Elizabeth Franz, a highly respected actress with a distinguished career in theater, film, and television, delivered a memorable performance in the 1996 Roundabout Theatre Company production of "The Cherry Orchard." more...
Ruby Holbrook, remembered for her roles in The Goodbye Girl, All My Children, and The Man Who Came to Dinner, was a talented actress who graced the stage in past productions of The Cherry Orchard before her passing in December 2018. more...
Diane Lane last graced the New York stage in the New York Shakespeare Festival's production of The Cherry Orchard at the Vivian Beaumont Theater, showcasing her versatile talent that spans both theater and film. more...
Irene Worth, a British actress celebrated for her extensive career on stage, film, and television, brought her formidable talent to "The Cherry Orchard" in the past, further solidifying her legacy as a versatile and dedicated performer. more...