Walloomsac River Theatre Company Presents Villains' Cabaret Auditions!
Auditions: Friday September 29, 6-8pm
Performances: Friday October 27 and Saturday October 28 (Times TBA)
Both Auditions and Shows will take place at Second Congregational Church, UCC - 115 Hillside St. Bennington, VT
The premier WRTC Villains' Cabaret, directed by local Emily Ranttila, is a two-night event, with unique shows and activities each night, all centered around your favorite villains'!
Up to two songs can be auditioned, and must fit the themes below. One song can also be performed both nights, if it fits the theme.
Acts MUST be from a musical show or movie.
NO full scenes, please. Start crafting your greatest costumes (for the performance). Solos, duets, or trios encouraged!
**You are highly encouraged to audition whether you can perform one night or both!**
Night 1, October 27 - Villains Jr. Cabaret
Bring your best act for all ages!
Night 2, October 28 - Villains Cabaret
Summon your dark, spooky, PG-13 acts!
**Final Acts will be Announced by October 6th**