! Before you read my opinions and views, I thought you might want to know a little about me and my theatre journey.

BWW Blog: An Unexpected Intermission
by Student Blogger: Gillian Lintz - May 28, 2020

Most, if not all Musical Theatre students at my school, Anderson University, were heartbroken after receiving the school president's email that we would not be returning to campus after Spring Break.

BWW Blog: Zoom University - Taking an Acting Class During a Pandemic
by Student Blogger: Katy Dara - May 28, 2020

When Gov. Cuomo announced that all SUNY schools would be moving to an online learning model for the remainder of the school, my thoughts immediately started reeling. I had so many questions, concerns, and worries that my mind couldn't let go. One major question persisted: how am I going to take theatre classes online?

BWW Blog: What My Time as a High School Stage Manager Taught Me About Adulthood
by Student Blogger: Nora Rhein - May 28, 2020

Not only are we coming of age and meant to forge a new identity for ourselves, we're being sent out into the world to create in an uncertain future. So how are students, especially creatives who were already facing uncertainty in the job market, meant to enter into adulthood with so many obstacles? 

BWW Blog: A Virtual Hug from Broadway
by Student Blogger: Brooke Treiman - May 28, 2020

When you cannot hop on the next train to Broadway, the virtual theater community is the best alternate destination. Though my experiences with theater can no longer be as reliable and consistent as a pre-purchased show ticket (at will of NJ Transit), I am making the most of the spontaneous and delightful events that Broadway stars are sharing with the world online. 

BWW Blog: Albright College - Art for Dreamers
by Student Blogger: Allison Kephart - May 27, 2020

Albright College is a small Liberal Arts college in Reading, Pennsylvania. Albright is home to the Domino Players Theatre company, which is almost 100 years old! Over the last fifteen years, Albright has been recognized eleven times by bringing a production to the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Region II Festival.

BWW Blog: Why “Come From Away” Is Important to Me
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - May 27, 2020

When I first heard of a?oeCome From Awaya??, it was in the fall of 2016, nearly four years ago. My parents and I were visiting Washington D.C. and my task was to find a show to watch on one of the nights we were free.

BWW Blog: My Weird Relationship with Ursula
by Student Blogger: Katelen Hankins - May 27, 2020

I've never played Ursula or even had the opportunity to audition for her, but when I was in middle and high school doing theatre, I dreaded the mere possibility that I would ever have to play her. 

BWW Blog: Zoom University, Department of Performing Arts
by Student Blogger: Emma Rose Dorsch - May 26, 2020

Oh my goodness, my first post! I'm so excited to share my thoughts and ideas with all of you. First off, I would like to look back on the past semester.

BWW Blog: One Year Of Theatre School - Ten Life Lessons
by Student Blogger: Emily Hoffert - May 26, 2020

Majoring in theatre directing, much of studying theatre means studying myself. Fordham's theatre program has pushed me to reflect on my own thought patterns, communication skills, and identity. This year, I've learneda?? 

BWW Blog: Studying The Performing Arts at a Christian University
by Student Blogger: Izzi Diaz - May 26, 2020

When people think of Liberty University, they tend to picture students majoring in your typical a?oeChristian-likea?? studies such as missionary or ministry work. What most people do not recognize Liberty for is their excellent Performing Arts Program.

BWW Blog: We Change Like the Seasons
by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - May 26, 2020

You know that feeling you get when you find your community? Where you find those who share the same passions and loves as you do that you'd never found before? That's how I've felt being privileged enough to write for BroadwayWorld.

BWW Blog: Welcome To The Blog!
by Student Blogger: Leah Packer - May 26, 2020

Hello theatre kids, Broadway lovers, and creators around the world!! My name is Leah Packer, and I am HONORED to be joining Broadway World as a college student blogger! These articles will be all about my college theatre life (before and during this pandemic) how I'm continuing to learn and study acting, and some tips and tricks of the a?oecollege theatre studenta?? trade I have learned throughout the past year!

BWW Blog: What I Learned in My First Month at Theater School
by Student Blogger: Maria Puig - May 26, 2020

What I learned in my first month at theater school I remember dreaming about my first semester in college while still at high school. I would do endless research on theater programs and campus life, thinking I was going in ready to have the perfect freshmen experience. The truth is everyone's experience is entirely different, and there is no such thing as the “perfect semester.”

BWW Blog: How to Succeed in Business School Without Being a Theatre Major
by Student Blogger: Maeve Reilly - May 26, 2020

This blog post is mostly me saying hey to,, I guess? So hey, I'm Maeve, a closet (not really) theatre geek studying marketing, media studies and global business at the University of Colorado Boulder.

BWW Blog: Stick With It - My Experience as a College Theatre Major
by Student Blogger: Holden Childress - May 26, 2020

Hello, BroadwayWorld! My name is Holden Childress, and I am an incoming junior Musical Theatre major at the University of Central Missouri. I am thrilled to be taking part in BroadwayWorld's student blogger program!

BWW Blog: Word to the Wise: My Road to College
by Student Blogger: Bri Fallahee - May 20, 2020

a?oeHow to Get to Hadestown:... Ain't no compass, brother- ain't no map. Just a telephone wire and a railroad track. Keep on walking and don't look back 'til you get to the bottomland.a?? Huh. This sounds a lot like the treacherous journey that is the college application process! 

BWW Blog: A Letter to the Incoming Freshman
by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - May 19, 2020

Dear incoming freshman, Congratulations on committing to your college! I'm sorry that this isn't the way you expected to start your college career. I'm happy for you, regardless. 

BWW Blog: The Online College Dance Class Experience
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Schmidek - May 19, 2020

If you are like me, you never imagined that the remainder of your semester would be spent dancing in your family room. No mirror and no barre, just your computer and a chair from your dining room table. This new lifestyle became the new normal and the new way of dancing with you peers (even if it is through a computer). 

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