Billy Crudup, who earned a Drama Desk nomination for his role in the Roundabout Theater’s production of "Three Sisters," has an illustrious career spanning both stage and screen, including an Emmy-winning performance in Apple’s "The Morning Show." more...
Calista Flockhart, renowned for her Golden Globe-winning role in "Ally McBeal," brought her acclaimed talent to the stage in a past production of "The Three Sisters." more...
Eric Stoltz, a versatile actor and director with a rich background in both theatre and film, brought his extensive experience to the stage in a past production of The Three Sisters. more...
David Strathairn, who appeared on Broadway in the 1997 production of "Three Sisters," has built an illustrious career spanning theater, television, and film, with standout roles such as Edward R. Murrow in "Good Night, And Good Luck" (2005). more...