Jeannie Berlin, best known for her Academy Award-nominated role in the 1972 comedy film The Heartbreak Kid, brought her considerable talent to the stage in After the Night and the Music. more...
Joanna Glushak, who has graced the Broadway stage in numerous leading roles including "After the Night and the Music," brings a wealth of experience from her extensive career in theater, television, and beyond. more...
Eddie Korbich, known for his extensive Broadway credits including a Drama Desk nomination for The Drowsy Chaperone, also starred in After the Night and the Music, showcasing his versatile talent in this memorable production. more...
Deirdre Madigan, known for her Broadway roles in "A Delicate Balance" and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", also graced the stage in "After the Night and the Music," bringing her extensive experience from both theatre and television to the production. more...