Jesse Tyler Ferguson, widely known for his role as "Mitchell Pritchett" on the award-winning ABC comedy "Modern Family," has an extensive theater background, including his performance in the Broadway production of "Kean." more...
Christiane Noll, renowned for her Tony-nominated performance in "Ragtime," brought her extensive Broadway experience, including roles in "Jekyll & Hyde" and "Miss Saigon," to the stage in "Kean." more...
Arthur Rubin, who was a versatile talent in the entertainment industry, was part of the original Broadway cast of "Kean," showcasing his remarkable career as both a performer and a theater manager. more...
Robert Sella, known for his extensive work with Lincoln Center Theater in productions such as "Flying Over Sunset" and "Verité," also graced the Broadway stage in shows like "Sylvia" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," and was part of the cast of "Kean" more...
Susan Watson, known for her critically acclaimed performance as Kim MacAfee in the original Broadway production of "Bye Bye Birdie," brought her extensive stage experience to the cast of "Kean" more...