Fly By Night Productions are seeking an actor 40-70 to portray Sol in their upcoming holiday production, Voices of Christmas which tells the story of a 1940s radio studio performing “A Christmas Carol” live on Christmas Eve.
Despite numerous technical and interpersonal issues, the show comes to life as the employees all find their needed redemption. Sol is an eccentric, loveable man of the theater whose lifelong obsession was to play Quixote 100 times but fell just 1 short. He reads Jacob Marley and another small role during the radio broadcast sections.
We are a travelling company with 6 shows booked during the month of December in Suffolk and Nassau. Auditions will take place October 9 and 10 from 7-9pm at Sweetbriar Nature Center, 62 Eckernkamp Rd in Smithtown.
Please e-mail for add’l info and to reserve your audition slot. Readings will be from the script.