Huntington Theatre Company | Boston, MA
Calderwood Pavilion - Boston Center for the Arts
527 Tremont St
Boston, MA 02116-6306
See breakdown for production-specific personnel.
Lyndsay Allyn Cox (Local Casting & Producing Director)
Kevin Schlagle (Resident Producer)
Brett Duffy (Casting Assistant)
See breakdown for production-specific dates.
If you are unable to attend the EPA in-person please send a copy of your headshot and resume to or mail a copy to The Huntington Casting Department, 560 Harrison Avenue, Suite 504, Boston, MA 02118. We are not accepting video submissions at this time. An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
To schedule an audition appointment, please email: Submission of headshot/resume (in one PDF attachment) at the time of appointment request is highly preferred.
LORT Non-Rep
$1,144 weekly minimum (LORT B) - Huntington Theatre, Virginia Wimberly Theatre
$839 weekly minimum (LORT D) - Roberts Studio Theatre
Equity actors for roles in Huntington Theatre Company's 2025-2026 Season (see breakdown). Some roles will be understudied. The Huntington Theatre Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages actors of all backgrounds and abilities to audition. Although pronouns are defined in the text, we welcome actors of any gender expression to audition. Equity actors who are local to Boston or New England (official residence within 50 miles of The Huntington) are encouraged to audition. An NYC EPA will be held at a later date.
Actors can prepare one monologue of their choosing or a monologue from any of the plays listed on the breakdown. If you wish to demonstrate singing skill, please prepare 16 bars of a legit musical theatre song. An accompanist will be provided on both dates. Please bring a stapled copy of your headshot and resume.
Playwright: Jez Butterworth
Director: Loretta Greco
Location: Huntington Theatre, LORT B
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, August 8th, 2025 (YOUNG ROLES) Saturday, August 12th, 2025 (ALL OTHER ROLES)
Tech Begins: Friday, September 5th, 2025
First Preview: Thursday, September 11th, 2025
Opening: Wednesday, September 17th, 2025
Closing: Sunday, October 12th, 2025
Dates are subject to change.
In this production, the adult cast size will be reduced down to a 14-person cast with actors required to double roles.
JILLIAN - (30s) The youngest of the four Webb sisters. She is the one who stayed at home after the other girls grew up and moved away for various reasons. She's been the main caretaker for their mother, who's dying of cancer, and she carries a lot of emotional responsibility for their mother into that reunion. The most sensitive and hopeful of the sisters. She has taken on the burden of the youngest female child -- stayed home, took care of mom, didn't marry, watched the town around her die.
PENNY - (40s) Nurse, caring but practical, of Caribbean heritage. Doubles as BIDDY - (50s) Maid / North British accent.
MR. POTTS - (50s) Piano Tuner. Doubles as LUTHER ST. JOHN - (40s) American. Talent manager, scout, and producer who claims to have his finger on the pulse of popular music and a roster of famous names. He takes advantage of his position when the opportunity arises.
RUBY - (30s) She's the second youngest. She adores her older sister, Joan, who went off to America to cut a record and become a singer. She's completely mythologized it. She comes across as energetic and makes jokes but you learn as the play goes on, that costs her quite a lot and she can't hold it all in. The most practical of the sisters. She knows who she is, what she has, and what her lot in life is. She can’t bring herself to go into her dying mother’s room. Doubles as MRS. SMITH - (30) Guest at the Sea View, not her real name – a tryst with MR. SMITH.
TONY - (14) Teenaged son of Gloria and Bill, in the midst of everything that teenage means – don’t call him Anthony.
BILL - (40s) Working class, northern England family man: he is the down-trodden husband of Gloria and father of Tony and Patty. Doubles as JOE FOGG - (50s) Lodger / The alcoholic piano player who can’t seem to catch a break.
GLORIA - (30s) The second eldest of the Webb girls. When we meet her, she is furious at having to be called back to her mother's deathbed — and furious that one of her sisters hasn't turned up. The embittered oldest of the daughters. GLORIA was hurt by her mother in her early teens and has never recovered, often taking out her hurt and anger on those around her.
DENNIS - (40s) Working class, northern England family man: he is the husband of Ruby, rumpled, sun-burnt, indescribably dull, prone to argue when drunk. Doubles as JACK LARKIN - (30-40s) Fancies himself a performer and comedian and is well-loved by guests and residents of the Sea View, he is always short on money and three months behind on rent.
JOAN - (Late 30s) The only one of the sisters who went on to actually pursue that dream. The one daughter who gets away to America to find a career. She has been fully Americanized, including her accent, and is hesitant to return to her mother and her sisters. Able to sing and light piano skills a plus. Doubles as VERONICA - (Late 30s) Veronica in the 1950s. She is the mother of these four girls, and she has big dreams for them to be an all-singing, all-dancing, Andrews Sisters-style act that might hopefully take off to America someday, where they'll become big stars. Working class British, is the hardworking owner of the failing Sea View. She will do anything for her daughters to succeed as a musical act.
