Contemporary American Theater Festival 2024 Season - NYC EPA Contemporary American Theater Festival | Shepherdstown, WV
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Thursday, March 14, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
LORT Non-Rep
$776 weekly minimum (LORT D) - until July 1st, 2024
$807 weekly minimum (LORT D) - after July 1st, 2024
Equity actors for roles in Contemporary American Theater Festival's 2024 Season (See breakdown).
Please prepare a brief contemporary monologue. Also, bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Pearl Studios (500)
500 8th Ave
New York, NY 10018-6504
Holding room - Studio 401
Artistic Director: Peggy McKowen
Associate Artistic Director: Theresa M. Davis General Manager: Casey Hayes-Deats Casting Directors: McCorkle Casting, LTD
Expected to attend:
Rebecca Weiss: Casting Director
Fiona McIntyre Sucher: Casting Associate
See breakdown for specific production personnel.
First Rehearsals:
First Preview: June 29-July 5, 2024
Opening: July 5, 2024
Closing: July 28, 2024
Shepherdstown Opera House: THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH
EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.
An Equity Monitor will be provided.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.
Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Written by Donja R. Love
Directed by Malika Oyetimein
Note from the creative team: Don’t think of this offering and the characters herein as heavy, serious, or sad because of the subject. Yes, that is a part of this piece, but it is not the whole. Unless stated, do not cry or add any dramatic pauses. Rule of thumb: the people in this offering and in real life do more than cry; they laugh. Actors particularly for J.R/Manny, Abdul/Elijah, and Doctor Steinberg/Adam should be comfortable with nudity and utilizing nudity to tell a story with their bodies. The play contains scenes with simulated sex on stage. Actors living with HIV are encouraged to submit for all roles.
J.R. BRIDGES & MANNY BRIDGES (Doubles as both roles) - Both roles are Black, male identifying, 28. Thin frame as J.R. is battling AIDS. J.R. Bridges – Queer and conventionally “straight-passing.” Normally a highly animated and sexual being, but his recent AIDS diagnosis has turned him scared and angry. Expecting his first child, he’s determined to live long enough to see his son born. Manny Bridges – Queer. J.R. and Maxine’s son. Has a father-like quality that he tries to deny. He puts on a confident and happy front to disguise how much other’s diagnosis has affected his life. He hides this through drinking. J.R. is able to pass as straight to the world and Manny, comfortable embracing his natural femininity, embodies a very effeminate/“sissy” quality. Sings, as J.R.’s singing voice is referenced and displayed often. The actor must be comfortable with nudity (part one, scene nine; and part two, scene six).
MAXINE BRIDGES - Black, female identifying. Character is seen in her mid-twenties, then later in her mid-fifties. Queer and conventionally “straight-passing.” Married to J.R. and four months pregnant with his child. A highly loving and supportive wife who leans on humor but becomes very concerned about J.R.’s disease and what that means for their health and baby. J.R.’s diagnosis triggers her alcohol addiction.
ABDUL & ELIJAH (Doubles as both roles) - Both roles are Black, male identifying, late twenties. Abdul – Queer. A Muslim man, sympathetic and brotherly. The activist/organizer type who’s involved in the beginning stages of GMAD. Far more perceptive than his calm and subdued demeanor lets on. Elijah – Queer. In a relationship with Manny. Despite his deteriorating condition, he tries to remain as positive as he can, even though he’s prone to fits of frustration/anger. Given both characters in this track are battling AIDS, they are skinny. The actor must be comfortable with nudity (part one, scene nine; and part two, scene seven).
TROY & REGGIE (Doubles as both roles) - Both roles are Black, male identifying, late fifties. Troy – Queer. Corporate/Professional type. Acts as the voice of reason at GMAD, even if it means he must butt heads with the other members. He’s committed to documenting every moment of life before it’s lost. Troy is battling AIDS and is skinny-ish. Reggie – Queer. Hosts a haven for stranded LGBTQ people. Extremely caring and compassionate, if not a little lively and raunchy.
