News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: A Day in the Life of a Northwestern University Music Theatre student – Covid Edition
by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - March 12, 2021

I’m lucky enough to be studying theatre in a program that, even in normal times, is wonderfully unique. And while a global pandemic has of course brought its challenges, it’s made for an experience that is all the more innovative, varied, and surprising. To give you a glimpse, I’ll be taking you through my day as a Junior at Northwestern University, where I’m pursuing a B.A. in Theatre, along with a Music Theatre Certificate, and a World Literature minor.

Student Blog: More Than Just A Screen
by Student Blogger: David Lopena - March 12, 2021

“Though this past year has presented many challenges, we have it to thank for giving dance a new perspective and a new platform” says Jennifer. It may have taken some time to adjust and a lot of understanding to get to where we are now, but because of it we were still able to bring dance out there. Whether it’s a class, new choreography, a show, or just for the heck of it, the virtual world still allows artist to share and do what we do, making it more than just a screen…

Student Blog: 8 Albums and Discographies That NEED to be Turned into Jukebox Musicals - IMMEDIATELY!
by Student Blogger: Aingea Venuto - March 12, 2021

In a world where any jukebox musical is possible, here are 7 that might get your creative gears turning.

Student Blog:
by Student Blogger: Erika Spondike - March 12, 2021

Like many of us pursuing a theatre degree in a global pandemic, sometimes it seems like we’re getting the short end of the stick. Some schools have resorted to being entirely online, while others have been given the opportunity to pas-de-bourree back to campus into a new learning environment.

Student Blog: Every Single Tony Awards, Ranked
by Student Blogger: Emily Earle - March 12, 2021

This week, I was so sick I couldn’t get out of bed. What’s a neurotic theatre kid to do? Watch every Tony Awards that I could find, of course. Shout out to MsPoochSmooch.

Student Blog: Staying Safe in Studio
by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - March 12, 2021

This stereotype of the “tortured artist” is one that I grew up with as well, and it is one that I do not believe in. I do not think it’s necessary to harm yourself in order to create something meaningful..I am incredibly fortunate to be in a program with teachers I love and admire so much. The acting teachers I have had thus far in my time at ETW have been incredibly emphatic and supportive. I think they have effectively created safe spaces for their students. 

Student Blog: Types of Theatre Arts Classes I Recommend Taking
by Student Blogger: Kelly Schwantes - March 12, 2021

Whether you find them at your university or in your community, take advantage of these unique performance techniques!

Student Blog: 525,600 Minutes Later
by Student Blogger: Abigail Dobry - March 13, 2021

Friday, March 13th, 2020. A date I will remember for the rest of my life.

Student Blog: Take That Opportunity
by Student Blogger: Danielle Urban - March 11, 2021

I still to this day wrestle with myself, telling myself I have to be better than the next person, or at the very least, just don’t be last. I realize that the mindset only drags me down, when you compare yourself to other people you’ll never win, you’ll never see yourself in a place that’s alright, where it’s okay to not be good at everything and to just learn, to go along for the ride and learn.

Student Blog: The Big Event
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - March 11, 2021

I had never laid witness (let alone been a part of) a doomed show. It felt like being in the band on the Titanic. We had already hit the iceberg, the ship was about to split in two, and all we could do now was play our song like our lives depended on it. Watch our magnificent ship for as long as we could before it was submerged.

Student Blog: Underrated Musical Theater Songs to Brighten Your Day
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Lang - March 11, 2021

Yes, “She Used To Be Mine” and “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” will have you feeling like the main character you are, but sometimes we need a little pick-me-up to make the 11-o-clock number just that much more emotional.

Student Blog: The Future of Theatre...?
by Student Blogger: Jaclyn Hansen - March 11, 2021

It has officially been an entire year since the world shut down and the pandemic altered the way our society functions. It feels as if all of this madness had only just begun a few months ago. I remember being on my spring break last year receiving the unfortunate email stating that school would be moved online for the remainder of the spring semester. It was as if time had stopped and the only thought on my mind was: “What’s next?”

10 Student Blogs to Check Out This Week - March 8-12, 2021
by BWW News Desk - March 12, 2021

Read the latest from student bloggers Lydia, Claudia, Kyle, and more!

