Dylan Baker, known for his Tony and Drama Desk Award-nominated performance in La Bête, starred in the past productions of Mauritius, November, and God of Carnage on Broadway. more...
Louise Edeiken, a versatile singer and actress, was most recently seen on Broadway in "Phantom of the Opera," and has a rich history of creating roles in notable venues such as BAM, the Kennedy Center, and Playwrights Horizons. more...
Kecia Lewis, who played Miss Liza Jane, made a memorable impact with her role in the original company of Dreamgirls, directed by Michael Bennett, marking the beginning of an illustrious career on Broadway and beyond. more...
Tamara Tunie, renowned for her long-standing roles on "As the World Turns" and "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," brought her exceptional talent to the big screen in films like "Rising Sun" and "The Devil's Advocate," and was notably recognized with an Independent Spirit Award nomination for her performance in "The Caveman's Valentine." more...