GRACE & EVE (Doubles as both roles) Both roles are Black, trans women, early twenties. Grace – Straight. A passionate transwoman, and very proud of it. Deep in Ballroom culture. She can read you for filth and empower you all in the same breath. She attends GMAD meetings to educate herself about AIDS due to many people in her House succumbing to the disease. Eve – Straight. A determined trans woman trying to get through college. She throws shade out of love. Is deeply concerned with Manny’s habits, and the ongoing epidemic.
MAN WITH A BASEBALL CAP/ERIC & TERRELL (Doubles as both roles) - Both roles are Black, male identifying, 18+ to play late teens. Eric – Black. Queer. Highly confident and a loud presence in any room. Eric is battling AIDS and is skinny-ish. Health is rapidly declining so he attends GMAD meetings for support and for a good kiki. Terrell – Queer. Flamboyant, banjee. Completely enraptured by his boyfriend to the point of being completely oblivious to the outside world. You know the type. The actor must be comfortable with showing bare buttocks (part one, scene five).
DOCTOR STEINBERG & ADAM - Both roles are White, male identifying, forties/fifties. Doctor Steinberg – Straight. He’s gentle but can be assertive about his practice and patients when he sees its necessary. Adam – Queer. A client of Manny’s. Sensitive and lonely. The actor must be comfortable with nudity (part two, scene six).
REVEREND EMMANUEL BRIDGES SR./RADIO ANNOUNCER - Male identifying, early-fifties and later early eighties, Black. Straight. A deeply religious and passionate man from Mississippi with grandiose prose. J.R.’s father.
Written by Harmon dot aut
Directed by Oliver Butler
Note from the creative team: Our creative team of neurodivergent and neurotypical artists are committed to creating an accessible and collaborative process during auditions as well as the production process for Tornado Tastes like Aluminum Sting. If there are access needs that you would like us to be aware of pertaining to the audition process or production process, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know at If there is terminology about you or your identity that you would like to utilize in your communication with our team, please let us know and you can expect the utmost respect of your personal identity preferences.
CHANTAL BUÑUEL (born Gil Agnew) – Any ethnicity. An Autistic, nonbinary kid (AMAB) with Synesthesia. Chantal at 19 and Chantal at 11, toggling back and forth at times between each age. Has an internal spark and energy that keeps them going in the face of adversity. The role has a reflective quality and can be played by an actor of any age. Like all roles in this play, they are centered by an amazing depth of love and have an ability to connect as a warm soul. Autistic/neurodivergent & gender nonconforming/trans actors are encouraged to audition.
DAD (Joseph Agnew) – Any ethnicity, mid to late 30s Chantal Buñuel’s father, always in cowboy boots. Doubles as the actor playing Dad in Part 3 and the Voice of 1st Rescuer. Naturally kind and has a stronger connection to Chantal. A military veteran with possible PTSD who has a traditional idea of his own masculinity and strength from a traditional background but also has an inherently gentle farmer quality. Like all roles in this play, he is centered by an amazing depth of love and has an ability to connect as a warm soul.
MOM (Sherri Agnew) – Any ethnicity, mid to late 30s - Chantal Buñuel’s mother, a kindergarten teacher. Doubles as the actor playing Mom in Part 3 and the Voice of 2nd Rescuer. Has a huge reserve of warmth but balanced with frenetic anxiety. A bit zany and very playful, she has a fair amount of personal anxiety and anxiety about her child, who she also loves deeply. Like all roles in this play, she is centered by an amazing depth of love and has an ability to connect as a warm soul.
Written by Paloma Nozicka
Directed by Kimberly Senior
CYNTHIA: 30-45 Female Identifying. Any ethnicity. An artist. Grounded but more attuned to mysticism and spirituality than her partner. In love with partner, Marc, but can be withholding as she is deeply protective of her mysterious past.
MARC (pronounced “Mark”): 30-45 Female Identifying. Any ethnicity. A psychiatrist. More pragmatic than her partner, Cynthia, she leans into her background as a psychiatrist to explain anything that may appear supernatural. In love with Cynthia and ready to settle down despite the mystery surrounding Cynthia’s past.
Written by Mark St. Germain
Based on the Memoir of the Same Name by Eddie Jaku
Directed by Ron Lagomarsino
EDDIE: A white man, 60-70s. Has the ability to recount disturbing and painful images from the Holocaust while still sharing a love and hopeful joy for humankind. Witty, charming, and deeply sincere.