BWW Review: THE CHERRY ORCHARD, Union TheatreMarch 21, 2018Phil Willmott's The Cherry Orchard picks up Chekhov's action and moves it forward a decade or so to 1917, when the balance of power in Russia was tilted rather differently.
BWW Review: A PRINCESS UNDONE, Park TheatreFebruary 27, 2018Princess Margaret brought to life by Felicity Dean in a production that promises more than it delivers about a tragic figure born a generation too early to change the Royal Family.
BWW Review: CARMEN 1808, Union TheatreFebruary 14, 2018Liberties have been taken with Bizet's opera, but none are diabolical, and what emerges is something which is sometimes less and sometimes more than its inspiration.
BWW Review: CYRIL'S SUCCESS, Finborough TheatreFebruary 6, 2018A little dated for sure, but with enough Ayckbourn (and even a touch of Fawlty Towers) to appeal to 21st century audiences, this is a pleasing, if unchallenging, evening's entertainment.
BWW Review: EUGENIUS, The Other PalaceFebruary 1, 2018Eugenius is funny, bursting with great songs and great performances and, if a little overly familiar in terms of plot and characters, forgivably so.
BWW Review: KEN, The BunkerJanuary 30, 2018Terry Johnson tells us of his lifelong friendship with Ken Campbell, an eccentric giant of English Theatre, in a funny, poignant and beautifully performed production.
BWW Review: EUGENE ONEGIN, Arcola TheatreDecember 20, 2017OperaUpClose condense and update Tchaikovsky's classic tragedy for a new space and a new culture, but never lose sight of its deep set Russian roots.