Matt Allen, who previously showcased his versatile talent in Broadway productions such as "Something Rotten" and "Honeymoon in Vegas," brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of "NEWSical The Musical." more...
Kim Cea, known for her dynamic performances at venues like Joe's Pub and The Zipper Theatre, brought her comedic talent to the cast of NEWSical, showcasing her versatility as a performer. more...
Jeff Skowron, a classically trained actor with a rich history of Broadway performances, including roles in *The Lion King* and *Beauty and the Beast*, showcased his versatility in *Newsical*. more...
Alena Watters, who previously showcased her talents in the Off-Broadway production of NEWSical, has an impressive resume that includes originating roles on Broadway in shows such as Mrs. Doubtfire, The Cher Show, and Sister Act. more...