BWW Interview: David Haig Talks PRESSUREJuly 12, 2018David Haig, whose extensive acting career encompasses stage and screen, is currently starring in Pressure at the Ambassadors Theatre - a play that he also wrote.
BWW Review: DAISY PULLS IT OFF, Charing Cross TheatreJune 21, 2018The 80s West End hit is revived by the actor-musicians of the graduating class of Guildford School of Acting in a production that never quite settles on a tone that fits 2018 audiences' sensibilities.
BWW Review: THE LITTLE PONY, Cervantes TheatreJune 15, 2018Based on a true story, The Little Pony examines how two parents react to their child who clings to his pink backpack as the bullying, physical and psychological, piles up.
BWW Review: THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, Arcola TheatreJune 8, 2018The Daughter-in-Law bristles with working class reality buoyed by dialect and accent rooted in the Nottinghamshire pits - but the characters never emerge from that backdrop and the play leaves one with an unsatisfying sense of disbelief.
BWW Review: THE RINK, Southwark PlayhouseJune 1, 2018The Rink revives a show received with lacklustre reviews and box office in the 80s and, through two brilliant central performances and a showstopper setpiece, make it a hit.