Glenn Fleshler, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including his role in "Stuff Happens," has also graced Broadway stages in productions like "The Merchant of Venice" and "Spring Awakening." more...
Zach Grenier, a versatile actor known for his extensive work on both stage and screen, brought his remarkable talent to the cast of "Stuff Happens," adding depth and nuance to the production with his seasoned performance. more...
Peter Francis James, who portrayed Colin Powell in the New York Public Theater's production of "Stuff Happens" (earning OBIE, Drama Desk, and Lucille Lortel Awards), has an extensive career spanning Broadway, film, and television. more...
Byron Jennings, who has an extensive career in both film and theatre, was part of the cast of "Stuff Happens" in an Off-Broadway production, showcasing his versatility across various mediums. more...
Ken Marks, who portrayed a role in *Stuff Happens* at the Public Theater, has an extensive career with notable performances on Broadway in productions such as *Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark* and *Hairspray*, as well as recurring TV roles in series like “Elementary” and “The Exorcist.” more...
David Pittu, known for his versatility on stage and screen, brought his extensive experience to the cast of "Stuff Happens," showcasing his dynamic range in this politically charged play. more...
Jay O. Sanders, who has an extensive career in theater, film, and television, was part of the cast of "Stuff Happens" in the past, showcasing his versatility and depth as an actor. more...
Thomas Schall, a seasoned actor with over 60 Broadway credits including The Crucible and Death of a Salesman, brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of "Stuff Happens," showcasing his versatility in a production that delved into the political landscape of the past. more...
Robert Sella, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including a notable performance in "Stuff Happens" at The Public Theater, brings a wealth of experience from stage to screen. more...