Student Blog: Women's Month: Fearless Women Breaking the Glass Ceiling
by Student Blogger: Meguire Hennes - March 11, 2021

In 2017, artist Kristen Visbal designed a statue known as Fearless Girl. The statue was originally scheduled to be standing for a single week, but after the public reacted so lovingly to it and what it stands for, Fearless Girl finds herself still standing strong after four years of appreciation from the public. You can find Fearless Girl standing firmly right outside the New York Stock Exchange, a business primarily inhabited by men. Fearless Girl stands for all the women who have experienced some sort of hardship when it comes to performing their jobs to the highest potential.

BWW Blog: Bringing Hope Through Theatre Series - Martín Acuña's Story
by Student Blogger: Bea Mienik - March 11, 2021

For this installment, I spoke to Martín Acuña, host of BACKSTAGE TALK podcast (@backstagetalkpod on Instagram), about his story and how he got involved with theatre.

Student Blog: Teen Beach Movie: The Next Broadway Musical
by Student Blogger: Bryce Romleski - March 15, 2021

Read why the iconic 2013 Disney Channel Original Movie, Teen Beach Movie, should be the next musical the hit the Broadway stage.

BWW Blog: And Then, It All Made Sense, Like Magic
by Student Blogger: Bea Mienik - March 12, 2021

'I always had a hard time explaining why I have such a strong attraction to theatre. My default answer, the one that everyone most enjoys hearing, was: 'because I want to inspire others.' It's true, of course, but it's not The Real Answer. The Real Answer, quite simply is, 'because there's no nonsense - everything is right there, as it is.'

Student Blog: No Rest for the Drowsy
by Student Blogger: Madalyn Macko - March 11, 2021

It is entertaining to reflect on the madness of a tech week, and rewarding to be reminded of the success brought by hard work. I will never be able to articulate fully just how grateful I am to be able to keep studying and performing in productions right now. The Drowsy Chaperone has been just a beacon of joy in my life, and I’m sure that extends to my peers and even our audience members.

Student Blog: Learning to Juggle
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - March 11, 2021

My final school supply list as a college student consisted of just two things: a book co-authored by the Dalai Lama and a pack of three Speevers juggling balls - complete with a carry case for convenient access! While I knew the book was for spiritual guidance (as I’m also taking a course aptly titled “The Art of Happiness”), I was skeptical

Student Blog: Spring Performance Season Heating Up - Frosty's World #11
by Student Blogger: Laura Frost - March 11, 2021

For a theater and arts lover, there is just too much to do on campus and too little time. Maybe grad school is the answer. That would also guarantee uninterrupted access to French fries at the Student Union!

Student Blog: Hip Hop and Theatre Belong Together
by Student Blogger: Cris Blak - March 10, 2021

In a world of ballads and dance breaks, beats and bars and breakdancing also has a place.

Student Blog: Block and Jerjian Present: Safe & Sound the Musical
by Student Blogger: Kyle Morales - March 10, 2021

Safe & Sound the Musical brings attention to mental health, self-love, toxic masculinity, equality and kindness. The character Love, played by Block, guides 3 characters toward rediscovering who they are by reconnecting them with their inner child.

Student Blog: 18 Songs for 18 Sondheim Shows (Part 1 of 3)
by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - March 9, 2021

When I was about 7, I saw the West Side Story movie for the first time, and I loved it. I memorized the entire script, snapped my way around the school yard during recess, you know, normal kid stuff. Even then, I remember thinking “hey, this Sondheim guy is pretty cool”.

Student Blog: Passion Always Finds Its Way
by Student Blogger: Claudia Quintero - March 9, 2021

In this blog, Claudia Quintero Franco a lucky, passionate Mexican girl shares how Passion Always Finds Its Way!

Student Blog: “Actors Can't Have Acne” (And Other Lies I've Believed)
by Student Blogger: Anna Demaria - March 10, 2021

The truth is, we all have something we don’t like about ourselves. Right now, that’s my skin. It’s a continual process to accept yourself. When I look back at my life, I’m sure I’ll regret all the time I wasted worrying about being “perfect.” There simply is no time to waste. So why not accept ourselves where we are at today?

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