YOUNG JILL - (12) Loves singing and dancing; there's not much seriousness. She's quite introverted when she's a child, and she grows up to be able to speak for herself. She loves a good crossword and loves her sisters.
YOUNG RUBY - (13) A bundle of joy, full of love, full of life, and she exerts happiness wherever she goes. Doubles as PATTY - (13) Teenaged daughter of Gloria and Bill, she lives to torment her brother, restless, excited.
YOUNG GLORIA - (14) She is very passionate and quite insecure. She gets changed a lot by what happens in the play, and she spends the play in pursuit of love from her mother and her family.
YOUNG JOAN - (15) She is the cool, somewhat rebellious older sister of the group. She is confident and carefree and a leader among her sisters. Cares deeply about her family although it may not always seem that way. If Veronica were to have a favorite daughter, it would be Joan.
Music by: Jeanine Tesori
Book and Lyrics by: Lisa Kron
Based on the graphic novel by: Alison Bechdel
Location: Huntington Theatre, LORT B
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, October 14th, 2025
Tech Begins: Thursday, November 7th, 2025
First Preview: Friday, November 14th, 2025
Opening: Wednesday, November 19th, 2025
Closing: Sunday, December 14th, 2025
Possible Extension: Sunday, December 21st, 2025
Dates are subject to change.
ALISON - (30s-40s) Narrator; now a self-aware adult, she is able to reflect insightfully on her own life and her relationship with her father before his tragic death; a strong singer who can move seamlessly in vocal quality from speech to song; range = low E to light belt C sharp.
MEDIUM ALISON - (16-20) A freshman at Oberlin College, discovering her sexuality; an incredibly well-read, hyper-intelligent teenager; her uncertainty about who she is makes her socially awkward at times; a strong singer who can move seamlessly in vocal quality from speech to song; strong mix-belt to C and effortless mix to E.
SMALL ALISON - (8-10) Alison Bechdel as a child; precocious and opinionated; on the cusp of finding herself and forming her own views on how a girl her age should behave and dress; confident and intelligent; strong singer who can move seamlessly in vocal quality from speech to song, natural sound, B to B.
BRUCE BECHDEL - (40s) High-school English teacher, funeral home director, spends his spare time on the historic restoration of his home; complex man with a hot temper as a result of years of repression; can be caring and attentive to his children but is also quick to anger; must be a strong singer who can move seamlessly in vocal quality from speech to song; range B to G.
HELEN BECHDEL - (30s) Alison’s mother; frustrated, exhausted by her tumultuous marriage; has spent her life trying to be a good mother and wife while turning a blind eye to the irreverent activities of her husband; must be a strong singer who can move seamlessly in vocal quality from speech to song; range A flat to strong mixed E.
CHRISTIAN BECHDEL - (10-15) Alison’s older brother; oldest of the three children; strives to be the leader but is sometimes overshadowed by Alison’s strong personality; seeking a singer (pre-pubescent) with a natural sound, good sense of harmony and pitch.
JOHN BECHDEL - (6-9) Alison’s younger brother; like most boys his age, he is full of energy with a quirky imagination; looks up to his siblings; seeking a singer with a natural sound, good sense of harmony and pitch.
JOAN - (18-20) Student at Oberlin; exudes confident, sexual energy, with a dry sense of humor; unlike Alison, Joan is very comfortable in her skin and openly identifies as a lesbian; must be comfortable with harmony singing, alto lines.
ROY / PETE / MARK / BOBBY JEREMY - (20s-30s) Roy, a young man Bruce hires to do yard work; Pete, a mourner who visits the funeral home; Mark, a high school junior; Bobby Jeremy, the lead singer of a band in Alison’s imagination; singer with a strong clean 70s pop sound - to a B.
Playwright: Jonathan Spector
Location: Huntington Theatre, LORT B
Tuesday, January 13th, 2026
Friday, February 6th, 2026
Thursday, February 12th, 2026
Wednesday, February 18th, 2026
Sunday, March 15th, 2026
Dates are subject to change.
SUZANNE - Mid-50s. White. Warm and Gracious. Moved to Berkeley after college when her then-boyfriend now-husband started graduate school at UC Berkeley. Raising her family and nurturing the school is her life’s work, and fully entwined. Once her youngest was in school she started working part-time as a life-coach, after being encouraged to it by so many friends who she’d helped through difficult times. Has a home worth four million dollars (though she’ll tell you it was much much much cheaper when they bought), but thinks of herself as “comfortable” rather than “wealthy.” Mother of Sebastian, Arlo, Izzy, Juniper, Tompkins, and Walden.
DON - Early 60s. White. Head of school. A calming presence. Has worked hard to become the man he is. From New England, moved to Berkeley in the mid-80s chasing the last gasp of hippiedom. Started in education as a music teacher, and on difficult days fantasizes about going back to it. Has lived with his partner in the same rented In-Law unit for 25 years. She makes pottery. They do silent meditation retreats at Esalen three times a year. No kids.
