BWW Review: ROSENBAUM'S RESCUE, Park TheatreJanuary 16, 2019Rosenbaum's Rescue compelling drama concerns itself with big questions (like what is truth) as they apply to a fractured family today and the interpretation of traumatic events in the past.
BWW Review: STOP AND SEARCH, Arcola TheatreJanuary 15, 2019Gabriel Gbadamosi's writing touches on many hot button topics for 2019, but it never quite finds the characters to lend credibility and, crucially, empathy, to his contemporary and important play.
BWW Review: THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, New Diorama TheatreJanuary 11, 2019I confess to entering the theatre with a sense of foreboding. The legend of Orson Wells' The War of the Worlds has been done to death - the radio broadcast that created panic across the USA, as people were convinced that Martians had landed in New Jersey. So what? It was over 80 years ago and we'd never fall for that these days...
BWW Review: A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Laban TheatreDecember 16, 2018To the beautifully appointed Laban Theatre on the banks of Deptford Creek (now a much sought after locale doncha know) for Trinity Laban's Christmas show, Thea Musgrave's A Christmas Carol.
2018 Year in Review: Gary Naylor's Best of TheatreDecember 16, 2018In 2018, I saw 101 productions ranging from black box theatres with more actors in the cast than punters in the stalls to huge productions at the Royal Opera House and London Coliseum.
BWW Review: TIMON OF ATHENS, RSC Swan TheatreDecember 14, 2018Timon of Athens, at times a clunky collaboration and a clunkier mix of verse and prose, has much to say about how money corrupts and how spoiling adults is about as advisable as spoiling children. There's something of King Lear about it - but probably not enough.
BWW Review: THE MESSIAH, The Other PalaceDecember 12, 2018The Messiah has charm and poignancy, but creaks under the weight of its 35 years, its brand of humour now dated by shows like The Play That Goes Wrong.
BWW Review: BRASS, Union TheatreNovember 11, 2018Brass brings the Great War's generation to life in a way that educates and entertains - real people emerging from the seemingly endless roll call of The Fallen.