News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: I Am Not Throwing Away my [Production] Shot
by Student Blogger: Kyle Ronkin - March 29, 2021

Whenever a camera is in front of me taking pictures of my performance, I can’t help but linger on a pose that I just KNOW will make an amazing photo. Even during rehearsals when we are blocking a scene, I occasionally think to myself “this would make for a great picture.”

Student Blog: Penn Playwright: An Interview with Bilal Morsi
by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - March 29, 2021

Penn student Bilal Morsi believes there is room to expand on public health in playwriting. He mentions that 'RENT focuses on a very specific intersection of society and health that artists haven’t had to confront in the same caliber until the current COVID-19 pandemic. How will the coronavirus story be told? I hope to be a part of that movement.'

Student Blog: A Letter to the Stage I Love
by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - March 29, 2021

At the end of the day, the moral of the story is that stage in Wallkill's auditorium gave me more than I never realized. And now, when I find myself missing the time I spent performing, I look back with fondness.

Student Blog: A Year and Counting
by Student Blogger: Breanna Ebisch - March 29, 2021

It has been over 365 days since COVID-19 turned our lives and the whole world upside down. 365 days of protecting ourselves and others. 365 days of adjusting to this new version of life that is missing a lot of components we are used to.

Student Blog: Dear Class of 2021
by Student Blogger: Claire Desenberg - March 29, 2021

The best advice I can give you is to listen to your heart (it’s about your heart and no one else’s) and go where it takes you, take risks even if you may fail, and don’t wait around for tomorrow to be the person you want or dream of being.

Student Blog: Tune-In to Tumminelli
by Student Blogger: Kyle Morales - March 26, 2021

Marc Tumminelli, Founder and Director of Broadway Workshop and Artistic Director of Project Broadway, has earned himself a new title as the creator and host of “LITTLE ME: Growing Up Broadway.'

Student Blog: Farewell Fugard
by Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - March 26, 2021

Unfortunately, The Fugard has been claimed as another casualty of COVID. This loss has impacted our theatre community immensely but now we can only look back on all the fond memories we have shared in that beautiful and historic building.

Student Blog: What Does Your Favorite Sondheim Musical Say About You?
by Student Blogger: Emily Brooks - March 26, 2021

None of Sondheim's innovative works is just like another – so which one in particular you gravitate towards can say a lot. So in good, lighthearted fun, in celebration of a genius’s birthday, I bring you a very unscientific analysis of what your favorite Sondheim musical says about you!

Student Blog: Live Theatre Experiences I Miss
by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - March 26, 2021

In honor of the recent announcements about NYC’s plan to help live theatre begin again (and getting my first Covid-19 vaccine today!), I have made a list, in no particular order, of some experiences that I cannot wait to experience again when live theatre and in-person theatre school returns!

Student Blog: To Write or Not To Write
by Student Blogger: Abigail Dobry - March 25, 2021

I love writing, but I must find the happy work for myself, not anyone else. I want to inspire, create, and reimagine the world through my writing while integrating personal joy to make it all worth it.

Student Blog: 18 Songs for 18 Sondheim Shows (Part 2 of 3)
by Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - March 25, 2021

In celebration of Stephen Sondheim’s 91st birthday, I’m continuing to compile a list of 18 Sondheim songs, one for each show he’s written!

Student Blog: Just Another Minute: An All-New Musical Celebrating Connection in An All-Virtual World
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Curnyn - March 25, 2021

Orson Welles once said that 'the enemy of art is the absence of limitations.' Creators of theatre, such as University of Delaware music students Tara O'Connor and Liz Vex, have proved this to be as true as ever during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student Blog: That's What We Missed on 'Glee'
by Student Blogger: Alexandra Lang - March 25, 2021

Since quarantine began, I’ve seen a lot of older fans revisit the show, as well as some new viewers getting into it for the first time, and my boredom drove me to follow the trend. While I enjoyed the nostalgia of re-watching my favorite moments, it was strange to view the show with adult eyes and realize just how much my perspective and opinions have changed.