CARINA - Early 40s, Black or biracial. A joiner. Her parents were in the Foreign Service. She grew up overseas and had gone to eight different schools by the time she graduated from high school. This made her skilled at landing in a new environment, figuring out the rules, and putting other people at ease. Her wife is from Berkeley and always wanted to come back, so they moved nine months ago from the East Coast. Isn't sure how much she loves living here, but is working hard to convince herself she does, because her wife never wants to leave. She’s worked for non-profits her whole professional life, so has spent A LOT of time in board meetings and dealing with well-intentioned white people. Mother of Victor.
MEIKO - Mid-30s, Biracial Japanese/White (describes herself as Hapa). Berkeley native. Wry sense of humor. Went to UC Berkeley and has never lived anywhere else or wanted to. A landscape architect, which she’s good at but a little bored by. A year after the end of a tortured on-again off-again eight-year relationship, became a single mother by choice, of Olivia. When her daughter was young, Meiko’s mother was effectively a co-parent, but less so now. Would like to have another child but feels like she’s too old to think about doing it alone, again.
ELI - Mid-30s, White. Jewish or half-Jewish. Oblivious but well-meaning. From Southern California, went to Stanford and then straight into working at a tech start-up. Cashed out three years ago and has been in search of how to occupy his time and exercise his mind. An expert pickler, competitive rock climber, manager of family wealth. Went through an intense Ayn Rand phase in college, which now fills him with shame, but which he has also never fully shaken. When he and his wife first decided to open up their marriage, they spent many hours in therapy making sure they were approaching it in a thoughtful and intentional way. But that was a long time ago. Father of Tobias.
WINTER - 30s – 50s, A parent.
Playwright: Luis Alfaro
Director: Loretta Greco
Location: Roberts Studio Theatre, LORT D
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, April 7th, 2026
Tech Begins: Friday, May 1st, 2026
First Preview: Wednesday, May 6th, 2026
Opening: Wednesday, May 13th, 2026
Closing: Sunday, June 7th, 2026
Possible Extension: June 8th – 28th, 2026
Dates are subject to change.
Note: in portraying the roles of Oedipus and Jocasta, actors shall appear nude (full frontal nudity) and/or simulate acts of a sexual nature in the course of the production.
OEDIPUS / CORO #6 - 18-20s, Latine. A young king, tough and powerful. He has just been released from prison and is trying to rebuild his life. He is ambitious, he projects an aura of authority and righteousness that few would expect from someone with his past. Is looking to rewrite his path and running straight towards a prophecy he doesn't know about and will unknowingly fulfill. He's confident, impulsive, and serious. He lives in the extreme ends of emotion, very Greek in that sense. Also performs as part of the chorus. (Note: in portraying the roles of Oedipus and Jocasta, Actors shall appear nude (full frontal nudity) and/or simulate acts of a sexual nature in the course of the production.)
LAIUS / CORO #4 / EL HUESERO - 40-50s, Latine. The Old King, ruthless. Willing to do anything to hold on to his power and throne. Deeply values loyalty. Can be superstitious at times. Also performs as part of the chorus and as the Bone Healer.
JOCASTA - 30-40s, Latine. The Queen. Defends and stands up for her people. She is sexy, grounded, and forever mourning the death of her son. Strong-willed, holds on to her faith despite everything life has thrown in her path, bold. Speaks her mind, doesn't hold back her punches. (Note: in portraying the roles of Oedipus and Jocasta, Actors shall appear nude (full frontal nudity) and/or simulate acts of a sexual nature in the course of the production.)
CREON / CORO #3 / TECOLOTE #3 / ESFINGE #3 - 20-30s, Latine. Jocasta's brother. Has a less than pleasant past, met Oedipus in the Youth Authority. Loyal to the family business. Has a deep understanding of the town's traditions and demands respect. Projects an aura of authority that falls flat. Yearns for power, wants to be king. Also performs as part of the chorus and as the Owl Oracle and Sphinx.
TIRESIAS / CORO #5 - 40-50s, Latine. Blind Servant. He is Laius' right-hand servant. He is in a constant search for faith and knowledge and follows his conscience. Takes Oedipus under his wing, treats him as his son. Will do anything for him, including get himself into the same prison to be with him. Also performs as part of the chorus.
CORO #1 / EL SOBADOR / TECOLOTE #1 / EL MISTICO / ESFINGE #1 - Latine. A healer, an owl oracle, a mystic, the Sphinx, and a member of the Coro, the Greek style chorus of the piece.
CORO #2 / TECOLOTE #2 / EL CURANDERO / ESFINGE #2 – Latine. A healer, an owl oracle, a Shaman, the Sphinx, and a member of the Coro, the Greek style chorus of the piece.