Braden Danner, who portrayed Kurt in "Sound of Music" and Tiny Tim in "A Christmas Carol" at St. Bart's, also boasts an impressive recording credit with the Original Broadway Cast of "Les Miserables" under Geffen Records. more...
Louise Edeiken, who created a role in the original Broadway production of *Nine*, has had an illustrious career spanning performances on Broadway, prestigious opera houses, and international concert stages. more...
Linda Kerns, a versatile talent known for her work as an actor, singer, director, and music director, was part of the original Broadway cast of "Nine," and has also graced the stage in productions like "Big River" and national tours of "Les Miserables," "Wicked," and "Beauty and the Beast." more...
Anita Morris, renowned for her sultry voice and magnetic stage presence, earned critical acclaim and a Tony Award nomination for her unforgettable portrayal of the seductive Carla in the 1982 Broadway musical "Nine," based on the life of Italian film director Federico Fellini. more...
Camille Saviola made her Broadway debut in 1982's Nine, where she played Mama Maddelena and understudied the role of Saraghina, before going on to a diverse career in film and television. more...