Student Blog: You're More Than That Email
by Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - March 25, 2021

They make this our entire identity. All you hear in high school is how each class you take will look on your college application; how every award and activity you do will look on a resume. We put ourselves onto these pieces of paper, distill our very beings into easy-to-read bullet points, and then send them out into the world for judgment. For acceptance or rejection, quite literally.

10 Student Blogs to Check Out This Week - Musical Zodiac Signs, An Interview with Bret Shuford & More!
by BWW News Desk - March 26, 2021

Our student bloggers write about how they're coping with the current global health crisis, give insight on their school's performing arts programs, share their opinions on the latest theater news, and so much more. The importance of college friends, virtual cabarets coming together, Broadway zodiacs, and more-- read what our bloggers have written about this week!

Student Blog: The Feets That Were Hot
by Student Blogger: Madalyn Macko - March 25, 2021

There is joy that flourishes when ideas aren’t taken too seriously or evaluated hypercritically. Allowing the space to be silly and dancing in a way that creates joy breeds an infectious environment.

Student Blog: Comparing Cinderellas
by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - March 25, 2021

A few days ago, I read an article about Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new stage adaptation of Cinderella. There are few details on the story, but we do know that Emerald Fennell has written the book, and that Carrie Hope Fletcher is set to star. Due to the May reopening of the West End, the production recently dove back into rehearsals.

Student Blog: A Complete 180 Degree Flip
by Student Blogger: Grace Cutler - March 25, 2021

While their spins may be ‘doubles’ and their scenes may be tear-jerkers, I do not think any actor's performance education is complete without a technical theater background. At my university, every theater degree includes credits in production.

Student Blog: Enneagram and Broadway
by Student Blogger: Danielle Urban - March 24, 2021

As a disclaimer, these are not every trait of the types in the enneagram, just some of the ones I chose to highlight while doing this article. I really love the enneagram topic, but if you are basing yourself off the traits I write down, please take a more detailed test of the enneagram, you can find them online, and with that, let’s go!

Student Blog: Producing Virtual Theatre: Greater Giving 2021
by Student Blogger: Emily Earle - March 24, 2021

Each year, the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Psi Omega honor society presents Greater Giving, an entirely student run variety show. Ahead of this year’s upcoming virtual show, I spoke to Artistic Director Gabi Dwyer about her experience and what she’s learned about producing virtual theatre.

Student Blog: Hartt Junior Cabaret
by Student Blogger: Erika Spondike - March 24, 2021

Completely student-organized, about 2/3 of the junior MTs have banded together to show off our skills. We are so excited to upload and stream our work this Sunday, March 28th at 8pm EST.

Student Blog: A Swag Bag of Spring Entertainment - Frosty's World 12
by Student Blogger: Laura Frost - March 24, 2021

It is always encouraging to hear the stories of Baldwin Wallace University alumni who make it big in the arts field. Oh, and I forgot to list a critical Baldwin Wallace University campus hot tip.

Student Blog: Do You Hear the People Sing? Les Mis Songs Ranked
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - March 25, 2021

As a lifelong Les Mis fan, I decided it was time for me to share my Top 10 Les Mis songs with the world. Any guesses as to what made the cut?

Student Blog: Learning to Love the Self-Tape Era
by Student Blogger: Caitlin Carter - March 26, 2021

'I never dreamt that being an actor meant being on my phone or laptop every single day. But... it does. It doesn't have to be all bad, and let's face it, this is our reality now. I've submitted more self-tapes in the six months than I probably ever will in a such a short span of time. But I've grown immeasurably and learned countless lessons.'

Student Blog: An Organic Reflection on College Living as an Artist
by Student Blogger: Kelly Schwantes - March 23, 2021

This blog was going to be about something completely different, but once I started writing I realized that there were more important things I wanted to say and people I wanted to recognize. I was also listening to Benn Platt’s studio album, so go figure. This blog is dedicated to those eight magnificent people; go dawgs.

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