Tracie Bennett, a distinguished actress with an impressive West End resume including "She Loves Me," has garnered multiple accolades such as two Olivier Awards, showcasing her exceptional talent and versatility in the theater world. more...
Ruthie Henshall, whose illustrious career includes starring in beloved musicals such as She Loves Me, has made history as the only British actress to play all three leading female roles in Chicago in the West End. more...
Ashley Knight, who covered the role of Sipos in "She Loves Me" at the Savoy Theatre, has had a diverse career spanning theatre, television, and music, currently appearing as Hospital Ghost in "Ghost the Musical" at Piccadilly Theatre. more...
Anita Pashley, a distinguished graduate of Bush Davies Schools, has showcased her versatility and talent in the West End, notably taking on the roles of both Amalia and Ilona in "She Loves Me" at the Savoy Theatre on numerous occasions. more...