Contemporary American Theater Festival - Washington, D.C. EPA
Monday, March 24, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (E)
BREAK 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
To schedule an appointment please contact:
Nicole M. Smith, Company Manager & Amy Wratchford, Interim Managing Director
681-240-2283 (preferred) M-F, 11am to 4pm
LORT Non-Rep
$839 weekly minimum (LORT D)
Equity actors for roles in Contemporary American Theater Festival's 2025 Season (see breakdown). No roles will be understudied.
Please prepare a brief contemporary monologue, one minute in length. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Keegan Theater
1742 Church Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Artistic Director: Peggy McKowen
Associate Artistic Director: Theresa M. Davis
Casting Directors: McCorkle Casting, LTD
See breakdown for specific production personnel.
Artistic Director: Peggy McKowen
First Rehearsals: June 10th, 2025
Openings: July 11th, 2025 and July 12th, 2025
Closing: August 3rd, 2025
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
by Sanaye Dring and directed by Ralph B. Peña
Happy Fall is a world premiere produced in partnership with Rogue Artists Ensemble and the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Two queer Hollywood stuntmen navigate the dangers of exposing their love. Based on true life events and told through live stunts, video, puppetry, and cinematic illusions, this story is a fun, raucous tribute to the resiliency of the LGBTQIA+ community. Illuminating issues of identity in the film industry, this play highlights the importance - and danger - of being true to one's self.
FELIX: 22, Male, Asian American, confident in a way that only 20-somethings can be. A stuntman who works on high falls. Comfortable with stunt work and/or fight choreography and willing to learn how to do stunt falls.
CLAY: 47, Male, white, alpha, once a highly-successful stuntman. Doubles as CLAY PUPPET and HOST (think Katya Z.). Comfortable with stunt work and/or fight choreography and willing to learn how to do stunt falls.
ENSEMBLE: Five actors that make up a superhuman ensemble that performs death-defying stunts and puppeteer Clay Puppet. They play a variety of roles including: STUNTWOMAN/COSTUME DESIGNER/FIGHT COORDINATOR 2, DIRECTOR, FIGHT COORDINATOR. Note: Actors experienced in fight choreography and puppetry are encouraged to audition.
by Mark St. Germain. Director TBA
WORLD PREMIERE: Eighteen years after the crucifixion, Peter reconnects with the banished Mary Magdalene. After casting her out, he now seeks her advice and counsel. Questions erupt as they recall different versions of Jesus, His miracles, and His vision for the faith. Whose memories are closest to the truth? Whose secrets are revealed? Whose stories will stand the test of time?
MARY: Female, Any Ethnicity, 30s-Early 40s. An Educated woman. She’s known great love and great tragedy. She grieves for the past and the future. Keen sense of intellectual humor, sarcasm, wit, and presence.
PETER: Male, Any Ethnicity, 40-60. Fisherman. An ordinary man struggling to fulfill extraordinary expectations.
by Lisa Loomer. Director TBA
What happens when the trust we place in our medical system actually makes us sicker? After a series of diagnoses, a mother leads us through her son's search for wellness, a Kafkaesque journey through the world of psychiatry. Written with humor and fury, the story explores the side effects of fighting through illness with the ones we love. In these crazy times, it asks us to question...are we medicating life itself? Note: All of these characters, these voices in His Mother’s head, are played, not broadly, but with their full humanity. Seeking versatile actors to play the following roles in a 5 actor ensemble.
HIS MOTHER: Female, Any Ethnicity, late 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s. A writer, a deep thinker but prone to tangents. Passionate, relentless, quick to find the irony in the worst situations and to cover or avoid with a laugh.
TRACK 1: Female, POC, Doubles as the following roles and more:
PSYCHIATRIST: Female, well off, successful, smart, assured, 50s.
SOCIAL WORKER: Female, BIPOC, truth teller.
KARA: A botanist, early 20s, grounded, straight forward, smart.
DR. LUCIRE: Australian, female, a fearless scientist, 82.
TRACK 2: Female, POC Doubles as the following roles and more:
BEST FRIEND: Female, BIPOC, no filter, lots of highs and lows.
SOCIAL WORKER 2: Female, young, new at her job.
TRACK 3: Male, Any Ethnicity, Doubles as the following roles and more:
PSYCHIATRIST 2: Male, a bit Hollywood, charming, 40s.
PSYCHIATRIST 3: Male, older, serious, bookish.
HOMEOPATH: Male, philosophical, down to earth.
OREGON DOCTOR: Male, soft spoken, wise, a good doctor.
HIS FATHER: An artist, 50s or 60s, warm, emotional, impulsive, unabashedly spiritual.
MAN WITH AKATHISIA: Straightforward, visibly suffering, riddled with movements.
CHAD: Male, early 20s, enchanted by the American Dream, money and cars.
INTEGRATIVE PSYCHIATRIST 2: Male, caring but practical.
NURSE BOB: Male, friendly, seeking control.
GABRIEL: Early 20s, open, bright, original, loves life.
by Kevin Kling directed by Steven Dietz
A world premiere in partnership with Merrimack Repertory Theatre. Kevin Kling is a weaver of stories. He is constantly looking for patterns, connections, and unexpected intersections that connect us to one another and to the world. With abundant humor and offbeat insights, with an ode to love and apologies to the gods, Kling unravels the threads that have led him to an unexpected destination. There’s the trip you plan…and the trip you take.
NARRATOR: ROLE IS CAST. Male 40-60, any ethnicity. Insightful, humorous, charming with an ability to spin a yarn.
by Cody Leroy Wilson. Director TBA
Cody tells the unlikely journey of his blended family from Vietnam to Plum Run, West Virginia. In this compelling tale, he examines what it means to be Asian American, to love one family while embracing the unknown, and ultimately to question his own identity. This powerful story proves that who you are is a choice of your own making.
CODY: ROLE IS CAST. Narrator, Male Identifying. Asian American. 30s. Doubles as MR. JEFFERSON, a high school history teacher.