Set against the backdrop of the Mediterranean, Shakespeare's The Tempest unfolds a tale of magic and intrigue, highlighted by the powerful character of Prospero, portrayed by Jacob Challenger. Directed by Douglas C. Wager, this production features a talented cast including Ella Gosner as Miranda and Alisia Alvarez as Ariel. With its blend of fantasy and humor, the play explores themes of justice and redemption, making it a compelling and accessible experience for the audience. The Tempest will be staged at the Tomlinson Theater from December 5th to 8th, promising an engaging theatrical adventure.
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Keswick Theatre (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
Benjamin Bagby & Sequentia: Gregorius – The Holy Sinner
Penn Live Arts (1/30 - 1/30) | ||
Minty Fresh Circus
Penn Live Arts (1/31 - 2/1) | ||
The Nursery by Clifford Odets
The Sam Theater at The Flea (9/24 - 9/24) | ||
Anastasia The Musical
Abington Senior High School (2/27 - 3/1) | ||
Finding a theatrical stage play writer. By Lisa Montalto
Dixon Place (9/24 - 9/24) | ||
Ensemble Arts [Academy Of Music] (1/8 - 1/19) | ||
The Irish and How They Got That Way
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