Call Type
Equity Principal
Equity Principal Auditions in DC
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
10 AM to 6 PM
Lunch 1:30 to 2:30
Tier 9; $586/week AEA minimum
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
641 D Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Equity actors for 4 roles (3 female, 1 male).
see breakdown.
Prepare a 2 minute contemporary monologue.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.
Other Dates
First Rehearsal: August 4, 2015
First Performance: September 7, 2015
Closing: October 4, 2015
Director : Kip Fagan
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
No Appt. necessary. First come, first serve.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
Female, 20-25. So skinny people worry about her. She is brittle and hyper-aware of her body image to the point of developing an eating disorder. Due to her personal insecurities, she derives her power from exploiting the insecurity of other women or imitating the bravado of confident men (often rappers). Also plays JOE, a young 20-something bro.
Female, late 50s. Mother of Guy. In her younger years, she embraced a feminist ideology, but when faced with aging reverts to an obsession with her appearance. Attractive, trim, looks ten years younger than she should. Ambitious and savvy. Has money. Also plays older GUY.
(Understudy only). Female, 30-35. Curvy-- has meat on her bones. She wants to be confident and comfortable indulging her appetites, but never quite conquers her own shame. Comes off sexual and sassy. Has a retro look. Also plays BRUCE, a young 20-something bro.
Male, late 20s. Cute, scrubby, looks like he could be in a band. Loves and admires his mother very much, and also resents her for conditioning him to surround himself with women who look like Tori-- even though he can’t stand the way Tori disrespects herself. He fetishizes Meredith as a woman who’s strong enough to be herself, and is crushed to discover she’s not all she appears to be. He has an element of danger or a slightly unhinged quality, an oddness, and a deep vulnerability. Has real empathy even though he can be a total dick. Also plays ALICE, an older female CEO.