Amelia Campbell, who has an extensive career in film and television, also graced the Broadway stage in productions such as "Translations," showcasing her versatile acting talents. more...
Michael Cumpsty, known for his extensive Broadway career including a notable performance in "Translations," has also made his mark on television with roles in series such as "Boardwalk Empire" and "Nurse Jackie." more...
Dana Delany, known for her Emmy-winning role as Colleen McMurphy on "China Beach," brought her extensive acting experience to the stage in "Translations." more...
Brian Dennehy, who has an impressive career spanning film, theater, and television, was part of the Broadway production of *Translations*, showcasing his versatility and depth as an actor. more...
Mari Nelson, who played Moira in the past Broadway production of Brian Friel’s Translations alongside Brian Dennehy and Rufus Sewell, has an extensive and celebrated career in theater, film, and television. more...