A black absurd comedy that will make you laugh and cry at the same time, with humour that knows no limits. It narrates the story about the end of the Cherry Age and decline of civilization.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe‘s literary works have inspired numerous artists, including composers. The most acclaimed operas based on them are Ambrois Thomas’s Mignon, Charles Gounod’s Faust and Jules Massenet’s Werther.
Cinderella is coming to the National Theatre in Prague. The production is characterised by a refined neoclassical style and blending of dance with the visual component.
L'Histoire de Manon is now playing at the National Theatre in Prague. The show made its Czech premiere on 20 February 2025 at the State Opera. Learn more here!
Divadlo J. K. Tyla v Plzni prokazuje svou volbou inscenace odvahu. SIX není ledajaký muzikál. Jedná se o podívanou ve stylu popového koncertu, battlu. Pro její úspěch přizvalo do sestavy několik zkušených muzikálových hereček, a to i z dalších českých měst.
A loose adaptation of the Aeschylus’ trilogy in a contemporary modern take by British playwright Robert Icke, a monumental, layered drama that strongly and cruelly reflects the present situation.
bpm is coming to the National Theatre in Prague this weekend. The production features Sharon Eyal’s globally acclaimed BILL, Yemi A.D.’s BOHEMIAN GRAVITY and Eyal Dadon’s ARTZA.
Although written to a French libretto in Paris, Médée clearly reveals his having been inspired by Italian music music, thus being a direct precursor of Rossini’s, Donizetti’s and Bellini’s operas.
In The Cunning Little Vixen, Leoš Janáček, almost 70 years of age at the time, gave vent to his love for ever-regenerating Nature, of which human and animal individuals alike are merely temporary, yet wonderful and precious, parts.
In January and February 2025, the State Opera will commemorate the great work of Giuseppe Verdi with the operas Nabucco, Macbeth, Rigoletto, La traviata, Aida and Otello.
One More Minute is coming to the National Theatre in Prague beginning this month. Learn more about the upcoming performances and find out how to get tickets here!
Madame Bovary is now playing at the National Theatre in Prague. Performances continue through next year. Learn more about the production and find out how to get tickets here!
In Our Hands comes to the National Theatre in Prague this week. Performances begin in December 2024 and continue through June 2025. Learn more about the show here!
Platee comes to the National Theatre in Prague this week. Performances continue through 23 November 2024 at the State Opera. Learn more about the production here!!
In this blog post I discuss the perks and pitfalls of studying theatre abroad!
Muzikál Beetlejuice přichází na scénu Hudebního divadla Karlín jen pár let po své broadwayovské premiéře. Muzikál z pera Eddieho Perfecta vychází ze stejnojmenného snímku Tima Burtona z roku 1989. Zároveň zrovna letos vyšlo i pokračování tohoto snímku opět v režii Tima Burtona. V tomto ohledu je načasování uvedení muzikálu ideální.
Sarka is coming to the National Theatre in Prague this weekend. Performances begin on 9 November 2024. Learn more about the show and find out how to get tickets here!
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk comes to the National Theatre in Prague this week. The performance is on 23 October.
Na Nové scéně Divadla J. K. Tyla v Plzni přichystali v letošní sezóně první mimopražskou inscenaci jednoho z nejslavnějších českých muzikálů Dracula. Tento muzikál z pera Karla Svobody, Zdeňka Borovce a Richarda Hese se zde hraje v kompletně nové inscenaci včetně nové instrumentalizace Kryštofa Marka.
The Sun, the Moon and the Wind comes to the Estates Theatre this month. Inspired by Slavonic mythology and Božena Němcová’s fairy tale, the story is about heroines who can take care of themselves.
V září byla ve Státní opeře odehrána první operní premiéra sezóny 2024/2025 v Národním divadle. Touto operou byl Verdiho Otello na libreto Arriga Boita podle slavného dramatu Williama Shakespeara. Jak se tento náročný kus v novém provedení povedl?
The Land of Body comes to the National Theatre in Prague. The production is conceived as a movement and visual poem celebrating the human body perceived as a metaphor for landscape.
One of the most popular 20th–century operas, Der Rosenvavalier (The Knight of the Rose) was created by the German composer Richard Strauss in collaboration with the Austrian writer, dramatist and librettist Hugo von Hoffmansthal.
Jenufa is coming to the National Theatre in Prague this week. Performances will take place on 11 and 16 September 2024.
The National Theatre Opera ensemble has performed Bedřich Smetana's The Bartered Bride at the prestigious Savonlinna Opera Festival in Finland. The first of three performances directed by Alice Nellis and under the baton of Jaroslav Kyzlink took place on 27 July 2024 at Olanvinlinna Castle and was watched by 1,300 spectators.
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Images of Love - black light theatre
HILT black light theatre Prague (10/3 - 12/31)
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