In the dim confines of a vast subterranean facility, human beings survive in tiny, windowless ‘pods’ - constantly haunted by the murky and terrifying dangers beyond their rooms. Upstairs, obscure forces oversee this fragile existence; their true nature shrouded in mystery.
Charlie, a survivor, enters a new pod; reeling from a sudden and devastating tragedy. When a stranger unexpectedly takes up residence with her, the shattering events of the hours prior come into extreme and horrifying focus. Stay Here and Die With Me plunges us into the experiences of finality, trauma and healing - asking what exactly it takes to both survive and move forward in the face of overwhelming loss.
Blood of my Father (1/4/25-1/5/25)
Fresh Mountain Air (1/14/25-1/18/25)
Frenzy (WIP) (1/21/25-1/23/25)
Mirror Up Presents: Reflections (1/26/25-1/27/25)
Poor Shirley Must Make Her Escape (1/28/25-1/31/25)
With You (2/2/25-2/3/25)
Philos & Amica Do Time (WIP) (2/9/25-2/10/25)
Funeral Sandwiches (2/11/25-2/15/25)
We're Just Girls (2/23/25-2/24/25)
You Are What You Eat (3/4/25-3/8/25)
Fallen Angel (3/25/25-3/29/25)
Drayton Arms Theatre is at Drayton Arms Pub & Theatre, 153 Old Brompton Road, London, SW5 0 LJ, London.
The Christmas Quizpocalypse (12/19/24-12/20/24)
Comedy Extravaganza (12/17/24-12/18/24)
Squires (12/10/24-12/16/24)
Variations (12/8/24-12/9/24)
Knocked Conscious (12/3/24-12/7/24)
Death and the Cat (11/26/24-11/30/24)
Changing Rooms (11/24/24-11/25/24)
Ordnance (11/19/24-11/23/24)
Not a Big Boy (11/17/24-11/18/24)