Jocelyn Bioh (MCC's School Girls..., "She's Gotta Have It") returns with a new romantic comedy directed by Saheem Ali (Sugar in our Wounds, Fireflies). It's the 1990s and in Lagos, Nigeria, the Nollywood film industry is exploding and taking the world by storm. Ayamma dreams of stardom while working at more...
her parents' travel agency alongside her lovable and celebrity-obsessed sister Dede. When Ayamma lands an audition for a new film by Gbenga Ezie, Nigeria's hottest director, she comes head-to-head with Gbenga's former leading lady, Fayola. Tensions flare just as sparks start flying between Ayamma, the aspiring ingenue, and Wale, Nollywood's biggest heartthrob, in this hilarious new play about dreaming big.